Thoughts on Rush Limbaugh

by dawg 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    Thanks for reminding me of that one Frozen. That was a really mean and heartless Rush move. I don't give a darn how you feel about the adult players, picking on children is just despicable.

  • dogisgod

    Is Ann Coulter really Rush Limbaugh in drag?

  • beksbks

    Or Vice Verse???

  • worldtraveller

    The difference here is that Maher, Olberman, Stewart, Colbert, and the rest don't take themselves so seriously. Limbaugh and that other idiot Beck, actually believes all the bs they go on about.

    The sad part is the Republicans haven't had an original idea since Ronald Reagan. At least he kept religion out of politics for the most part. The debt was under control then if I can remember too.

  • beksbks

    Only because he put it all on credit. Just like the current admin.

  • watson

    The liberal leaners are going to love this....

    If it weren't for Rush, there would be no FOX News Network, at least not as it is today.

    Libs and Cons, chew on that just a little before you start cursing me.


  • 5go
    If it weren't for Rush, there would be no FOX News Network, at least not as it is today.

    So you are saying that without Rush, Rupert Murdoch would not have see an untapped market and slant his news and information to attract that untapped market.

    So what point will you concede too. Fox News is biased and manipulates is news to fit it's ideology versus the rest of the News Media's lack of real political bias left or right, or Rush didn't really start anything Fox News reports the real news as it happens.

  • watson

    What I'm saying is that when Rupert saw the success of Rush, he realized that there was a huge conservative audience that appreciated hearing someone that would counter the liberal bias of the media at that time. If you say that the "other" news media is no longer slanted either way, then you make a valid case for Rush and Fox. Rush may lose his relevance over time, and whether you like him or not, he found a need and filled it. His influence on the media is immeasurable.


  • dawg

    I've read all your posts... USC, and JC guy.. I like the the fact that we have conservatives out there, and there have certainly been some great, and I mean off the charts great conservative presidents...Ike is one of my all time favorites... he called out the military industrial complex long ago and he was right.

    I like John McCain, I'm not voting for him, but I do like him...and if he becomes President, I feel he'll do a great job...

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    Ike is one of my all time favorites

    Did you know that Eisenhower's parents were Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Eisenhower's family originally belonged to the local River Brethren sect of the Mennonites. However, when Ike was five years old, his parents became followers of the WatchTower Society, whose members later took the name Jehovah's Witnesses. The Eisenhower home served as the local WatchTower meeting Hall from 1896 to 1915, when Eisenhower's father stopped regularly associating due to the WatchTower's failed prophesies that Armageddon would occur in October 1914 and 1915. Ike's father received a WatchTower funeral when he died in the 1940s. Ike's mother continued as an active Jehovah's Witness until her death. Ike and his brothers also stopped associating regularly after 1915. Ike enjoyed a close relationship with his mother throughout their lifetimes, and he even used a WatchTower printed Bible for his second Presidential Inauguration. In later years, Eisenhower was baptized, confirmed, and became a communicant in the Presbyterian church in a single ceremony on February 1, 1953, just weeks after his first inauguration as president. In his retirement years, he was a member of the Gettysburg Presbyterian Church in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

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