One Year on JWD...the Journey of Snakes continues...

by SnakesInTheTower 46 Replies latest members private

  • brinjen


    I love reading your threads & posts, I'm glad you're here. It's been quite a ride for you over the last year, I'm glad things are settling down. You've come a long way, I'm getting the sense from your posts of late that you've found peace with yourself, you're much more relaxed than you were when you first began posting.

    I've been doing some part time study myself, just a Business II Certificate, mind numbing simple course, kinda disappointed with it in a way.

    But I really only started it to get me back into the routine of study so I could go onto bigger and better things. Juggling whether or not to just do an art course or go the whole hog and try for something like a Bachelor of Multimedia. It's amazing the amount of people who are studying at the moment, good to see too.

    BTW, how's your daughter doing? ()

  • Hortensia

    thanks for the synopsis. I have to say I enjoy your posts and felt bad when you threatened not to post any more.

  • BabaYaga

    Awesome Snakes... (and I for one, am not only grateful of your posts, but also grateful that your early sign-on was changed from sankes!!! I always thought of Sanka coffee!!!)

    How completely marvelous. What a year indeed. Yes... it would really be something to be an ex-ex... wouldn't it? I can't imagine that right now. It took me too many years to get angry (I had been out for 20 years but I still made excuses for them and did not do any research or speak ill of them at all.) So now I'm just going along at my own pace to heal (and aren't we all?)

    Cheers, Man. You've come one hell of a long way. What a difference a year makes.


    p.s. (where's my medal?)

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll


  • natasha wench
    natasha wench

    Congrats Snakes....I'm new here, and what a great first post to read. Life's a journey....enjoy the trip!!

  • mimimimi

    Good for you. Life away from the Borg, for me, at least, just gets better and better.

    Oh, yeah, my husband and I think you should take up motorcycle riding.

  • memario

    Snakes I just wanted to say "thanks for sticking around". I know where your coming from. The diffenece is that you were with both feet and up to your neck "in it". LOL And it's hard after that amount of time to make a 180 and "learn" how to live again. I too have problems letting go as it is still fresh for me but I faded with the knowledge of still believing it was the troof. But we, as BB stated it, " we all progress at different speeds." I have always enjoyed your posts and in time you will move on and enjoy life and know your way. This forum is a stepping stone for the rest of our lives. As weird or as disfunctional as we are here we need them as much as they need us. I have made the personal lives of people here open my eyes. The treatment of fellow witnesses that where "trying" to hard to impress a man made cult, as I think about it it REALLY is a man made religion. It makes poeple mad to think that they did not have to think anymore for themselves and we all need help learning how to. What a sales pitch EH?

    Please keep posting because you are a valuable member here in the loonie bin


    *edited to add* Yes you would look like a real badass on a motorbike as mimimimi stated

  • Eliveleth
    By reading those first few posts, I can tell that I was still quite afraid of being "outed" by someone locally.

    Let me say something about the former...."dismay of some." I

    know that I have said things on this forum you don't agree with. I have been told, ironically enough, that I am not being "reasonable" (where have I heard that before?)

    Dear Snakes,

    Thank you so much for posting your story. My husband was an elder from 1945 until he stepped down in 1981. While he was an elder, he seldom told me anything about the JCs that he was on. But after we got out, he told me that many of the committee members were very quick to judge, which bothered him quite a bit over the years.

    There is a lot of politics going on in the congregation of JWs, but this is true of churches, and the work place, as well as just about everything else on this planet.

    People of principle find it hard to be part of the "powers that be".

    I remember when I started posting. Not sure when that was. I was not afraid of anyone from the WT knowing I was here, but I was a little scared that people would not accept me for who I am.

    Fortunately the people here are wonderful people. I believe you should totally be yourself, saying what you believe and not hiding your feelings or your thoughts. We should all be free to agree or disagree and still love one another. What a kind and loving thing to do for your mother. Sometimes doing a fade is harder than just quitting. By doing this you are not putting her in a position to violate her conscience, which is a big deal.

    Congratulations on your first year. Looking forward to many to follow.

    Love and hugs,


  • ssrriotsquad

    Do I get a MeTal for reading all of that?

    I know of several people that went though the stages such as yourself by either by drawing away or quitting altogether, or just taking the backseat and releviing themselves with the politics that really do go on. I have also seen some that were going places and something from out of nowhere knocks them back to the ground (if not lower). It's quiet amazing too when you were within the boys club at one stage, they try and keep you there. It maybe due to secrets that may get out that they are afraid of.

    All I can say is be true to yourself and those whom you love. As once a Prime Minister of Australia once said "Life wasn't meant to be easy!" He should've been in the Borg for a while. Then those words will truly have deeper meaning.

    All the best!

  • monophonic

    wow, your fade was a lot more recent than i thought.

    congrads for standing up for what you believe....i know some here feel they need to DA themselves to stand up for it, but the work it takes to leave and keep some of those life long relationships possibly open for discussions on the propaganda they're under is good, as well as the social indoctrination, which affects us all on certain levels.

    it's great you're going to school. i went to school for communications before getting 'saved and brought back before i banged every college girl on campus', b/c that's what college is. :)

    i worked in IT during the dot com and made a TON of money, and spent a TON of money. i was young, being in tech was a really shitty career move for me b/c it's a corporate atmosphere and sometimes reminded me of the idiocy of being at the KH.

    i left the tech industry before the dot bomb and have worked hard in a more artistic field ever since. the pay is lower, but the soul pay is way higher.

    if you're still bouncing around on what to major in, many companies don't give a crap what you got your bachelor's in, just as long as you got the degree and can do the job (wait, many care, but in th end all that really matters is connecting with the potential manager, the HR can get their teets wet that you have a degree) i highly suggest a major like philosophy or psychiatry....both of which you wouldn't believe will help you in business if you want them too, but your thinking will be outside the box of the millions who get business degrees.

    i've had friends who went for MBAs and were deeply unsatisfied that they went that route, but by the time they were too far in, they had to complete it, get jobs they hated and make a lot of money.

    imo opinion, time and love for what you do is worth more than a big paycheck any day....those who haven't been in the position of making a lot of money don't understand that since, especially in the USA, we're bombarded with bling that we don't need or use.

    that's just my experience. whatever your school choice, congrads and know i'm proud of you for's not the easiest thing in the world.

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