MAgnesium and my migraine

by Vivamus 16 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • wednesday

    ((( Viv)))I have had migraines for years. .. someone spoke to me and well- they may as well been speaking Pig Latin- I could not understand one word. I was frightened. Then the headache and nausea began.I was vomiting for hours. I called the neuro and he said 'atypical migraine".

    I like magnesium for many things. I use it along with meds for muscle spams and relaxation(anxiety). you can get too much. goggle excessive magnesium and that should give some info. the balance of magnesium and calcium must be correct.

    I have tried so many things. I find a ibuprofen 800 mg -1 or 2 or them at the start of a migraine help. Also I have taken a fluid pill at the start of one. ( swelling in brain tissues to). Also, I have taken an antihistamine . (allergies can cause migraines, as can food allergies)

    I believe the winning combo one night was

    fluid pill, 800 mg x2 ibuprofen, allerga 180 .. My choice for quick relief is Imitrex nasal spray. I believe zomig has a nasal spray too. I have found that opiates seldom provide much relief.

    some people use depakote as a preventive medicine. also topamax is being used like that too.

    magnesium can be very powerful. they use it IV to stop seizures.

    hope you get some relief soon..

  • Es

    Hope it helps with the migraines, there is nothing worse, I have just started taking magnesium myself in a drink form it tastes horrible but I can def feel the benefits, Im taking it coz Im suffering from sciatica type pain due to pregnancy.

    All the best


  • RebelWife

    Have you tried feverfew? It worked for me and a couple of other people I know who tried it. It won't get rid of a migraine, though. It tends to prevent them, which is even better, but not much good while you're having one.

  • WTWizard

    I have heard that magnesium works on headaches, by relaxing things. It seems more effective on common tension headaches (one day, instead of an aspirin or advil, try taking two 250 mg magnesium tablets and see if they work.

    There is a very good possibility of toxic buildup in your body if you are regularly having migraines. I can remember getting the warning symptoms (though the headaches were either a no-show or a very vague, feeling-tired headache that was no worse than being tired). But never a sensitivity to light once the initial warning is done. Then one day I took a couple of cleanses (and they were not very high end cleanses, either) and have not had one of those "warnings" in more than 2 years.

    Of course, there is no guarantee that cleansing will work. You need a colon cleanse (and they do not have to be the type that will give you diarrhea, either--dandelion tea seems to be good enough). Cleansing your liver will also help--spirulina, milk thistle, dandelion tea, and alpha lipoic acid are among the foods and supplements that do this. Other cleanses can be found online--as always, I recommend searching for at least three independent sources for best results, though most of them are at worst a waste of money.

    And, I know of someone in the congregation that I used to go to that has migraines. This person also eats lots of TV dinners (which are loaded with monosodium glutamate). Pioneering also hurts, since most pioneers also eat fast "food" every day for lunch. All the stress of being a witless, plus getting all that poison all the time, can aggravate a tendency for migraines. If you check your food ingredient labels and notice you tend to get migraines when eating certain foods, look for the following items:
    Monosodium glutamate, hydrolyzed protein, autolyzed yeast, yeast extract, gelatin, textured protein, sodium/calcium caseinate, and the ingredients disodium guanylate/disodium inosinate (always used in conjunction with MSG). And, if you consume aspartame, that too could set off a nasty headache.

    Again, there is no guarantee that these steps will reduce or eliminate your headaches. However, they are good for general health. Reducing or eliminating that glutamate and aspartame will protect your brain at the very least, and can help with ADD disorder as well. At the very least, you will have the assurance that you are being proactive in managing your problem--natural remedies can be used along with allopathic (drug) medicine, or alone. Either way, there is a pretty good chance of seeing your migraines getting less severe or frequent with some or all of the above.

  • lesterd

    I was having prism like light in my eyes, like those crystals we watched growing in science class. Headaches did accompany them but not what I would consider really bad, optomolygist diognosed them a mirgraines, I didnt not ask for meds, I will have to look into the magnesium though. Hope you find relief soon.

  • Vivamus

    Sorry to reply so late, I have been having some bad days.


    Pec Thank you

    DarcUncle : Uhmmm, accupuncture freaks me out. I've done it, several times, cuz I will try everything ... but when the man puts needles in my eyebrows, face, mouth and neck ... I freak out. Can't help it, I feel very stupid about it ... but can't help it. As for massage therapy : Since 3 weeks I have a weekly massage therapy session. I have had mixed results so far.

    Berean, Glad you found something that halps you. It's a trial and error path and I'm still lookin

    Sheri, wow, I admit that cold-hot showers is not something I would have thought off. I do tend to jump into a hot shower but as I am one that is always cold-to-the-bone ... I did not do the cold shower thing. But I'll try it, thanx for the tip.

    Seawolf, thank you . My neck seems to be fine according to various doctors. Tho I do have very tense muscle there (cuz I tense up due to headache), the massage therapy works on that, as does the osteopath.

    Hortensia, it's no way but I'm trying to hang in there .... thank you for the well wishes.

    Snoozy, what you discribe is an aura, but it can come in many ways. Mine was and always is accompanied by a headache. It is very rare to have one without a headache - consider yourself lucky!

    Wednesday, dont know what to say ... I feel for you. I have "winning" combo's as well when it comes to pain relief. But the down side of it is the effcet it has on organs in the long run ... and the sickness, groggyness in the short run. But ... anything to get rid of the pain....

    Es, I have capsules .. a drink sounds gross, maybe you can switch to pills too?

    Rebelwife, feverfew is not availbale here in the Netherlands (as far as I know). I have read about it tho online and am considering asking a friend to send me some.

    WTwizard, I'll try that, the 500mg of magnesium instead of asperine (on a light day). As for the cleansing, I have done that a few years ago, but it would be good to do that again since I am a walking medicine bottle (I joke that if I die now the ground will be toxic for years to come).

    Lesterd, I hope that they will never get severe for you

  • sass_my_frass

    Here's hoping...

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