Joy Or Sorrow When You First Found Out It Was False?

by serotonin_wraith 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • serotonin_wraith

    For me, it was joy. I was raised in the religion, and I always figured I'd be dying along with 6 billion others because I hated the meetings, the preaching work and the rules, morality and threats of 'Jehovah'. I did not want it to be true.

    For others here, finding out it was false was a hard time to go through.

    As well as asking which feelings you had at first (joy/sorrow/or add your own) I have a follow up question for those who found it hard- What was it that made the impending deaths of 6 billion people okay for you? Did you really think everyone else was 'evil' and deserved death? Did you not think on it too much, left it in God's capable hands? Something else?

    I know most of us say we're glad it is false now, so if it was hard facing reality at first, what was your mind making of all the things we now see as negative when you were a part of it?

  • mrsjones5

    Happy Happy Joy Joy

  • dinah


  • amen

    At first, it was sadness because i realized that i had been had by the watchtowers, 5 minutes later i was overjoyed, knowing christiandom was a lot closer to the truth then society.


  • VoidEater


  • dawg

    I was happy as hell, but the next minute I was wondering what the hell was wrong with my family... good goobly wook, it was obvious this was shit so why was I the only one that figured it all out?

  • oompa

    crushed to the bitter core.........40+ years of brainwashing is hard to overcome.......I now have no real hope for the future, and at least I had that...........I feel lost.........even those awful Christendom faiths, and pagans have hope for life after death....I have nothing, and am left with a miserable life with JW family at this point................................................................oompa

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I was releaved at first, the whole world seemed open to me.

    But then one day I came across my childrens blood cards. And I realized that I would have let my children die for a man made cult (not even a very good one).

    That was an awful day, I ranted and raved, my poor non JW boyfriend was beside himself. he kept saying "you wouldn't have done it, I know you wouldn't have done it". But I knew for a fact that I would have. I was a true believer.

    Life is soooo much better know, but there are things that I miss. Like being absolutely certain about my beliefs. I'm not certain of anything anymore.

    And I know thats the more healthy way, but I miss being sure.

  • oompa

    BTW....could only ever believe God would not really kill 6 billion or whatever.....he would read the hearts........................oompa

  • JK666



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