Why believe god?

by LtCmd.Lore 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LtCmd.Lore
    do you realize the journey your mind goes on when you truly believe in God...you dont have a clue

    Yes I do! I was a believer for 14 years.

    Where you raised by theists?

    what you call foolishness is wisdom to us. you wisdom is foolishness to us. cause see you can talk about the world and all of its proof and knowledge all day long but we serve the God that made it all. He is an awesome God

    Warlock, this is Case in point of what I'm talking about.

    "Who needs proof and knowledge when you've got faith?"

  • LtCmd.Lore
    in most cases people trust you until you prove otherwise

    I guess that's the big difference between you and me. I don't trust people unless I have a reason too. There are varying levels of trust. Although we've never met, if you say you have five bucks and a ball of lint in your pocket, I'll probably trust you. But if you say that you have a million bucks and a gold nugget in your pocket, I won't believe you. Maybe, if I got to know you, and found out that your rich. I might believe you. So if some spirit entity claims that he's pretty smart, and can defy gravity and stuff, I might believe him right off the bat. It doesn't really contradict my view of reality. But if some spirit entity claims that he's omnibenevolent, omnipotent, and omniscient, I'm not going to trust him unless he gives me some darn good evidence. Because that violates pretty much everything I know about the world. Lore - W.W.S.D?

  • real one
    real one

    i have experiences too. call me Job im not going against God for anyone. I dont care how long it takes for him to answer my prayers...i worship him He dont worship me. im on his time

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