Why believe god?

by LtCmd.Lore 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Qcmbr

    Seratonin - I mean this kindly but it'll sound harsh.

    You and I are just as blinded by false gods all around us - no-one is living without basing much if not most of their existence and values upon things ultimately found to be false. Here's some examples:

    How much are you controlled and influenced by your sub-conscious? We are all far more culturally and genetically programmed than we care to believe. There is a reason why you (anyone here) wear a tie to work, drive on the right, feel embarrassed when in an awkward social environment, would walk by someone ill on the ground if they were dressed like a gangster but help the little old lady, believe the news every morning and dress in this season's latest color scheme.

    We are surrounded by provable, false messages (possessions will make you happy), driven by false prejudices (Muslims should be regarded with suspicion - they could be a terrorist), influenced by subconscious agism, sexism, racism and 'heightism', are bigotted one moment ( all JWs and Mormons are idiots) and socially generous the next (all atheists are smart and wise) and so on.. We are tribal culturally - excluding the perceived threat , the other and welcoming the insider and 'brother' with our code words and mannerisms.

    I posit that religion itself is no more demonstrably false than any of the other false influences and messages we get from our environment and imagination BUT that it has an awful lot more positive end result than the other selfish genetic and cultural traits I've already mentioned.

  • tula
    "If you tied buttered toast to the back of a cat and dropped it from a height, what would happen? "

    OK> I give up.

    What would happen???

  • serotonin_wraith


    Your post isn't harsh. I don't find it to be so anyway.

    It looks like you're throwing an unprovable god in with feelings we may have about the world around us. Those feelings are true. They aren't 'false gods', they're feelings. 'God' can't just mean anything.

    They help us get by in this world. Who's more likely to want to blow you up? An old lady, or a young Muslim male? The evidence suggests that more young Muslims blow themselves up than old ladies do, and so there is good reason for being more wary of the former. If more old ladies were in the habit of doing it, we'd be more wary of them. Prejudice, or looking for patterns and using common sense?

    Thinking one group of people is better than another can be false, you're right. If the evidence shows black people can do just as well as whites and vice versa, then any prejudice in this regard is unfounded and should be opposed.

    I don't see how wanting to fit in is a falsehood. It's not a true/false situation, is it? It's true that many of us like to intergrate with other humans. We drive on the right, Americans drive on the left. Which is the true way and which is the false way? Neither, it just depends where you are.

    Out of the examples you gave, the ones I see as actually false, including all atheists are smart and all JWs and Mormons are dumb, are ones I don't agree with. The rest I see as opinions which can be true or false.

  • JesusisLord

    I found your questions and statements to be highly offensive, to the One and only Almighty God. I'm not here to argue with you, I just want to share something with you. God is Love, he loved us so much that he gave his only begotten SON so that we might live. He died for your sins and for mine. Romans 12:2 tells us to be NOT conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of our minds. You should renew your mind so that you can think pure, healthty, holy thoughts. Your words are just evil and it sounds like something straight from the pit of hell. I heard something on a movie that stuck with me, the greatest trick that the devil pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. You should have more love (GOD) in your heart so that these thoughts don't attack you. I will pray for you that your heart will be softened and the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened. Do you know Jesus as your personal savior? If not I envite you to accept HIM right now. Ask him to forgive you of your sins. Believe that he died on the cross for your sins and that he will come again. Believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that they are one in the same. Accept his blood as cleansing of your sins. The bible says that everyone will have the chance to accept him but many will reject Him because of disbelief. I pray that you are one that will accept him. God doesn't make anyone love him, he gives them a choice. His Word says I set before you life and death...choose life. I pray that you will.

    I expect many negative remarks, but know one thing... Jesus is Lord. He is the lover of my soul. He loves me uncondtionally. How do I know? Because I have a true relationship. I have accepted him into my heart. I know that not everyone believes as I do, but being saved, a born again Christian to me, is very important to me. I don't believe in "religion" to me it's about a relationship. ANd with any good relationship you have to communicate and spend time together. You communicate through prayer and worship. You speak to Him and allow him to speak to you. It's that still small voice that directs you through your day. His word tells us to be still and know that I am God...Glory to God.

    Jesus is coming back for his people, it's called the rapture.(1 Thessalonians 4:17) When he does Satan will rule this earth, then you will be able to see Satan in control and find out what his idea of ruling is. But again i pray that you will be saved from this day of destruction. God bless and remember that Jesus is Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • real one
    real one

    Amen jesusislord....I could not have said it better.

  • zeroday
    found your questions and statements to be highly offensive, to the One and only Almighty God. I'm not here to argue with you, I just want to share something with you. God is Love,

    Interesting exactly where was your "GOD IS LOVE" when 6 million JEWS were incinerated in the Nazi ovens...you remember the Jews don't you Gods chosen people perhaps they had fallen so out of favor as to deserve their destructive fate at the hands of the GOD approved Nazi's...after all weren't they just doing GOD's will.....

  • Satanus

    Maybe it's some giant relic supercomputer, left over from some intergalactic war that found the earth, and needs worship and adulation as a means for it's circuits to charge sightly.


    Good ones. Please don't put in any sound links, ok?


  • LtCmd.Lore
    I found your questions and statements to be highly offensive, to the One and only Almighty God.

    How do you know he's almighty, or the only one? Because he tells you so? Why do you believe him? That is the topic!

    I'm not here to argue with you, I just want to share something with you. God is Love, he loved us so much that he gave his only begotten SON so that we might live.

    How do know that god is love? Because he tells you so? Or based on his actions... How do you know he actually performed those actions you admire? Because he tells you so?

    Why do you believe him?

    He died for your sins and for mine.

    Why do you believe this?

    Romans 12:2 tells us to be NOT conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of our minds. You should renew your mind so that you can think pure, healthty, holy thoughts.

    Sounds like the perfect way to end up believing a bunch of fiction.

    It meens: "Forget everything you know about how the world works and believe god for no reason... Oh, you meen god doesn't talk to you? Well that's okay, I'll tell you what he wants, and you can believe ME without cause instead!"

    Sorry JIL, I don't trust you that much.

    Your words are just evil and it sounds like something straight from the pit of hell.

    Insults already?

    Well then I'm done with you.

    So is anyone actually going to answer the question, instead of just insulting me? If god inspired the Bible, why do you believe god?

    Trust is earned, not GIVEN away. How has God earned your trust?

    Lore - W.W.S.D?

  • real one
    real one

    sounds like some watchtower thinking n here ....earn trust...earn salvation..salvation is through Gods mercy..trusting God is your best bet...you cant go wrong...people lie he cannot..people fail you he cannot...try it you will see ..thats how we know...you try all kinds of crazy things...try God and his word...I promise you you will be happy.....now dont try it and fake it and i guess you end up here...miserable

  • zeroday
    i guess you end up here...miserable

    Since I abandoned worship of a so called diety (the god of love that can not wait to destroy 6 billion plus people or condem to a burning hell which ever you believe) I have never been happier...worshiping the said mentioned god of love made me more miserable than I could have ever imagined...

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