Are You Having A Tough Time Making Ends Meet?

by minimus 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips

    I have sympathy for those of you who are having financial problems, and believe me, I'm not too far behind you. I just got lucky and ran into some money, and was able to resume trading, after doing it in the 1990's.

    Instead of blaming Bush, or Clinton, or whoever, go to this website so you can get a bigger picture of the financial problems that are facing, not only in this country, but the world.


    I agree with Warlock. I hope you folks that are suffering right now get a relief. We have whole streets in my town where people are in foreclosure. So very sad. Money problems are so stressful. I try to remember to mention them in my prayers. I am doing O.K. right now but I have a bad feeling about the future. I have decided not to worry. The worst that can happen is I lose everything right? Well I was broke once. I can be broke again. It'll sort itself out. "The Lord and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord".

    As for the website, I have been a regular for years now. Great site! They were calling the current crisis back in '04 IIRC.

    Here are a few other good ones to consider from my personal bookmarks:

  • sammielee24
    my mom would be at the hospital, when my mom got to the hospital I’d take of for work, if I got lucky I’d get home with enough time to shower and get to work. by nine. Saturday was the best day of the week because I got out of work early I got to go home take a long bath and a nap and then I’d go to the hospital and spend the rest of the night with my sister and all of Sunday.

    During that whole period of time all I did was work, hospital, work hospital, the only social thing I did was go to a Laker game two days after my birthday. Some of you brought up the rent issue and yes I agree rents here are insane, a one bed room goes for at least a grand, our rent is not too bad because we’ve been at this place since I was 13 but I know that if we wanted to move in to my building now the rent would be at least 1,200. We got lucky and are lucky that our rent isn’t as big as it could be.

    Another thing is that the only reason I had to use the cards was to pay bills, I really don’t spend a lot just for the hell of it. My lap top died several months ago and I paid my bills rather than get a new one, I still don’t have a computer at home. My biggest splurge last year was spending $450.00 for Laker tickets and that was a birthday gift for my sister and myself.

    Because my sister’s condition is chronic I think the social worker at the hospital set her up in a program called CCS which I believe provided by the state. They’ve been the ones that have paid all the medical bills and for all the medication, along with therapy.

    I know it’s hard to believe that I could have gotten thru this with no help but I did. Once my sister got out of the hospital I immediately began to pay down all the credit cards, I remember one week having only $25.00 in the bank, I stopped eating lunch at work and ate I said I applaud you for being there for your family and for your determination and ability to work within your budget. I will add though that you seemed to mislead everyone when you spoke about your sisters illness - it seemed as if you were saying you were picking up all the bills there. Assistance for that is a big load off your finances - ask anyone that is paying thousands on their credit cards without that assistance. You are also living in a low rental which helps enormously and if your sister is covered by some state help, then it would stand to reason that your mother or your family might possibly be able to avail themselves of some help with rent or bills. I don't know. What I do know is that I've been far worse off than having $25.00 in the bank - I've gone without food for days on end and slept in winter coats because there has been no heat. Noodles would have been a treat and yes, like you, I was there for time on end to care for others in the family. I don't think I'm better or worse than anyone - and while I don't condone racking up debt for luxuries or 'just because' - I can see how society has gotten out of balance as far as want is 'wanted' and what is 'needed'. sammieswife.

  • YoursChelbie

    All I know is that there are "predatory loans" out there. People who will lend you money but with ridiculously high interest. It's best never to get a loan to pay off bills. Get a second job, Reduce spending whatever but never borrow if you can help it.


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