Tax Revolt

by frankiespeakin 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • 5go

    5go....what in the h*** does that mean!? You have such a sad and cynical view of things. This is why you draw

    such a moroseness to yourself. I know lots of very productive people making great income with excellent benefits

    paid for by these companies that you condemn. You talk like workers are slaving in sweat camps with nothing but

    bread and water to sustain them and working for peanuts. You've been reading too much crap from the far far left.

    BALANCE, my friend. Spend one day reading something else.....or better yet, get out and observe the rest of society.

    Drive to another side of town and actually observe another segment of the culture you so swiftly condemn and you will see

    that LIFE is not such a drudgery for most folks here in this country. But you can always find something to cut and paste to show another side of it.

    Without a Dept. of Health workers would become sicker and be less able to work and without a Dept. of Education workers would over time loose basic skills.

    You can try to deny it but countries without those do poorly on the world scene. And ones that have and support it do better. The reason the US is doing poorly despite having them is because we keep electing people to run government that don't want them or government to work.

  • journey-on
    Without a Dept. of Health workers would become sicker and be less able to work and without a Dept. of Education workers would over time loose basic skills.

    Nobody is advocating elimating these departments. It's part of the checks and balances of a society's machinery. We absolutely need the watchdogs!

    The reason the US is doing poorly

    Again, 5go, get your head out of the far far left rags, and go check out REALITY! The US is NOT doing poorly. We always have room for improvement,

    but you cannot make a blanket statement like that and convince the multitudes that have a happy, productive, enjoyable, properous life that the US is doing poorly.

    Back away from the computer and your left-wing rhetoric mags, get in your car (you do own a car, don't you?) and go see how some people have taken advantage

    of what is out there and applied themselves and succeeded actually live. You can do it, too. You're a smart young man and if you applied half the energy toward

    personal productivity that you do spouting this left-wing bu**sh**, you could change your tune, son.

  • 5go
    The US is NOT doing poorly.

    Not against the third world but against the rest of the first world yes we are ranking pretty close to the bottom.


  • journey-on

    For every cut and paste article you put up spouting "statistics", another cut and paste opposite view can be presented.

    Stop whining about it, and just get up and focus on YOURSELF. The opportunities to be successful,

    happy, and prosperous are out there. It takes effort, motivation, and sometimes just plain hard work,

    but instead of blaming America's tax distribution for all the woes of mankind, just simply focus on

    your own improvement. Vote into office those who you think will champion your views, then simply

    get on with making your life as productive as you can....effort, motivation, work.

  • 5go
    For every cut and past article you put up spouting "statistics", another cut and paste opposite view can be presented.

    It is a chart my friend that proves you wrong now admit it or put up your cut and paste article to prove it wrong or shut up.

    BTW that was taken from the University of Michigan which I bet you will now cause it of being a liberal (Communist is what you want to say but then you would reveal your Mccarthyist position) institution.

    Here is a real cut and paste job from the same site.

    USA vs. The World

    The USA has a poverty rate that is embarrassing compared to other rich nations throughout the world (Berliner, 2005). If you look at the chart above you can see this. Compared to all the other "rich nations" the childhood poverty rate in the USA is much higher, only Mexico is higher than the US and honestly, who other than UNICEF considers Mexico to be a rich country? How can we be the only superpower left on Earth and have the second highest childhood poverty rate among other rich nations (the highest if we do not count Mexico)? When I look at this chart I am embarrassed and ashamed of this country. The funny thing is that throughout the 90s we actually have been improving on our childhood poverty rate, by nearly 2.5%, so the poverty rate represented by the chart is the poverty rate after years of improvement (Berliner, 2005).

    War on Poverty

    In 1964 during his state of the union address, President Johnson declared his War on Poverty. Since then, an estimated $7 trillion has been spent on this war. The US has spent all this money to fight poverty and has not shown any great improvements (Felkins, 2001). How is it possible to spend $7 trillion on poverty and not show any improvement? The irony here is that people are considered poor due to lack of money, yet $7 trillion is used to fight poverty and still, many of these people still lack financial resources.

    A look at third world countries

    National leaders from many countries understand that poverty needs to be eliminated and is a key to educational reform especially in third world countries. In many of these countries, less than 75% of students even reach grade five due to poverty and the poor quality of education. These countries have overcrowded classrooms, poor facilities, poorly trained teachers, and even lack the necessary textbooks. Studies have shown that in these countries more than a third of children have very poor reading skills even after years of schooling. (Guttman, 2005)

    It is funny that in describing the educational system in third world countries I am saying many of the same things I would say when describing the education of poor children in the US. I am sure the conditions are much more drastic in the third world countries but it is still very sad that there is even a comparision.

    Why not take suggestions?

    The United Kingdom vowed to improve their poverty situation and actually did it (UNICEF, 2005). If you look at the chart above they are not the greatest when it comes to their childhood poverty rate but at least they are improving and have a much less rate than the United States. I do not want to go into economic policies of other nations here but if they can do it, why can't we? Would it really be difficult to look at why other countries do not have the enormous rate of poverty that we have in the United States? Are our policy makers to stubborn to take suggestions from other countries? I can understand that we are a different country and what other countries are doing may not be the best solution for the United States, but something has to be done. The only way to know is to try. We can just take a look and see what might work for us and what probably will not, we can go from there. We are already the worst, where do we have to go but up?

  • journey-on

    As I said...............

    I'm sure it went in one ear and out the other. Who effin cares! Don't you get it! This is apples and oranges.

    The U.S. has over 303 million people!! Only two other countries in the world are larger....China and India!

    Different methods, different distribution, different cultural consciousness, different EVERYTHING! You cannot

    put a country this size into..say, a French box, or an English box, or a Swedish box, or a Cuban box!

    Just as you can't manage Joe's General Store like you do a Supercenter Walmart!

  • BurnTheShips
    It's a monopoly, run by few at the expense of many.

    Really? I didn't know there were that many monopolies! But maybe now I can buy Park Place.

    The cost of social programs could be lessened but it is nowhere near the cost of corporate welfare.

    I don't know about that. But I say let's whack corporate welfare anyway. Sink or swim baby.

    When the governments got tired of trying to deal with the problem, when the parishes couldn't keep up, when the elite were disgusted - well, those souls, whose only crime was poverty, got shipped to another country and enslaved in one way or another.

    Ah, I LOVE that movie! If I want to help the poor, I will help them. If I don't, I won't. My choice. I could probably do a lot more good using with direct helping than with the grasping statist middleman.

    The first way to do that is eliminate poverty in this country

    That will NEVER happen. Never. Ever. Never. You can't do it. And if you try, you create more poor.

    Why is it the outrage against high paid scammers like the Enron CEO's and their affiliates somehow softer and more fleeting than the outrage against a person using welfare?

    I don't know what you mean. People wanted to string the likes of Lay and Ebbers up by their balls. I know I did.


  • 5go

    As I said...............

    I'm sure it went in one hear and out the other. Who effin cares! Don't you get it! This is apples and oranges.

    The U.S. has over 303 million people!! Only two other countries in the world are larger....China and India!

    Different methods, different distribution, different cultural consciousness, different EVERYTHING! You cannot

    put a country this size into..say, a French box, or an English box, or a Swedish box, or a Cuban box!

    Just as you can't manage Joe's General Store like you do a Supercenter Walmart!

    Canada and Australia small what are you smoking. Japan has it the worst. Japan is over the half the size of the US's population but is the size Texas with few natural resources and Japan kicks the US's butt.

  • BurnTheShips
    Without a Dept. of Health workers would become sicker and be less able to work and without a Dept. of Education workers would over time loose basic skills.

    Makes one wonder how we ever got out of the caves and built cities without all that wonderful bureaucracy!

  • BurnTheShips
    Not against the third world but against the rest of the first world yes we are ranking pretty close to the bottom.

    Looks to me like we need to ship all those illegals back to Mexico and tell the welfare queens to keep their legs closed.


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