Tax Revolt

by frankiespeakin 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar
    Anyway I'm just a small fry and if the IRS wants to come after me I plan to make it more expensive than the taxes I owe. To me it is not so much the money. It is the principles that are more important and making the US government accountable to the tax payers.

    Frankie, I admire your spunk, I really do. But until the IRS is dismantled, you may be in for a world of hurt. The IRS has the law on their side. They are not nice and they relish their power. I hope you are saving your money for a good tax attorney.

    I wish you well in your fight.

  • 144001

    Taxes pay for more than the wars; among other things, they pay for the cops that keep all of us alive. Yes, without the cops, most of us would be dead. If you have doubts, take a prison tour some day. Taxes also pay for firemen, schoolteachers, etc.. Although I have always been opposed to the Iraq war, I gladly pay my taxes to live here.

  • sammielee24

    Taxes pay for more than the wars; among other things, they pay for the cops that keep all of us alive. Yes, without the cops, most of us would be dead. If you have doubts, take a prison tour some day. Taxes also pay for firemen, schoolteachers, etc.. Although I have always been opposed to the Iraq war, I gladly pay my taxes to live here.

    People screaming about taxes here? I think everyone should pay taxes toward services for the common good of society and then what they choose to use the money for later, is up to them. Rather than scream about taxes that should be paid - people should really really examine where they are spit out.

    If people paid for the common basic needs for their society to be healthy and productive, you would immediately have less crime, less illness and be more competitive globally. I'd look first at where the taxes are going if you can't provide the best in care for your own citizens - like billions of dollars in subsidies to big business like oil, farming and other corporations. Why in the heck do they need your tax dollars? Pharmaceutical industry - much of the research done to create new drugs and treatments has been subsidized by the government - then stop giving subsidies to that industry and give it to the researchers. Iraq is sitting with 2 trillion dollars in the bank waiting to be spent - where do you think the money came from?

    Why not be a society that looks after it's own and yes, pay taxes for all those common good services like firemen, policemen, libraries, education and health. You don't pay a tremendous amount of taxes in this country and you have the poorest social programs, highest health care costs and more poverty than most other industrialized countries. The issue isn't with paying taxes - it's with understanding where the money is going and everyone agreeing with that. The blather about American corporations paying the highest tax rate in the world is a rain dance but in reality, those same corporations have more loopholes than any other country thereby making their actual tax payments lower.

    Two hundred million dollars and more to fund your political campaigns - from taxpayers - that's ridiculous in the bigger scheme of things if people donate huge sums to see a person get into office but feel overburdened with taxes that could pay for college tuition for less fortunate kids.


  • BurnTheShips
    ...... feel overburdened with taxes that could pay for college tuition for less fortunate kids.

    Hell, a personal tax moratorium for a two years would fully fund my kid's tuition when he gets to be of age. Why can't I get that instead? Then the state would not have to subsidize squat for me.

    Not to mention that the 200 million figure you bandy is a purely voluntary contribution. Taxes are coercive. No choice there!


  • BurnTheShips
    If people paid for the common basic needs for their society to be healthy and productive

    If people paid for their own basic needs they would not need the daily dole of bread and circuses. Subsidizing sloth only encourages same. Taxing enterprise discourages same.

    If it moves, tax it.

    If it still moves, tax it more.

    If it has stopped moving, subsidize it.

  • 5go
    If people paid for their own basic needs they would not need the daily dole of bread and circuses. Subsidizing sloth only encourages same. Taxing enterprise discourages same.

    Well if the system wouldn't fail people leading to working class poor there would not be a need for them.

  • journey-on

    Listen....there is only so much of the pie to be shared. It's all about balance. If you have all or most of the pie

    going to social programs, then there would be nothing toward research and development, technological and industrial

    improvements, arts and humanities advancements, space exploration, and a whole host of OTHER things just as

    necessary to a healthy society.

    Burn is right! Nobody wants to say it out loud because it offends some. But the more you do for some people, the

    more they expect and the more they take. It does NOTHING to advance a society by throwing everything you have

    at these programs. I'm sorry. I believe in providing for those who are truly in need and have absolutely no way to

    do it for themselves. But, if you become a welfare state, you are not helping your society.

    Everybody wants to lambast business and industry. Granted....there are some issues that should be addressed and

    some improvements made in some areas. But taxing industry to death and taxing the productive part of your society

    does absolutely NOTHING to advance a populace. An environment that encourages industrial and business growth and

    offers incentives for such, improves all of the above, IMO. So, my message is BALANCE in all things.

  • sammielee24

    If people paid for their own basic needs they would not need the daily dole of bread and circuses. Subsidizing sloth only encourages same. Taxing enterprise discourages same.

    Maybe they could and would if the free market was truly free - but it's not. It's a monopoly, run by few at the expense of many. Same old moan with nothing new to add. The cost of social programs could be lessened but it is nowhere near the cost of corporate welfare. Rather than take out all those lazy sloths that people think waste their tax money - don't you think it might be more prudent to remove all the corporate welfare first? Let's face it - you can eliminate 1 billion poor people from this planet just so they don't use YOUR tax dollars to live on - but if you do nothing to take down the massive corporate welfare sloths, everything remains the same. One billion people less and instead of paying for a loaf of bread for them, you 'll just pay more to that major operation to make your bread for you.

    A major portion of society are working - we call them working poor - because even though they work they cannot afford the basics of food, heat, education and health care. In the old days we let them starve in the street - little girls were prostituted, little boys were beggars, and who cared if the slept in the doorways of the slums we provided for them. People covered their faces to avoid inhaling the stench of the masses of poor trying to exist and pay for their own basic needs, albeit unsuccessfully in a system designed to keep them there. When the governments got tired of trying to deal with the problem, when the parishes couldn't keep up, when the elite were disgusted - well, those souls, whose only crime was poverty, got shipped to another country and enslaved in one way or another.

    There are many ways to change the system to benefit all society and not just a few at either end. The first way to do that is eliminate poverty in this country and recognize that it will never happen when a CEO walks out the door with a 40 billion dollar bonus, right past the single, working mother coming out of the food bank and struggling to survive on the wages she is paid for her job. Why is it that people applaud that CEO for his work but look down on that working mom because she cannot eat. Why is it the outrage against high paid scammers like the Enron CEO's and their affiliates somehow softer and more fleeting than the outrage against a person using welfare? sammieswife.

  • 5go
    An environment that encourages industrial and business growth and

    offers incentives for such, improves all of the above, IMO. So, my message is BALANCE in all things.

    Then then worker will become sick and dumb overtime which will make a great bussiness enviroment seeing as you will have no one to make and or afford to buy your product.

  • journey-on
    Then then worker will become sick and dumb overtime

    5go....what in the h*** does that mean!? You have such a sad and cynical view of things. This is why you draw

    such a moroseness to yourself. I know lots of very productive people making great income with excellent benefits

    paid for by these companies that you condemn. You talk like workers are slaving in sweat camps with nothing but

    bread and water to sustain them and working for peanuts. You've been reading too much crap from the far far left.

    BALANCE, my friend. Spend one day reading something else.....or better yet, get out and observe the rest of society.

    Drive to another side of town and actually observe another segment of the culture you so swiftly condemn and you will see

    that LIFE is not such a drudgery for most folks here in this country. But you can always find something to cut and paste to show another side of it.

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