the unkindest cut of all?

by chickpea 66 Replies latest social family

  • dawg

    Here's the point, no pun intended... a man's foreskin is in no way comparable to a lady's clit...period!

    And, a man is going to get off during sex, for the most part, everytime.... his having or not having a foreskin has little relevance... cut off a lady's clit and see how easy it a happens...

    I've never had a foreskin, but sex seems okie dokie to me... I miss it not....

    You ladies cut your clits off and see how you feel about it all...

  • VoidEater

    And hmm, never ever heard any man who was circumsized as a child complain as an adult about the mental trauma, or physical pain.

    Allow me to be your first. There's a lot of stuff going on that men aren't really allowed to talk about, though that's changing thankfully.

    Just a side comment on Dawg's note: Men would be in big trouble if the equivalent of female genital mutilation were performed on men. It would be comparable to cutting off the glans (that knobby thing at the end), not just the foreskin.

    Most men seem to adapt to circumcision well when cut as a child, true. It's almost like growing up without Christmas. Not so with most adult circumcisions. The glans is a mucous membrane, not meant to be an "external organ". Suddenly exposing the glans dramatically alters the physicality of the glans and the experience of sex, in some cases making intercourse impossible. When the glans returns to a more natural state after un-circumcision, it's pretty hard to contemplate ever going back.


    5go notes the cases of sexual identity reassignment (on the rare side, but a massive impact when it happens) due to botched circumcisions. Further, there's the group of boys so severly cut that intercourse will always be painful - or drastically reduced in sensation due to loss of the frenulum, an area of highly condensed nerve endings near the underside base of the glans.

    -ve (of the "lots of experience in mens support groups" class)

  • chickpea

    dawg..... i appreciate your viewpoint for what it is ..... yours.... and thank you for sharing it.... but if i am correctly understanding you were circumcised as an infant and therefore do not have a reference point for a sexual experience with an intact penis

    however, this article relates the experiences of >>>>>>

    Men Circumcised as Adults

    Only men circumcised as adults can experience the difference a foreskin makes. In the Journal of Sex Research, Money and Davison from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine reported on five such men. Changes included diminished penile sensitivity and less penile gratification. The investigators concluded,
    Erotosexually and cosmetically, the operation is, for the most part, contraindicated, and it should be evaluated in terms of possible pathological sequelae.( 1 )
    Other men circumcised as adults regret the change.
    I play guitar and my fingers get callused from playing. That’s similar to what happened to my penis after circumcision.( 2 )

    After the circumcision there was a major change. It was like night and day. I lost most sensation. I would give anything to get the feeling back. I would give my house. [This man’s physician persuaded him to be circumcised by warning he could otherwise get penile cancer. When the man complained of the result, the physician replied, “That’s normal” and would not help him.]( 3 )

    Slowly the area lost its sensitivity, and as it did, I realized I had lost something rather vital. Stimuli that had previously aroused ecstasy had relatively little effect. . . . Circumcision destroys a very joyful aspect of the human experience for males and females.( 4 )

    The greatest disadvantage of circumcision is the awful loss of sensitivity when the foreskin is removed. . . . On a scale of 10, the intact penis experiences pleasure that is at least 11 or 12; the circumcised penis is lucky to get to 3.( 5 )

    The sexual differences between a circumcised and uncircumcised penis is . . . like wearing a condom or wearing a glove. . . . Sight without color would be a good analogy. . . . Only being able to see in black and white, for example, rather than seeing in full color would be like experiencing an orgasm with a foreskin and without. There are feelings you’ll just never have without a foreskin.( 6 )

    After thirty years in the natural state I allowed myself to be persuaded by a physician to have the foreskin removed—not because of any problems at the time, but because, in the physician’s view, there might be problems in the future. That was five years ago and I am sorry I had it done. . . . The sensitivity in the glans has been reduced by at least 50 percent. There it is, unprotected, constantly rubbing against the fabric of whatever I am wearing. In a sense, it has become callused. . . . I seem to have a relatively unresponsive stick where I once had a sexual organ.( 7 )

  • dawg

    That knobby thing on the end.....LOL... priceless....

  • moshe
    My older brother wasn't cut. Other boys at school made fun of him.

    That was my reason for having my son circumcised. The hygene reason is a valid one. Ask a nurses aid in a nursing home if they prefer to take care of uncircumcised residents or circumcised ones.

  • delilah
    The hygene reason is a valid one. Ask a nurses aid in a nursing home if they prefer to take care of uncircumcised residents or circumcised ones.

    *shudder*......My eldest son was born prematurely, so we were told to wait until the time of his actual due date, before we booked him in to be circumcised. We sat down the hall, in the waiting room, while they did it, and when we heard his cries, both my husband and I wished we hadn't put him through it.

    When my youngest son was born, my husband and I couldn't decide to have him done or not, after our experience with our oldest son. By the time we saw the specialist, he was too big, and we were told to bring him back in a year's time, when they could put him out to do it.

    Needless to say, he was never circumcised and he's never had any problems. It doesn't bother him that he "looks" different than his brother or his father.

    Now, (here in Ontario), for the last few years, you have to pay for it to be done, our O.H.I.P doesn't cover it anymore.

  • dinah


    I'm with ya! Ever pulled back a foreskin and saw UGHHHHH

    But they will pry my clit from my cold dead fingers, probably literally.

  • VoidEater

    I must continue to disagree that there is a health imperative to circumcision. Is it more convenient for caretakers in nursing homes to not have to clean an intact penis? Sure. but this kind of convenience is pretty irrelevant when you're talking about body parts. Taking care of an intact penis is no more difficult nor less imperative than any other bodily maintenance. It's probably more convenient for nursing homes to have clients without teeth, too - just pop those dentures out! ;-) To take the argument to the extreme...oh, but let's not... ;-)

  • oompa

    I had both my arms cut off at the shoulders so I could keep my armpits cleaner, and my lips removed so my teeth would be easier to brush! Geeze, if guys cant keep their pecker clean, they deserve any pain they get. any woman who prefers cut to uncut must like a smaller tool, since things can only stretch so far, and skin helps. Once you are horny, they look pretty much the same, but mine looks better (uncut...thank you mom and dad)..................................................................oompa

  • dinah

    I've had both, turn the lights out (and lots of excitement, you'd never know the difference).

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