Hillary "I have been fighting for change for 36 years!!".then u r a frikkin

by oompa 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    Yah really with the way things go around here we'll get a change alright , a president going through change of life menopause . The woman hasn't even changed her hair style in 40 years. The big change tho will likely be allot of socialism.

  • nvrgnbk

    Hello, oompa.

    Good to see that you have the time and emotional energy for bashing someone that is at least participating in the political process in between your suicide attempts.

    That must be an indicator that you're feeling better.

    Be well.

  • jgnat
    look down and to the right

    Means she had [crimp] oops, crib notes.

    Up and to the right would have been a sign of creativity, that is she was making things up as she goes.

  • sweetface2233

    Watson, thanks for posting the looking down information. Whether or not that body language is true for everyone, it definately hit home for me. No matter who I am speaking to (unless it's an interviewer) or what I am talking about, I ALWAYS switch from eye contact to "down and to the right". And that is exactly why I do it. I am trying to understand and process my feelings. Hey, I learned something new today!

  • BurnTheShips

    She needs to speak up about the issues! She is avoiding questions! What about issues like Endangered Feces, Presidential Erections, Busting School Children, Youth in Asia, Glowball Worming, Conserving our Natural Racehorses, The Tray Deficit, Pouring Money into Canker Research, Inflamed shun-striken Americans, the Sub Prime-Rib Market, the Eagle Rights Amendment,Making Puerto Rico a Steak, Flea Erections in China?


  • lisaBObeesa

    Here is some good info on eye direction...


    It is important to note that all of that info can be reversed in some people...this is just a chart for people who are "normally organized." Some people's eyes work in patterns that are the exact reverse of these... To really know for sure what it means when someone looks down and right, you would have to ask them a couple of test questions that you already know the answers to. Then you could tell if they are 'normally organized' and if they are not, you could figure out how they are organized..

  • lavendar

    I don't like to disparage people, but in this case I'll make an exception: .......Hillary Clinton is a power-hungry, souless snake. HELP US ALL if she's elected!

  • hillbilly

    Hillary is a political animal of the first order. She is not held in high esteem in Arkansas... her district in New York isnt real happy with her either, from what I hear.

    A few good works, in her case, only justify a warm cage for the snake she is.


  • oompa

    NVRBK: Hello, oompa.

    Good to see that you have the time and emotional energy for bashing someone that is at least participating in the political process in between your suicide attempts.

    That must be an indicator that you're feeling better.

    Be well.

    1st- I have only attempted suicide one time and that was a year and a half ago. The Jeep in the garage was not an attempt if you had read the thread, but when you are drunk, depressed, working on your Jeep in the garage and it is running, the thought can and did cross my mind. By the way as an update, I have decided to leave my Psyciatric firm after giving 4 of them a try for the past two plus years. I just can't handle how much and many meds they throw at me, and have an appointment with one who comes very highly recommend from a friend who knows my de-culting situation......Thanks for your support.

    I am feeling somewhat better, but still have a long way to go. My initial post has nothing to do with bashing Hilliary...merely posting a shreiking quote of Hillary, and noticing that she just has not been able to win much in 36 years!!! Even while in the white house for 8 years! Just what has she been fighting for for 36 years?!?! That is a lot of fighting and I would love to see a timeline of fights per year. If you feel that is bashing....so be it. It does not give me confidence in her. She somehow says she is "the most experienced canidate" and yet has very little if any administratve experience in the secular world, and very little elective experience. She is the most experienced housewife in the race if that is what she means, and I am pretty sure she has not been very good at that! Bashing is so much less fun than pointing out facts, asking reasonable questions, and debating the issues.

    May you be well too NVER.......................................................................oompa


    Oompa..When is your next Presidential Election?.................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

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