was that a Witness on American Idol last night?

by Burger Time 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • FormerMormon

    Jello Belt... I love it.

    Do JW's have prohibitions on alcohol/tobacco/rated R movies too? There are a lot of Morgs in AZ.

    Morg or JW? I just think she is blissfully deluded. She wont make the top 20.

  • Mulan

    It's funny but when she walked on stage, I thought she looks like a Mormon. When she told her story, I felt like I was right.

    There was a Mormon girl on a few seasons back, Carmen something.

  • deaconbluez

    Whoever she is, she's hot.

  • Gopher

    Former Mormon,

    JW's will disfellowship a tobacco user. Alcohol use is accepted (unless it gets out of hand and proves embarrassing to the congregation). Rated R movie viewing is a no-no, but many JW's do it secretly anyhow.

  • deaconbluez

    Did I mention she was hot? I would brush her hair 100 times at night.

  • RunningMan

    I didn't think she was a JW. JWs have nothing against drinking. Her husband doesn't drink either, so that sounds like its a restriction, not a choice. And she worked as a nanny - not as a janitor.

    I loved Simon's comments about her husband and the internet. (Be up in a minute honey - just checking the "stock market").

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    I agree Deacon that picture does her no justice....I would show her a couple of bad things to do for sure.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Mormons really have the cult life down. They have that "special underwear" and baptisms for
    the dead. They have their story of the con artist, Joseph Smith, which they can tell straight-faced
    with full belief that he was sincere. They have all that "persecution" forcing them west to Utah.
    Their core belief allows the men to have all the young wives he cares to have sex with.

    All that whacko stuff going for them, yet they can run for political office, go to college, and become
    famous American Idols. I will grant that JW's are not forbidden from going on "Idol" but it's just not
    the thing they would do because of the very thought of being an "Idol."

    She's probably Mormon.

  • Dogaradodya

    Excuse me but I'm just dropping this bomb so I can be a Jedi in 100 days and be able to start Star Wars.


  • CaptainSchmideo

    Hey, Admins! Can't we do something about this bozo?! He's been doing this on every thread...

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