10 000 steps a day CRAP.

by hamsterbait 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    So I decided to lose weight.

    I reckoned that half an hours workout with weights a couple of times a week, plus swimming three times a week was a balanced schedule.

    ButNOOOO - this is not good enough. We should be walking 10 000 steps a day.

    Do you realize how much time that will take? even at one step every second, you are talking about walking for TWO hours!!! How can working people find that kind of time. Fourteen hours a week just walking??

    Breathing in all that polluted city air, or standing on an electric treadmill increasing your carbon footprint!

    Am I going crazy?

    I'd generate less greenhouse gases living on beans.


  • momzcrazy

    Get a pedometer. The steps add up quick surprisingly. No elevators, park at the end of the lot, take the long way back from the bathroom to your desk. Simple things like that help add it up.

    Good luck!


  • Mincan

    A person in even moderate shape should have no trouble walking all day.

    Humans evolved to walk, it's our mode of transport. We were scavengers and gatherers much longer than we were hunters. We have the benefit of walking being nothing more than controlled falling, very little muscle is used. This is an advantage. Humans can cover more ground than many animals, even compared to a cheetah, sure it can go 40-50 kilometres an hour for short bursts, but its mode of transport requires large amounts of energy and use of major muscles in strenuous ways. Damn the cursed knee joint, but all things considered walking is pretty frikkin easy. Running on the other hand, that takes fitness for any amount of time.

    I was amazed walking with a friend of mine who is 14 years old. At the end of his road we had to stop for a rest. I had to buy him both an energy drink (he wanted pop but I refused to buy it as it would only dehydrate him more) and food as we continued, and he complained of foot and leg pain the whole time. We only ended up walking about 7 kilometres total that day. Kids like that should be "walking" circles around me. Another one of my friends remarked that she was so lazy she couldn't even be bothered to walk to the store about 300 metres from her home!

  • sammielee24

    I'd echo the other poster and get a pedometer. I don't have one but when I decide to actually track the number of steps, I'll invest in one. I used to be in great shape but I've gotten lazy over the past few years so this is the year I am going to focus on 'more movement' and less 'moo'...sammieswife.

  • feenx

    You could be just like Rumsfeld, carry a pedometer and then get one of those desks that you stand up at all day, walk everywhere. sounds LOVELY! :/ Where did you read we're supposed to walk 10,000 steps? I'm looking a dropping some weight as well. Damn alcohol calories.

  • R.Crusoe

    I have to run 6miles a day (2miles up a steep hill)CRAP just to keep average build. So I put on 40+ pounds just coz I aint run for a while and my knee is a problem

    So yeah I know the feeling!

    Wish I had been born a lazy git!

    I have a theory!

    Genetically there are those humans who worked 23 hrs a day 7 days a week till even their balls got used up just to provide for the family. So being born to go to school and do deskwork piles the weight on when your engine was made to sweat and toil all week. So now you pile on the weight and cant pile on the women!!

    The lazy gits line of genetics is those small fry who had to stay home and cut wood or make fire coz they were too scrawny to go to battle or too feeble to carry a sword. So the women had their way with all the well endowed ones and gave birth to more scrawny well endowed ones who had their way with the women when the next war came meaning there are lots of lazy smallfry the women are keen on even though they do nothin and eat like a horse who cant put weight on.

    So we have a class of men who never put weight on, never do any work and are hung like horses with women chasing them all over town.

    Life can be so cruel!

  • Mincan

    Hmmm, you are talking about genetic changes in the 10,000 year history of civilisation...possible, example lactose-intolerance in those that did not domesticate cattle until recently...

    However, eating like a horse and not putting on any weight is an extreme evolutionary advantage obviously as these people will die in a famine first, and these descendants of "warriors and ball users" (not saying I agree at all) will be sticking around longer.

    I do agree with you that people who tend to put weight on easily also put muscle on extremely easy. I'm a very good example. With about 4-6 hours of weightlifting last year over the course of about 3 weeks I was able to double the size of my arms! Jesus...

  • still_in74

    just lift weights to get your metabolism up 24/7 and burn more calories sitting around all day when your not at the gym. walking/running sucks!

  • Cellist

    Where the 10,000 steps comes in is - that's what it takes to lose one pound.

    By the way, you guys are hilarious.


  • Gretchen956

    I've done this before with a pedometer. It doesn't take 2 hours a day, all the back and forth you do adds up, plus a walk at some point. They told me to put on the meter one day and see what I normally do, then add a bit every day until I got up to the 10,000. It was surprising to me how fast it all added up. Like someone said, take the stairs up, walk from farther out in the parking lot, all of it helps.

    Good luck. I need another pedometer and should get started myself again.


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