Other Than For "Apostasy", Should You Have Been Df'd By Now?

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Younglove1999

    yeah, I guess so-

    we celebrated Christmas and I wished a few people Happy Birthday now and then- oh and I told somebody "Bless you" when they sneezed- We've also seen rated R movies, gotten a little generous with our alcohol consumption and watched a sex video now and then.

    Now that I think of it, we were doing all of this, except celebrating X-mas, before while we were active anyways.

  • oompa

    I say "good luck" a lot now......................i'm sooooooooooooo evil............oompa

  • free2think

    Probably reproved but not df'd.

  • hillbilly

    the question for me is ..."Have I done anything that's the elder's business to get DF'ed for?.... And that was the same question when I was active.

    Gentlemen dont kiss and tell... that blew a BOE away 20 years ago... nuttin' in the playbook to counter that one. I'd say the same if they came fishin' today. Neither confirming or denial stumps the average Elder.


  • Younglove1999
    Probably reproved but not df'd.

    Why would this be? Would you be showing repentence?

    Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I don't believe certain sins fall under the "reproved" category versus the "DF'd" category.

    it's based on "heart condition" right?

  • JK666

    Nothing is based on heart condition. It is based on elder's preconceived ideas.


  • VoidEater

    Nothing there is two witnesses to.

  • Younglove1999

    Nothing is based on heart condition. It is based on elder's preconceived ideas.

    well we all know that's really how it is, but technically, I am still unsure as to how this person would just say "I'd be reproved, not d/f'd" I just found it odd- I guess I can't explain it-

    nobody has any clue because like u said, it depends on the elder-

  • JK666

    And ABSOLUTELY nothing is based on direction of Holy Spirit!


  • free2think
    Probably reproved but not df'd.

    Why would this be? Would you be showing repentence?

    Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I don't believe certain sins fall under the "reproved" category versus the "DF'd" category.

    it's based on "heart condition" right?

    I ound it really interesting that you only picked up on what i wrote but not on what others wrote on page 1, which were similar to me.

    I celebrated xmas, so for that reason i guess i could be reproved but i don't think they would df me. Dpes that answer you question?

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