Help reform the crumbling tower with your bright ideas

by JH 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JH

    Lets say that the Watchtower approached you to help them be more successful, so that more people join and be happier JW's.

    What would you suggest?

  • WTWizard

    New rules=NO rules!

    If they only had the one prime rule (not initiating force, threat of force, coercion, or fraud against anyone else), it would become a much more fun place to go to. And, since hounding would amount to coercion, they would have to make the meetings more worth going to.

  • OnTheWayOut

    If ever there were an oxymoron of a statement this is it: more successful, so that more people join and be happier JW's.

    In order for WTS to be more successful and have more people join,
    they have to capture more ignorant ones and make them miserable.

    If they succeeded in making members happier, it would involve giving
    them more freedom, causing less attendance and no recruiting work.

    I suppose the only possible thing they could do is end the field circus,
    telling the members that they are going to use modern advertising, so
    sleep in on Saturday morning. Oh, and they would have to cancel
    weeknight meetings.

  • metaspy

    It depends if they are trying to keep the "we are the true religion" look.

  • OnTheWayOut

    And treat disfellowshipped ones like everyone else, just restrict them
    from commenting DURING the meetings. Heck, then everyone might
    want to be DF'ed.

  • hillbilly

    sell off the assets and help finance college for the millions who will die after living a long an productive life...........

    pare the publishing company down to a website or two...

    quit telling me where to put my goods during sex

    admit there may be more than one way to god... or more than one version of god for man to worship

    let your members know and accept Christ sacrifice and do good works to know salvation.

    can the GB and place a low-key minimal board in place to run the business of the business

    if you want me to come to a convention.... well lets discuss what we think and vote about what the doctrinal platform is going to be

    promote scholarship and learning among the members (so we can be relavent at the conventions

    the list goes on.....

    Na... least a bulldozer and wrecking crane the Operating engineers union hall in NYC and have at it....


  • DanTheMan

    Drop the monthly field service time reporting and the congregation book study. Combine the TMS and Service Meeting into a single 1 hour Wednesday night meeting (sorta like the Wednesday night Bible studies that are so common with Protestant churches). Have a single Presiding Overseer over every congregation (as is the current practice), but reduce the role of the other elders to a much less official, less policing one, so that issues regarding sexual morality, blood transfusions, voting, become more 'don't ask don't tell'.

    Combine/eliminate congregations so that there is just one cong per KH. If this would require some KH remodelings and/or the building of new ones, then that's all the better as this would generate some much-needed excitement among the rank and file. And doubling the size of congregations while at the same time reducing the role of elders would generate a much-needed sense of freedom that needs to happen in order for JWism to survive.

  • carla

    I don't believe reform of any kind can ever take place in the wt. The minds of the members are far too damaged, there will always be the ones who hold on to the idiotic beliefs and unscriptural, scholarly dishonesty. I really believe that Jesus Christ Himself could appear before many jw's in a supernatural way and tell them outright that they need to leave the wt and explain why using the Bible, and the diehards would believe they had a visit from a demon.

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    Some things just need to be discarded in total. The WT is one of those things. It is not salvageable.

  • JK666

    Two words - Temple Prostitutes!


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