Help reform the crumbling tower with your bright ideas

by JH 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus

    Correct their theological/apocalyptic mistakes/deviations in a last few mags, then sell off, dismantle and share out the profits among the millions of members. That would send a lot of jws to churches. Those who can't live without a cult life style would make their own minicults, like the wwcog splinters. Add rutherfordites, henchelites, etc to the russelites. Yuck.


  • 5go
    New rules=NO rules!

    Or at least go back top the two rule system that Jesus perfected.

  • journey-on

    Make KH much larger. Sell off a bunch of them and have a few really big ones. Then start Youth Groups, Women's Study Groups, Men's Study Groups,

    implement Charitable Activities to Help the Needy and Disadvantaged, and have a really rockin' Choir for people to try out for and participate in. Allow women to

    participate in some of the administration and organization of above activities.

    One meeting during the week for Study and Fellowship. One Sunday late morning 2-hr. meeting with some really good music to uplift and stiumulate enthusiasm.

    Participation in charitable activities would be optional to Field Service.

    I can think of lots more, but won't post them right now.

  • botheyesopen

    end disfellowshipping. it is a psychological tool invoked by christianity to replace stoning (and applied to all of the capital offenses of judaism) due to the fact that they were now international and could no longer simply kill (moses style) those who disagree. but for thinking people it immediately raises suspicion that one's belief is not the truth. (why else would one need to protect himself from the arguments of those who disagree?) it is a practice that, by its very intent, exposes the weaknesses of the very beliefs it is designed to protect.======= however...

    the problem with my ideas is the same as the problem with the other ideas on this post (other than the ones that say "destroy it"): the bible supports their position. if one is not open to the POSSIBILITY that the bible isn't what it has been put forth to be, then one is invariably going to be sucked back into "witness thinking". disfellowshipping is scriptural. so is slavery, misogyny, and genocide. if we want to live by the bible, we cannot condemn hitler for what he did (moses did the same thing, slightly worse). i know many of us are trying not to "throw out the baby with the bathwater", but in this case the baby is dead, or perhaps dying with a highly contagious disease that affects the mind. am i beginning to rant again?

  • jacethespace

    I would suggest they lighten up on the boring kingdom songs book and start playing some trance and drum and base at the meetings.For example if you was to have a talk on jesus sets you free- you could kickstart this with- en trance- set you free.Throw in some flashing lights and they could convert the clubbers.

  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    I don't believe the organisation is reformable. It is too ossified to ever really change now. It's old wineskins and if any new wine comes along it bursts out. All that may happen in decades to come is the org splits, with the loyal Watchtowerites remaining in servitude to their Watchtower/GB idol, and the rest going away and forming a new group, which will be much smaller & weaker.

  • journey-on
    I would suggest they lighten up on the boring kingdom songs book

    Music is really a BIG issue. It sounds unimportant, but music is a language that pulls people together. It touches

    the emotions and stimulates enthusiasm. Young people especially like getting involved with music and so many of

    them are musically educated and talented. I think it would be so cool to allow some individual compositions to be

    written by the b/s (approved, of course) then put to music for the Choir to perform for the enjoyment of the congregation.

    What is wrong with that??

    The music now is so uninteresting and dull. Half the congregation can't figure the songs out, and the canned orchestra

    is....well, so.....canned!

  • Junction-Guy

    Let the tower crumble and eat dirt, I want no part in reforming it.

  • JeffT

    If somebody asked me what they should do I would say disband and distribute the assets to the flock.

  • BreakingAway

    I suggest using a bulldozer to reform it into a nice park or something.

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