I have shingles I think.

by noni1974 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maddie

    Hi Noni - I have had Shingles a few years ago. I believe there are several places you can have the rash, and I had mine going half way around my torso in a line. I remember feeling very tired and found any exertion quite draining for a while afterwards. The doctor will be able to help you with medication so the sooner you go the better.

    Take it easy and get well soon


  • Tara

    Noni, the nurse was right. If it is shingles you need to go and get the antiviaral meds. They will help a lot in the healing. Shingles is very painful. I hope you feel better soon..

  • noni1974

    I'll tell you what I feel like crap right now.I'm in pain and I have been for a few days now.Last night driving a cab was extremly painful.

    I can't wait to go to the doctor tomorrow.I hope the meds make me feel better.

  • jaguarbass

    Stress brings them on so does weakened immune system from illness.I have both right now.I'm sick and I'm overly stressed at the moment.

    Thats what I have seen my wife and her mother both got them when they were under stressful conditions.

  • changeling

    Hurry and start the anti-viral drugs. You can lessen the severity of the outbreak with them but only if you start them early on.

    Take care,


  • FlyingHighNow

    Any case of shingles I've seen was horrible. There is no "I think." about shingles.

  • erynw

    I had shingles on my face that went from the end of my nose up into my scalp.

    Yowza it was painful!

    The docs were afraid it had taken up residence on my optic nerve (but it hadn't).

    But, after I took the first anti-viral pill, the pain lessened considerably.

    Don't put it off, start the meds.

    I hope you feel better soon.

  • noni1974

    I have a cold right now so I took some cold medicen and went to bed.I just got woken up by my kitten because it's kitten love time.Now it's time for more cold stuff and some advil and hopfully more sleep.It's really weird I haven't had a cold for years.Not like this.I've had the sniffles that went away in days but that was it.This cold is kicking my butt.It's in my chest and I have a hard time sleeping because of coughing.I can't breath through my nose.I feel like crap.

    You know whats funny is I had a dream a few weeks ago about having shingles which when I woke up made me think about them.I've not thought about shingles for years.I haven't had them for 20 years.Last time I was 11 or 12 or so.I don't remember the symptoms from that time other than I had a spot on my back that I thought was a rug burn but it got worse and bigger.So my Mom took me to the doctor and that's when we found out about shingles.It cleared up really quickly but left a scar that I don't see anymore but I had for years.

    My Mom told me I had them twice before not the once I remember.She said I had them as a teenager also.I don't remember that at all.I argued with her that I only had them once.She swears up and down that I had them again.

    I am very stressed right now.I try not to worry over much about things I can't controll but sometimes I just can't help it.Add to that I've had major upheavel in my life in the past month.I got a new job.My rent is behind because of not making money driving a cab so I got a real job to help with that.I'm working 2 jobs right now.I get stressed out when driving a cab if I'm not making money that night I get pissed off.I'm stressed driving a cab because you just never know what people are going to try to pull.Every single person who gets in my cab is a potential robber/killer whatever because I don't know them.I'm burnt out with driving a cab.I really want my other job to become full time ASAP so I can cut back on my driving to one night a week if needed.

    My problems seem so small when compared with other peoples.I try to think of that when I'm upset about something.I guess I've been holding in too much and my body is sick of it.

  • TheSilence

    I was just about to log off and saw this thread for the first time... please take care of yourself, noni. ***


  • JK666


    You poor thing. I hope I didn't give you cooties!

    Get your medicine and take the first dose quick if the doctor decides it is shingles. Let me know if I can be of any help. PM me if you want me to call you later so you can talk about what is stressing you out.


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