What's Your First Thought To The Name/Word "Jehovah"?

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  • RisingEagle

    I still don't get the whole 'YHWH=Yahweh = Jehovah' translation. I'm sure it's because I just don't have enough knowledge of biblical translation history though. Yahweh I get, it seems phonetically coherent with two syllables, but Jehovah with three syllables bugs me. So in my mind Yahweh != Jehovah.

    My first thought when I hear 'Jehovah' is: whozat?

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    In my family it shows a lack of respect to call your parents by their first name. We always said "Mom" or "Dad". Now we call him Pop. If I called him by his first name he would think I was being a smart ass. So, I wondered why they said to call "God" by his name was showing affection. It also made me wonder why it was so important to use and die for a name that was an invention when they say it's so important to sanctify it. Its not the name but we must sanctify it? Real bright in my book. Always bothered me. Hear Jehovah, think of Jehovah's witnesses. W.Once

  • jaguarbass

    The first time I heard it, I was one years old.

    Thank you Jehovah.

    I think of people not living their lives today, waiting to live them in a new world that will never come.

  • worldtraveller

    I was wondering just who God told his name to? I believe no one, so why the ridiculous name? I would have gone for Joe. Or simply the boss, or sir. Maybe CEO or CFO. Head honcho? The big cheeze. Jehovah seems poorly though out.

  • WTWizard
  • tooktheredpill

    RisingEagle: Some time ago, a friend told me that he read that the monk that invented the name used the vocals from "Elohim" and "Addonai" with the tetragramathon (YHWH), in order to read "Jehovah". If I find the information, I will post the source.

  • evergreen

    When i think of the name Jehovah- all that comes to mind is the boring endless meetings at the kingdom hall.

    Also, I automatically think of the YHWH = Yahweh (not Jehovah), I also think of his shortened name Yah. Even the organisation admit that Yahweh is the most favored rendering of his name among Hebrew scholars (Insight on the Scriptuers Vol 1).

    But because people are used to the name Jehovah, the society wont change it to the more accurate Yahweh; which quite frankly amazes me when they are so obsessed and dogmatic about evrything else such as avoiding just about everything that is paganistic or Jesus dying on a stake rather than a cross etc etc etc

  • Undecided

    Some ancient Jewish God.

    Ken P.

  • Tara

    sick, twisted, evil, bastard.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    It repulses me. I think "ghhhhhyyyreeew".

    Feel free to quote me directly.

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