Moments at the District Assembly You'll Never Forget...

by integ 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • integ

    I'll never forget the assembly in Madison, Wi. where some poor sap had to tell everyone that he had become addicted to porno on the net, but through much prayerful contemplation and after confessing to the elders he was able to come to "grips" with it.

    Good luck to that guy with ever getting a fine sister to marry him.

    Poor guy. I really felt sorry for him. I figure they forced him to relate his "experience" in front of thousands of people to show he truly was repentant. I can't beieve anyone would actually volunteer to share that with all those people. How utterly humiliating that must've been for that hapless guy.


  • BlackPearl

    Geez! Nice way to RUB out a guy's chances with the sisters.

  • avishai

    I was 16. Got a severe nosebleed. Would'nt stop. Granddad was head of first aid, and put a "rhino rocket" (that's an O.B tampon for those not in the know) up my nose. Sitting there in first aid with hot sisters walkin' by. Thought i was gonna die.

  • erandir

    That's one way to stop a nose bleed.


  • Mincan

    I'll never forget the last one I went to, drunk. I don't remember any other ones ironically.

    It would help to remember if the moderators here HADN'T DELETED THAT THREAD MONTHS AGO. THANKS A BUNCH DUDES AND DUDETTES!

  • justhuman

    Poor guy. I really felt sorry for him. I figure they forced him to relate his "experience" in front of thousands of people to show he truly was repentant. I can't beieve anyone would actually volunteer to share that with all those people. How utterly humiliating that must've been for that hapless guy.

    my goodness...this guy must be really nuts(like most of JW's) So you can imagine how single sisters will view him and all the comments that will follow after his "great sin": Brother Pornograph must have musturbate watching Pamella Anderson many times, and now he want's to get married? I mean how can we be sure that he will not repeat this "sin"

    WT is mad house...they should be locked in an isolated island and leave us in peace...

  • WTWizard

    At least in the Catholic church, confessions are made in private. They don't make confessions like that in front of the whole audience. I bet that confession was forced, and if he would have turned it down, they would have harassed him in the home congregation, perhaps by making him look uncooperative.

    I have heard stories like those at the Grand Boasting Sessions before. Giving up porn is one of the things they mention. Masturbation is the other thing. I would rather do apostasy, and continue to do so to this day. In fact, I will mention every apostate Web site that I can think of--if they cut off the mic, I will pull out a bullhorn and continue announcing it with that.

  • Jim_TX

    Well... I remember one assembly (don't recall if it was a District or Circuit Assembly though).

    We had 'occupied' a large oval auditorium building. We had 'moved in' with all of the big equipment... the stage was built... the sound department - which I was a volunteer in - had set up all sorts of speakers all about this auditorium. We had a room that served double-duty - it was sort of 'HQ' for the sound department, and is where all of the extra speakers, wire, microphones, etc were stored, and also during the sessions, it served as a 'nursery' where the ladies could retreat to and change lil' Johnny Jr., or rock them back-n-forth in the stroller, or nurse the little ones.

    Well... there I was... bumbling around - looking all official and all... going from one set of speakers to the next - checking the 'volume' to make sure it was loud enough to hear. (Also a great excuse to get up and walk around - missing most of the sessions.)

    So - I walk right into our 'HQ' - not thinking of what - or who - occupied it during the sessions... to check the speaker volumes. YIKES!!!

    Needless to say - I beat a hasty retreat! There were a lot of gals in there - and one of 'em 'reported' me to someone 'high up' in the chain there. Who promptly went to the fella in charge of the sound department. Who looked at me. I told him what I had done (he already knew.). He just told me to not do it again. I told him 'don't worry... I won't'.

    I think that he got a chuckle out of the whole thing... but couldn't let on - or else he mightuv' gotten in trouble.

    Me? I was mortified. Scarred for life. I was reeeeeeal careful going into our sound department HQ after that - even during times when the women weren't supposed to be in there.


    Jim TX

  • MissingLink

    We had that same confession made by a dude at our DC in Dublin last year or the year before.


    We had the same "I was addicted to internet porn" confession at our convention a year or two ago. I thought that the guy must really love Jehovah to confess and try to help others by spilling his guts. He was in my congregation.

    My niece ( by marriage ) was related to him, he was married to her cousin. She told me soon after that she was worried about his two young daughters. When I expressed my views that a man viewing porn was not that big of a deal, she told me that it was kiddie porn. Whole different ballgame. I was sick to my stomach every time I saw him after that.

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