I am trying to understand my cat

by Fisherman 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan

    Cats that have had ongoing human contact from kittenhood onward and who never experience the feral life are basically in a state of arrested development, they remain kittens essentially. Sounds like this is the case with your cat, to a strong degree.

  • pmouse

    If you are having issues with your cat tearing into furniture, I highly recommend Soft Claws . They glue on over the cats natural claw and do not harm or bother the cat. The hardest part is getting your cat to allow you to put them on. It takes two, maybe more to hold the squirmming cat who is hell bent on clawing you into pieces while one brave individual applies the nail. The end result is worth it. My cat, Casey, never retracts his claws and it's almost impossible to cuddle him because of it. And he is extremely needy (was a rescue cat).

    After bullying Heidi (my older Maltese-Shih-Tzu or Maltishi) for years, if he looks at her she goes Mideival on him. The younger Maltishi who is 6 months old has outgrown Heidi and Casey. She has played with the cat since she was tiny and now unfortunately drags him around the house by the scruff of his neck. What is strange is that he apparently enjoys it.

    I have ocassionally been quietly sitting at my computer and felt a tap on my shoulder only to see my cat stretched up to a yard long from the floor up just to get my attention for a scratch on the head. When I pick him up, he's not content to sit in my lap, but would rather sit on my shoulder and smother me while trying to get closer. He is not my first cat, but is definitely the strangest one of the bunch. I'm trying to attach some pictures of our furry children. Hopefully they come out.

  • aquagirl

    hi fisherman.get a 1/2 inch dowel about 3 feet long.drill a hole in the end.tie a piece of heavy string through it.about 5 feet.,tie three or four heavy rubber bands on the end of the string..viola!!!a 20$ cat toy that your cat will love,and a few minutes w/this a day,will wear that cat out and satisfy its hunting jones..i have a dumpster cat.she is an indoor cat now,due to wildlife.we play w/her like 2 or three times a day and this has solved her wild hunting rages,,PLEASE dont have her declawed.i was a vet tech,and it is the most horid bloody maiming thing you can do to a cat..give the cat away first...good luck!!!!also,try some catnip and valerian capsules for her to go crazy w/.we all need a bender some times...

  • aquagirl

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmr60eKEe-o this is maime..on the dangers of sleeping w/humans..a hoot!!!!!

  • aquagirl

    sorry the last mark should be an underscore....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmr60eKEe_o

  • worldtraveller

    Our cat drinks out of our toilets for some odd reason. We offer fresh water every morning, but she prefers "toilet water". For that reason, we continuously replace the toilet water and scrub the bowl endlessly. She jumps on the toilets when we flush them as well. Odd for a cat to like a water feature. Fascinated by the swirl I guess.

  • Micky4321

    Here is a list of poisonous foods for cats. I just found this. It's not complete though. I've heard Garlic and Chocolate are also very poisonous. Just thought I'd mention it. One time my younger kitty got into chocolate and I called the vet and they had me bring him in and they gave him something to make him throw up to get the chocolate out of his tummy. He didn't throw up until I got home and all over the place.

    Apple seeds
    Apricot seeds/pits
    Avodaco fruit/pit
    Cherry (the whole thing)
    Eggplant (the greens)
    Rhubarb (leaf)
    Tomato (greens)

  • Snoozy

    Cats have a bone right under their ear and above their jawline that they love to be rubbed.That's why he rubs your hand or whatever else is handy. They will purr and slobber all over you if you do this..

    They also learn quickly how far you will let them go.When you get up from a chair they quickly awake and relocate themselves to YOUR spot!
    Remove him immediately and put him in another spot or he will become the pack leader..

    I have had several cats when I was a teen and when my kids were younger..I have NO need for them now!Mostly because they won't let me be the packleader!

    If I want to pet a cat I just go to my daughters house and pet hers. The way he follows me around and wants attention all the time climbs on my lap and drools all over me, throws up his latest delight at the drop of a bucket...drags his cat liter and poop all over her house....not for me.

    I know a lot of people say its good to have a pet when you are older..it keeps you from getting lonely and it is good for you.

    Well I figure I did my share of cat petting and cleaning up after..I cherish my time alone now with no demands being made on me.
    When I stayed at my daughters overnight..the cat would go on the prowl and he had this long drawn out yowl that would make you sit straight up in bed! I don't need that either...

    I like pets but not at my house...I've cleaned up after enough of them..plus I don't want to see them suffer when they get sick or die.

    I like my freedom to go when I please for as long as I please without worring about a pet also.

    Snoozy..who likes animals but not at her place...
    ps...my Brother has 5 cats..he takes in all the strays!

  • restrangled

    Your cat is being a cat without another cat......I have been born and raised with every possible cat scenerio.

    My Mom raised exotics.......They need a pal, otherwise you are their best friend.

    Cats by nature are very independent, but lone guys in house will become your best friend....insisting on attention, sharping on rugs, blankets etc.

    A cat cannot be trained by a human and will never respond to discipline of any sort, leashes......etc.

    They may or may not accept dogs, new cats, etc,

    I was fortunate that my 10 year old cat agreed to 2 new Dobermans that had never been exposed to a cat.

    It took 2 months, but at this point the boys sniff her, protect her, and she rubs herself up against them. One of them.....the younger boy wants to play with her and she has no use for it at any time but she tolerates him.

    If you have any more questions contact me.........big cat lover!


  • Fisherman

    I really appreciate all the info about cats. I have petted cats before but never owned one or taken care of one before this guy. I do not let my cat go outside because I am afraid he will get lost or injured. At first, I wanted to buy one of these exotic cats like a Havana or an egyptiaan hairless but they were hard to find so I went to the local shelter and noticed this friendly guy and adopted him. He was under a year or just a little over. They put him in a cardborad box but broke out of the box whule I was driving home. I was terrified the cat I was not aquainted with was loose in the car and all over me. When I brought him in, I realized that he was tame and gentle and affectionate and we became friends.

    I had to sign a contract never to declaw him. The poor thing was already castrated when I got him. No problem with his poop. He goes in the box and thats it. He eats dry food with no prob but I give him wet too.

    I have tried to train him but this guy does whatever the hell he wants. He gives me his paw but that is it. When I sit down he jumps on my lap. I tell him NO, NO. but he doesnt care. I have one of these large pettransporters filled with soft cloth and whenever I am very busy and he starts to act like crazy glue, I put him in there until I am free again.

    Oh, another thing about this cat, he likes to also put his butt towards me as if he wnats me to rub him ther. I notice that he like me to rub just above his tail andlower back.

    How can I prevent my cat from damaging things with his claws? I read the post about the soft claws. Is that te best way? Any other option? Any ther helful info about cats I greatly appreciate.

    One time he brought and put before me a mouse that he caught and crippled. I felt flattered.

    I want to know the best thing for my cat. I do not want him to damage things with his claws and I want him to understand that there are times that he has to go away and be still. I am not so concerned about his drooling anyomre. This post hs convinced me that my cat is normal. Now I just want to know how he can learn.

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