by proplog2 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips

    Peace is not merely the abscence of war Proplog. The JWs do not know peace.


  • restrangled

    I am not a JW apologist.

    I believe in giving credit where credit is due.

    You are so right! JW's should be given credit for wasting peoples lives, primarily through convincing them that by repeating a few meaningless phrases over and over again that they are somehow special.

    This little insignificant subculture has somehow convinced themselves that by selectively comparing themselves to other religions and by cherry picking issues they will make themselves appear unique and special.

    JW's didn't invent the idea of pacifism. In fact they really didn't invent anything other than some goofy ideas to convince a group of otherwise ordinary people, that by joining their club, they will automatically become special.

    So if you are going to give credit in the big picture, at the end of the day, the most significant contribution that the JW's as a group will have made, is to stand as a crystal clear example of why clinging to a phrase or two and repeating it a thousand times (while pretending to live outside of society) is an insufficient tradeoff to forfeiting/wasting what may be your only life on earth.

    Pacifism is like the color blue. There are people from all walks of life and religions that believe in that principle. JW's are unique only in their self delusion that they have a corner on anything other than acting goofy.

    R's Hubby

  • catbert

    The Amish also do not go to war. They are better examples of being "no part of this world".

    Considering JW's extensive use of the legal system, I question their "no part of this world" stance. What is more worldly than a lawyer?

  • Junction-Guy

    Damn straight Catbert !!!----oops I said a naughty word, oh well

  • proplog2

    Catbert: The purpose of the legal system is to insure justice. The early Christians used the legal system. Have you forgotten Paul's use of his status as a Roman citizen to obtain justice in his case? So, your questioning JW's being no part of the world is without any basis.

  • proplog2

    Burn the Ships: A cliche' is not a rebuttal. By the way the primary definition of peace IS "the absence of war". You can stretch any definition by qualifying it. But, if you stretch the meaning too far then you alter the definition of the word so that nothing fits your definition.

  • proplog2

    Amish vs JW's

    The comment was made that the Amish are a better example of "being no part of the world".

    This depends on how you understand "no part of the world".

    The Amish do not evangelize and seek to add outsiders to their church. Yet, Jesus' command at Matthew 28:19 requires them to "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them...teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you". The Amish have invented a life-style that is totally incompatible with this requirement.

    Furthermore, you need to read the scripture that refers to "being no part of the world".

    John 17:15 "I request you, not to take them out of the world, but to watch over them because of the wicked one. They are no part of the world just as I am no part of the world. Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth. Just as you SENT ME FORTH INTO THE WORLD, I also sent them forth INTO THE WORLD."

    How do you reconcile being sent INTO THE WORLD with the seclusion the Amish people have chosen?

    Of course you have overlooked these fine points because you no longer have to defend the JW viewpoint. But, again the JW's are right on these issues.

    The very idea that Jesus intended his followers to isolate themselves like the Amish shows how far you have drifted.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    proplog. have you read steve hassan's books?

  • hillary_step


    I sympathize with your point and is some ways agree.

    My own view is that the price that has to be paid for the JW version of "peace" is heavy and in the long run counterproductive both on an individual level and were it widespread in society, on an international level.

    The world would long ago have been overun by darker forces than are already in play if the world was made up of JW's. In many ways Christianity as accepted by its apologists, would never have survived to this day had its exponents not taken to arms and fought for its survival. even JW's recognize this and are quite happy to state that were God to ask them to fight, then they would.

    If war is over, so is Christianity. One supports the other and the lesson of history evidences this.



    Proplog2..Yes,I agree with with you....I`m told the WBT$ "now" allows alternative service..We have friends on this board who went to jail for not accepting alternative service..The WBT$ wasted their lives for nothing.........Unfortunately..It`s your average Jehovah`s Witness that suffers for WBT$ Idiot Rules and Policies,not the WBT$..........Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

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