by proplog2 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    Since when are you a JW apologist proplong2?


  • changeling

    Carmel: Isaiah prophesied about Jesus being "the prince of peace". If you believe in fairie tales that is.


  • tula

    Their need to control the lives of others is just as lethal as having their hands around your throat.

    A wrecked hopeless life is a death.

    "let no man put asunder" goes unheeded as they divide marriage partners.

    The mental anguish experienced by so many here when they discover the REAL truth causes needless horrors and regrets.

    A wasted life is a death.

    Yes, JWs do go to war. They don't use guns. Guns would be a quick kill.

    JWs use thought control and threats resulting in emotional torment. It's an effective slow kill. Like poison.

    Cults are the most barbaric groups on the planet.

    They kill happiness, desire, futures, love, ambition.

    It's a war, allright. Killing a family at a time.

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    They have peace? Because they don't engage in physical battle?

    Well that is one kind of peace, but I think it is the only kind of peace they have as a group--the absence of violent physical hostility. And they are not even strictly opposed to that, accepting its justification in Old Testament times, and eagerly awaiting its being carried out in the near future, without their participation but for their benefit.

    They are also kept engaged in ongoing spiritual warfare and taught to feel spiritual hostility toward anyone they consider the enemy (which is everyone but themselves, and they even view each other and their own selves with great suspicion and enmity much of the time). Is that peace?

    For them as much as anyone else, war is not over.

    But who is condemning JWs anyway? As far as I can tell, we're mostly just concerned for them because of their blind obedience to a publishing company that does more harm than good. You can call that peace if you want to, but I can't. I think, like so much else the Watchtower promotes, what they offer is a superficial make-believe sort of peace.

    I am glad you care about peace, but not everyone does. There are some whose interests are very much served by the continuation of war. I cannot make them want peace and justice, but I can do my best to expose their fearmongering and lying justifications for wars of greed, in the hopes that fewer people will support them and fight those wars for them.

    Therefore, while I seek peace, desire peace, do my best to practice peace, I am not opposed to defensive war. I am opposed to aggressive war and to any methods of war that take the lives of civilians and cause excess damage to the land.



  • changeling



  • changeling

    Dear Merry: I do so enjoy the sincerity of your posts.

    It blows my mind, however, that you can be the lovely and intelleigent person that you are and be a Muslim.

    Have you perhaps traded one form of delusion for another? Are you still experiencing cognitive dissonance?


  • What-A-Coincidence

    at what costs?

    i recommend "Releasing the Bonds" by Steve Hassan pg. 111-125 - look under the different "errant beliefs" that should help

    ..."cult mind control makes it seem as though members are exercising their own free will, but this only the illusion of choice"

    at the costs of free will? NO THANKS!


    Replacing The 10 Commandments

    10 practical suggestions on how to be ethical (i.e. not just for atheists; for anyone).

    1. Thou SHALT NOT believe all thou art told.
    2. Thou SHALT seek knowledge and truth constantly.
    3. Thou SHALT educate thy fellow man in the Laws of Science.
    4. Thou SHALT NOT forget the atrocities committed in the name of god.
    5. Thou SHALT leave valuable contributions for future generations.
    6. Thou SHALT live in peace with thy fellow man.
    7. Thou SHALT live this one life thou hast to its fullest.
    8. Thou SHALT follow a Personal Code of Ethics.
    9. Thou SHALT maintain a strict separation between Church and State.
    10. Thou SHALT support those who follow these commandments.

    PropLog2..As long as Multi Billion Dollar companys like the "Watchtower Bible and Tract Society recieve Profits from War.....And..No one cares...........War will continue to Plague this World......................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    Thanks, Changeling. But there are many Muslims and Muslimahs far lovelier and more intelligent than I am.

    I think a lot of the apparent contradiction has to do with the Islam that I (and many others) have discovered through our own in-depth investigation and consideration of Qur'an and Sunnah as opposed to what Muslims are most often and most strongly portrayed as believing and doing, that becoming the basis of how people see Islam and interpret the Qur'an.

    I did not become a Muslimah because of Muslims and I will not stop being a Muslimah because of Muslims. I became a Muslim because of what I believe is the essence and truth of Islam. Islam is as Islam is, not necessarily as Muslims do. Or to put it another way, Islam can only be defined by what Muslims do to the extent that what those Muslims do is actually defined by Islam and not their own varied cultural or personal prejudices.

    Hope that helps clarify.


  • ldrnomo

    So why does everyone on this discussion board keep condemning nearly 7,000,000 people who have committed themselves to a life of peace.

    I am only one poster on this site so I can't speak for everyone else but I am not condeming the nearly 7 million people but what I condemn is the organization thay forces their ways, beliefs, methods and practices on many of these people. Practically all people want peace. Since I've been out of the organization or borg as I prefer to call it I have met and made friends with so many people called worldley by the borg's standards and every one of them is peaceable and loving and caring. And what makes anyone think that these people have commited themselves to a life of peace when they think nothing of condeming a person for, smoking cigerettes, or having sexual relations with out marriage or disagreaing with somthing the borg tells them to believe or watching a loved one friend or relative bleed to death in the name of their peace.

    So, war is over if you want it and the majority of people on this earth want it but only God can make it really happen no man made organization is going to do it remember the scripture, "do not put your trust in nobles or governing body members or eathling man because no man can give you salvation"

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