
by LadyCCC 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • prophecor

    Hello Lady CCC. You are among one of the most supportive Witness, and more importantly, ex-Witness communities on the entire planet. There are so many things to glean from the experience of others here that you may find with a little time, research and patience with yourself, that you never really want to go back to a Kingdom Hall. For all the right reason, though.

    Not because you're ashamed or angry for being excommunicated, but because you've been given the understanding that something has been desperately wrong within OZ, for ages and you now have the secret knowledge that can save you. Save you from distress, fear and frustration. You may begin to truly acquire a life worth living. The possibilities are almost infinite. For now, however, you're in the company of many truly wonderful people, all eager to assist you in negotiating the curves of being outside of the Temple Gates. Be of good courage. We are all happy to have you here.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Welcome! I've never been DF'd, but wanted to welcome you.

    I feel that I should just move on, seek God and spirituality and make new friends and leave this religion behind. They throw people away as if you don't mean anything

    You nailed it with the above statement! Take your own advice and move on from the JW's, you'll never be happier once you do.


  • yknot


    Welcome to the board!

    I have never been DFd but was "marked" and shunned, I still am in many cliques. I know the feelings of invisibility all too well, and after being shunned for decades I can tell you how you perceive yourself is all that matters. We all make mistakes, Jesus says Jehovah forgives, ask and you shall receive!

    The biggest question is do you want to stay or go?

    Before you answer this, why not examine things like we ask the householders in FS? There are lots of avenues on the internet to research. Yes there are many "apostate" sites but there are also sites that have pdfs of all the WTs from the 1879-1949 (1950-present can be found on CD). Another great source is of course the Bible itself, particularly what Jesus had to say about salvation.

    It is only recently that I have learned there is a difference between religion and faith. Ex: My religion from birth has been JW, but if the Towers were to fall and never to be rebuilt whether due to internal corruption or divine reproving. My faith is in Jehovah, Jesus, and knowing that Jah has provided guidance in the words of the Bible, granting me understanding with the help of holy spirit.

    Whichever course you take, the JWD and the many "friends" here are like group therapy for those who are in need. If this site had been runnning when my Sister was wrongfully DF'd then she wouldn't have lost 17 years of her life. I admit the things being done in the Tower in the name of Jehovah has caused me to "lose" my religion, but my faith has been rewarded by me keeping my sanity as I wade through what is Biblical and what is WTS man-made, self-serving interpretation. (Theocratic Warfare, UN, OSCE, Thailand Bible Society, Johannes Geber, Sexual Abuse payouts, Blood and Bulgaria, Rutherford and Angels denying the need for holy spirit, RBC etc...)

    here are some links to old WT pubs



    www.strictlygenteel.co.uk has old online books and is run by Witnesses (Reading Rutherford is unreal)


    www.watchtower.cc has the Elder Manual (Not the one with Elder notes--search Richie's posting to read about the notes handwritten in Elder Manuals about handling Sexual Abuse.) Maybe ask yourself if we are not a Secret Society, why this manual is not available in the KH library?


    http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/149504/1.ashx you can download the Public Talks outlines, thanks to a few fabulous JWDers..

    The resourses are unlimited

    Don't discount the "apostate" sites too quickly......I will allow another to post the fab poztates to visit on the web, but most are sincere ex-Witnesses.



  • erynw

    Welcome to JWD!

    I was booted 24 years ago.

    Haven't been back and haven't missed it.

    I look forward to reading your future posts.

  • golf2

    Greetings and welcome to the forum.

    Don't let what happen to you get you down. All on this forum have been mistreated by the so-called loving witnesses. I've known about the witnesses since the late 40's. Mind you, things were different then, but once they got to big for their britches, everything went hay-wire.

    Hang in there.


  • JK666


    Welcome to JWD!

    I have been disfellowshipped twice. I remember how hard it was trying to get back in. I had elders that never wanted me back, so they made it a very long process. The second time I never tried, and feel much better. I found out some of the hideous things that the Organization has done, much more so than any sin of the flesh. Feel good about yourself and enjoy your freedom! Stick around and you will learn a lot of things.


  • Gordy

    In 1996, I had to face a Judicial Committee because I had depression and attempted suicide. I was "privately reproved" and removed from being a Min Servant.

    The JW's attitude changed, people I knew for 25 years became distant. I was told to leave the family home because I was a "spiritual danger" to my family. The Elders weren't big enough to do it themselves they left it up to my wife.

    Anyway to cut a long story short. It was the total lack of love and support that more than anything else that started me to question WT teachings. I eventually disassociated in 2001. Since then my wife and two daughters have not had contact with me.

    Their whole attitude on how they treat those who need help, seems in contradiction to what the scriptures say. Christ always put those who need love and support first. The parable of the shepherd going to look for the lost sheep, leaving the rest to do so. The JW attitude is if you are lost you can find your own way back, without any help from us. Then they say that is showing love????

  • Hortensia

    Move on, make some friends, do some interesting activity you would never have done as a JW, volunteer for something interesting - not something depressing like homeless people. You need uplifting - you also need some time to pass before the messages that you have had dinned into your brain for years start to fade.

  • worldtraveller

    Please take Mouthy's and my advice. If you are looking for God's channel, it's sure as hell not through the Watch Tower, it's through His son Jesus. The Bible makes that clear throughout the book of John.

    If you are tired of it all, I think that's ok too, because ALL is forgiven, not just 144K. What a crock that is.

    Oh, and WELCOME!

  • JWdaughter

    Welcome to the board! I think you will find this a great place for support and sorting out your feelings and getting information. I am glad you are here and hope you will be encouraged and know that your value is not in how you are regarded at the KH.

    This is none of my business, so you don't need to respond.

    I am curious if in the process of your confession you repented? Or did you just defiantly inform them that you had 'sinned'? I wonder this because I have heard before of people being DFd after confessing and it seems strange to confess without repenting (why confess?) But it seems really strange that folks would be DFd AFTER repenting of sin. Because EVERYONE sins, but lets face it, most don't go to the elders and confess unless either repentent or defiantly forced into the admission of the sin. . . but it seems to me that anyone defiantly and unrepenently confessing would not meekly sit in the KH until they were let back in.

    In my case, I was DA'd for not believing the WT explanation for the Alpha and Omega. Or rather for saying so and speaking to several elder types trying to make sense of the WT expl. So, while never fully deciding on the trinity thing, I still couldn't accept their explanation and left. So, I am DA'd. I didn't hang around waiting for the announcement.

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