Worst WT term ever

by Robert7 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • SirNose586
    Circumcision of the heart!

    Oh man, that's a terrible one.

    My favorite: "You blocked the flow of Holy Spirit."

    I guess then you're going to have to call the spiritual plumber then, eh? Or maybe whip out a bottle of Spiritual Drano?

  • VoidEater

    You blocked the flow of Holy Spirit

    I can do that??? Maybe with a demon infestation? Even if I use Demon-B-Gone?

    "Food at the proper time" - I would hate to get cramps. I hate cramps.

    But for shear nausea factor I have to go with JK - "wait on Jehovah". What, he's so busy strategizin' how to make Satan look bad?

  • VoidEater

    ...oh, how do I return my unused portion of Holy Spirit? I'm not completely satisfied, you see...

  • Carmel

    Is there "spiritual indigestion" or "heart foreskin"? just thougt it would be a natural follow on...... carmel

  • exwitless

    You guys are hilarious. Thanks for the laughs!

    I had totally forgotten about the 'circumcision of the heart'. Ugh. Extra portion of your holy spirit!! LOL! That's like asking for an extra helping of mashed potatoes.

    My ultimate most hated dub term is, wait for it, NEED GREATERS. As in, people who decide to move to another state or country to serve where the need is greater. They term themselves "need greaters." Here, I'll use it in a sentence for you, because the term is so DUMB it may not make sense:

    "We had dinner with Brother and Sister Righteous. They are need greaters who moved here from New York." God, my blood pressure just went up having to think about that term!!

    Here's a few others: discreet (or discrete-can't remember which); field service, in the field, worldly, Christendom, new system of things, the Greater Noah, or the Greater Abraham, spiritual fornication.

  • stillajwexelder


    "with greediness"

  • prophecor

    Howzabout the all encompassing Celistial Chariot. The one that we were going to be run over with or be left behind if your sorry asses couldn't keep up.

  • Funchback

    Mother Organization.


  • nomoreguilt

    Jehovah's People are a HAPPY PEOPLE!!!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    That's not theocratic!

    Jehovah's Christian Witnesses don't do that!

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