Where have you turned to?

by Robert7 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • myababes

    Do you know what, I really don't think about anything at all. I was born into the organisation but never really believed it any way so leaving 8 years ago was a blessed relief so that I really don't have to think about anthing religious/ spiritual. I think I must be really shallow but have turned to spending more quality, happy ,stress free time with my family.

  • changeling

    Why do we have to go anywhere?


  • changeling
    I have concluded that if the bible is true and it describes god correctly....he is not someone I would want to associate with much less worship

    Good one grammy!


  • yknot

    I am figuring out how to fade gracefully and take as many with me as possible (most of us are here because "where else can we go?"). None of us find trinity appealing or believable (so there are no denoms or non-denoms who would except any of us as arians).

    I understand atheism better now (we have two in our KH).

    I still believe in God.

    I see now the difference between religion and faith.

    Being that I never had a chance at salvation (according to certain Elders), I am attempting to unite those who have faded, inactive, fading, stagnant and recently DA'd/DF'd to form a loose fellowship. Most of us stand united on the lack of trinity, hell, and immortality of the soul, but are unsure of what else we believe. I think much like weight-loss, recovery and bible study understanding can be better attained and maintained with the buddy system or with a large support group.

    If all the above fails.

    The question will be: Which is the greater lie?

    Staying a JW but not fully believing? (apostate amongst the sheep)


    Joining a worldly church (reaping many social benefits of various ministries and fellowship opportunities) but never professing trinity, immortality of the soul and hell? (apostate amongst the sheep)

    Who knows...I am open to even more suggestions.

    Best Wishes

  • Carmel

    I gave up looking after 15 years and IT found me! carmel of the detchment class

  • oompa

    I'm leaning towards Saba.........oompa

  • okie46

    Finally-Free that is hilarious, Rocco is some preacher

    I visited a couple of churches, but they were a turn off to me when they passed the plate and berated members from the stage for not giving more money to the church. I just couldn't feel anything at all for a while, didn't know what or who I believed in. I felt lost spiritually, could not pray at all, didn't know who to pray too. Lately, I have become very interested in zen buddhism, I like it because it focuses on how life is a continual process of trying to be a better human being and it focuses on not being judgemental but loving to those who might offend us. It encourages compassion not shunning. I just have a real problem with organized religion and how focused on the doctrines of man they are.

  • LouBelle

    I turned to myself - only I know what I need and I can figure out how to provide it.

    It's all about you baby.

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    no need to turn anywhere. no need to exchange one drug for another. i know, leaving the jehovahs one's still used to being led. but now it's your turn on the steering-wheel. you're no longer sitting in a train, you've got your own brand new car.

  • sass_my_frass

    I generate my own strength, and my terrific hubby has my back when I'm down. We're all I need.

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