Obsessed Ex-JWs----Are You One Of Them?

by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    In the beginning I was obsessed with disproving everything I once believed and for the time I wasted there. But that has passed - I kinda feel it shapped who I am today, though at least now I am free!

  • justhuman

    Hell I'm

    I just hate it

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    Obsessed - no.

    That, however, does not stop me from taking a swing at them at every opportunity that arises!


  • minimus

    Ona---------PLEASE--------send ME the check.

    Notice this wasn't a question?? (Not that THIS wasn't a question because I guess it was, but the first statement wasn't a question......oh, you know what I mean).

  • babygirl75
    owned and wore a collection of crosses for the pure intention of shocking every JW who was unfortunate to cross my path.

    LOL...I've done this too!!!


  • minimus

    Wearing large crosses, inundating a house with XMas decorations and actions similar to this is evidently good therapy for some. Kinda "in your face" revolting.

  • VoidEater

    Not obsessed, though still get angry when I hear about the latest "new light" weaseling on past prophetic/divinely inspired dogma - because my dad goes through such contortions subverting his integrity and logid to remain a "good witness". I think that's healthy.

    Yes, therapy was good for me - but I was dealing with more than just escaping from brainwashing, I was also coming out to my witness parents and stuggling with elder molestation issues. Had to get past a counselor that was physically inappropriate with me, but eventually found an excellent therapist - also did group therapy, which was immensely helpful. That only took 15 years...

  • ex-nj-jw

    Are you consumed by your having been a Witness?


    Are you very angry all the time because of your JW past?

    I used to be because I felt that I was robbed of a normal childhood and how the elders and organization was involved in so much of my childhood disipline. It also is responsible for almost every bad choice I made growing up, because I tried so hard to prove that I was NOT a JW and that the only reason I was associated with the organization was because of my parents and I was a minor. I made alot of bad choices that could have caused serious harm to myself. I lucked out and none of my choices caused any serious or life threating harm.

    Have you ever thought about recieving professional therapy??

    I did but not specifically due to leaving the JW's - I went through therapy for something unrelated and found out that being raised JW was the root of most of my problems. My crazy JW mother was the reason I went to threapy.


  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    yes, yes, yes got a freaken pill for me or what!

  • Tuesday

    I don't think I'm obsessed, I liken it to talking with someone from the same high school. You talk about all the crazy stuff in your high school, it doesn't mean that you are obsessed, just talking.

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