Two Elders Came To My Door

by silentlambs 45 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • seven006

    Jayhawk, you are absolutely right. Once a restraining order is filed any party, the filer or respondent that goes against the restraining order is in violation and subject to prosecution. If Bill needs to address or converse with any of the elders from his congregation (and he probably will) he himself can be held in violation of the restraining order.

    It doesn't take much to spot an elder at your door. Ignoring them is an effective way of making your point. Don't play into their hands, you can bet the elders sent were not their on their own accord but that of the society and the advice of their legal team. Bill is way too far into this for it to be handled by the local congregation. You can bet they are getting exact and precise orders of exactly what to say and what to do from HQ.

    Hang in there Bill.


  • jayhawk1

    Thanks seven006,
    I know Bill is a smart guy, so I am sure he already knew how a restraining order works. His rule about subjecting to a background check should be just fine. But logic would dictate if I can't approach you within 90 feet, neither should you approach me within 90 feet. Doing so would break the contract. Thus making it void.

    Keep after them Bill!

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    Here is the page of the dumbest Jehovah's Witness I have ever seen.

  • Stephanus

    Hmmmm, it makes you think! I imagine until Bill spat the dummy about the way paedophiles are harboured by the org, the BOE at his congregation muddled through life like any other elders; the correspondence and communication they handled would be the normal form letters from HQ and instructions from the CO. How things must have changed! They'll be getting large numbers of instructions, mainly verbal, straight from Bethel - I bet they've all had phone conversations with senior members of the legal department. Until Bill put them on the map, they just had the usual mundane experience of most Dub elders. They should be thanking him for spicing up their dreary lives, not trying to get him!

  • Jourles

    Might I also suggest that you carry a microcassette recorder with you at all times when away from your home, just in case you are approached by any WTS henchmen? I always carry one - in my car if I get pulled over ;-) ; at work if someone is giving me a hard time, etc.


  • Mulan

    Hey Bill, just curious, but knowing you as I do, I have to ask. Do you have a flag flying at your house? Hmmmm?

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)
    "Those who know, don't say, and those who say, don't know."

  • silentlambs

    If I were to place a flag in my front yard, would their be a scriptural basis for congregation action? Check your CD I think you will find it interesting...

  • alamb

    How about a UN flag?
    Keep it up Bill and thanks again for giving a voice to those of us who have been on that end of the"witch-hunt".
    One note: a restraining order can be very specific as to who and when contact is allowed. Contact not initiated by you can be viewed as a violation while it may allow for contact in public places initiated by you. Once a judge gets the jist of what is happening he may tailor one for you.
    Keep it up oh 'cautious one'.

  • Cygnus


    I admire your perseverance. There are three reasons why I was DF'd after 3 years of inactivity.

    One, the two elders assigned to come to my house happened to be in traffic right behind myself, my wife and her sister as we were heading back to my house. They pulled right into the driveway right behind me so it was rather difficult to dismiss them outright or completely ignore them. Especially since my wife and her sister are practicing JWs.

    Two, I am only 29 years old, so the elders likely felt that I wasn't so much of a threat to them. Being a man of middle age, you likely have more respect than I did.

    Three, I finally decided that I didn't care if I was DF'd or not. I was officially charged with association with a disfellowshipped person and sharing in his wicked works. So I brought my DF'd friend with me to the judicial hearing to show that I didn't recognize the elders' authority and to stick it to 'em, as it were. You obviously still want to play the game. I got sick of it and never looked back.

    All that said, I thought your letter was great. "the snakes that you are" LMA

  • Pathofthorns

    I wouldn't push your luck with them Bill by doing anything that detracts from the pedophile issue you have raised. Whether or not you can get disfellowshipped for having a flag on your property is irrelavant. You will just be sidetracking yourself from your own cause.

    They want to get rid of you. They know they cannot disfellowship you over the pedophile issue, simply for how it looks to the public. It will be something small, something thoughtless and stupid that will be your downfall, a technicality.


  • Pathofthorns

    I also want to add that I thought your letter was very good, but I thought the "snakes that you are" line causes you to lose some credibility.

    There is nothing wrong with the firm statements, but IMO the 'snakes' comment weakens the whole thing and has reduced you to name-calling. It is a cheap shot and childish and makes the "warm Christian love" thing at the end too sarchastic.


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