Two Elders Came To My Door

by silentlambs 45 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Pathofthorns

    Sorry, it's me again

    I read the letter again because I am just facinated at what you have gotten away with without being disfellowshipped. I have a bad feeling that your luck has run out.

    They are very arrogant, and while they care about the media, I think you will ultimately push them to disregard the media and disfellowship you just to show they don't tolerate this.

    The following statement in your letter is likely sufficient for disfellowshipping on apostasy or your having disassociated yourself by your words:

    I believe the above should be sufficient to show the disingenuous actions of the Watchtower representatives acting at the guidance of the Watchtower home office. The above evidence clearly shows you cannot trust any word that comes out of the mouth of anyone who represents the Watchtower organization.


  • Kent

    Hi Bill;

    Demanding a written answer is the way to do it - and demanding answers to be sent your lawyer even better. The elders in the cong is in a huge dilemma. No answer - and you have a case against them if they keep on harassing you. An answer, and you still have a case, since the answer will be just crap anyway.

    Keep up the pressure, this case is giving them a hangover worse than normal :))

  • Sirona

    Hi Bill / Silentlambs

    I just want to say that I am impressed and humbled by your stance. People were like you who stand up for justice and who truly care about others make the world a better place for us all to live in.


  • ashitaka

    dammit, it still stirs me up and makes me sick

  • waiting

    Hello Bill,

    Fine suggestions by all. My added suggestion - and it ain't much, is to make sure everybody involved gets carbon copied, by name.

    Such as your letter to the WTBTS Legal Department - would do well to show that it was cc to local elders (then they can't say they didn't know) and to your attorney by name, so everybody is clear that everybody knows.

    We sent a similar letter after our last elders' visit, cc all involved, all being sent certified/return receipt - so I could prove everybody got their copies.

    I also politely demanded that they give us two weeks prior notice to any meeting requested on the issue of our first letter to the WTBTS - the sell of the KH to us - as no other issue was valid. That two weeks would allow me to contact our attorney so we could plan the meeting - as he would definitely attend with us.

    As with the WTBTS, the proof is in the writen word. CC and certification with a named attorney stated are invalid when playing poker with thieves.

    A letter from your attorney would be excellent as it would seem that slander had been done to your reputation on numerous, detailed, occasions, to your family, your friends, your employees, your clients, your community, and by the media to the world, including radio and tv.

    Several actors have gone against the Inquirer and won for slander.

    You do a fine - necessary - work. Thank you.


    "Sufficiently advanced political correctness is indistinguishable from sarcasm." Eric Naggum

    It works.

  • MadApostate


    I'm in a rush this morn and don't have time to do more than quicky browse this thread, but my initial impression is that Path has hit the nail squarely on the head multiple times.

    1. The WTS has had all of you they are going to take, and they are looking for something "off-point" (just like they did with the Ray Franz embarrassent) as a basis for DF.

    2. The unwise, unnecessary commentary in your letter gave them exactly what they were looking for, without them having to raise a finger.

    However, your DF will have its own "positives" which can be used with the media and general public. On the flip side, the WTS finally realized that they need to worry about the R&F more than outside PR, thus your DF will discredit you wit 99.99% of JWs.

    PS: I forget to mention that your possible involvement in the pending Stratton Case could very well have been the final straw. If the USSC decides that municipalities have the constitutional right to require registration and name badges for solicitors, that is an issue that can dog JWs nationwide.

  • JT


    You obviously still want to play the game

    I agree- I realize it is his choice to do as he so pleases, but once you realize that the "LocaL" elders are so far down the totem pole of Power and influence it ain't even funny- next week these same guys can go from being on the district program to working in the parking lot and cleaning at the DC-

    For me Being a Former Society Man- i would never play their games- when i came to realize that the concept of DA was the brainchild of the Legal dept- it no longer mattered- all this back and forth letter writing is a Joke-

    I too used to be one of those elders and those guys probably sincerely feel that he has lost his way spiritually speaking and they want to try and "Snatch" him out of the fire- I recall something very simimlar in my old congo- a bro did much the same and we spent many nights meeting with each other trying to think of ways to "Help" this man and his family- I find that most elders don't sit around trying to figure out how they can shaft the friends-- they shaft the friends because they are part of a "SYSTEM" that does it-

    that is why so many elders reach the point where they can no longer be apart of a System that shafts anyone apart of it

    In my view the biggest losers are the Friends and the Elders included

    when i think back to being a High School graduate and all the guys i know over in the Spainish Congo who didn't even finish Grade school who wwere convinced that we were somehow qualified to give ADVICE FROM sex to stock market tips, medical advice, employment and educational advice it is a joke

    but wt convinces you as an elder and all those under you that you are qualified to do all these and more things

    it is like having a group of 7yr old running a hospital
    you give the little kids white coats to where - give them a name tag that says "Johnny Brown, MD" and the kid now thinks and believes he is a qualified surgeon


    so when i see folks like bill "Dicking around" with some low life elders who are no more than "Front Men" for the guys at patterson I feel sorry for Bill

    It would be different perhaps if he had an audience with JR Brown, Fred Rusk, Dan Sylick, Teddy Jaraz, but o no-- he is dealing with "LARRY, MO AND CURLY" INSTEAD WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?????????

    To submit my wife and kids and myself to those type of clowns- no got to be out of your mind

    In my opinion I would recommend to anyone _ if you don't have a meeting with Teddy Jarz or Schrodeer- (which you will never get)

    it is a joke sitting in some back room with 3 fools trying to show them something about the UN/Blood/Alternative service

    just my 2


  • JT

    Pathofhorns says:

    . It will be something small, something thoughtless and stupid that will be your downfall, a technicality


    I agree and I think he is going about it the wrong way , but the choice is his- I continue to see so many former JW demostate over and over they really don't know how the game is played

    so why PLAY the game to start with has always been my position
    In the end you will lose-

    Very few folks have Played with the Mafia and won.

    I guess my point is simple- most jw who will leave wt will only deal with Local Yokel Elders- the most Unqualified dudes in the FOOD CHAIN



  • Amazing

    Hi SilentLambs: Excellent letter. I would in brackets after the word "Theocratic" write [Instructions from the Watch Tower Society].

    The reason for this clarification is not for the Elders, but for the Media. I wold then "CC" this letter to the Watch Tower legal Department, NBC Dateline, and the local District Attorney (because of the molestation issue) and your own attorney.

    By doing this at the bottom of the page, thie will force the Society to walk very carefully. - Amazing

  • Seeker4


    Was great talking to you the other night - and interesting to read about your visit the next day.

    I think the letter is fine - though I also would recommend that you not include anything like the "serpents" comment or the "shot" at the Society.

    Just make it clear: No personal visits, answer my questions in writing and do it through my lawyer. You can't do much more than that.

    These boys are running scared, and it's so nice to see that they can't intimidate you. God, I knew so many elders who really loved doing that to the friends. Stay cool and let 'em squirm.
    My best to you and your family,

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