What Was Your Standing In The Congregation?

by minimus 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewYork44M

    I was an elder for 3 years. I was no hard-liner no was I what you would call a bible scholar. But I think I was liked by the r&f. I had a goal of shaking hands and saying hello to everyone at every meeting.

    While I did this most of the other elders were always huddled in the corner of the hall having one of those "official" conversations in a low voice. I avoided those at all costs.

  • minimus

    NY......I think u sound like me in my 2nd incarnation.

  • prophecor

    I was regarded as Bahhhhhddddd Association. Spiritually weak. Holes in my faith. Brrrrrr that's cold!!!!

  • WTWizard

    The single man that they wanted to stay single forever, and then exploit. Nothing I did was ever enough. At one point, I was getting 20+ hours a month in field circus, and they wanted me to pioneer. In fact, they were insisting on it! All the while, they were setting me up to totally fail with sisters (I wonder what would have happened if I knocked on the door and a lady came to the door: I guess then my partner would barge in and take the call so I would be kept out of that, too).

    After the April 1, 1995 article about being unloved being blamed on Satan (who had it in his best interests to get me to do fornication) and subsequently being set up as a total reject at all the a$$emblies, I totally lost all respect for the Watchtower Society. And, when the hounders in our congregation made the Official Theocraptic Arrangement for me to just meet men, there was absolutely no forgiveness for them. That was when I began making things difficult for them by alternating between two different congregations and then blowing off meetings altogether. And they wonder why they could never get more than the obligatory token One Hour-TM of field circus out of me per month after.

    As of now, I am inactive in their eyes. But, just they wait until the hounder-hounder sees my Christmas decorations and my publisher card (assuming that they haven't been turning in fake time on my behalf). I am going to make it as difficult on them as I possibly can, since they officially arranged that I should just meet other men (which to me is equivalent to Sin Against the Holy Spirit-TM). Blowing off judicial meetings and not answering phone and door for them will make things even harder on them. And I am still going to post apostate material.

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    I was a pioneer at 13 YO, on the Dodger Stadium Assembly, several circuit assemblies..............................HATED by other youths.

    LOVED by the CO, DO and most elders without children.

    Arrogant as H3LL!!!

  • LouBelle

    I was considered a strong witness, gave good talks, good comments, did the field, organised doos, I was so ""in"" there.

  • Trevanian

    WTWizard I'm intrigued by your story, and especially this -

    And, when the hounders in our congregation made the Official Theocraptic Arrangement for me to just meet men...
    ...since they officially arranged that I should just meet other men (which to me is equivalent to Sin Against the Holy Spirit-TM).

    I'm trying to cast my mind back to recall what sort of JW arrangements there are where men can only "meet men". Would you mind telling us a bit more?

    As for me, I grew up in a family that was outside of the in-crowd in our conservative congregation, because my father wasn't an elder and my mother wasn't a pioneer. So thank god I never had the full-blown Witness Experience as a child but got to make my own choices on many issues, like hanging out with school friends.

    Then as a more pious young adult, and by then in a more relaxed congregation, I became part of the core of the JW party animal crowd , and remained much-loved by most for my combination of throwing killer parties, occasionally pioneering and participating very diligently and eloquently in meetings. But not much-loved by all, due to a strong "independent spirit", and a tendency towards subtle rule-breaking and outspokenness.

    At the height of my "doing all the right things" stage I was even interviewed on the platform as an example to all at an International Convention

    But the dissonance was kicking in by then, and I slipped out of the organization's grip cleanly and neatly not too long after that, thankfully without being hounded by elders. I think I was too independent and intimidating for them to know exactly what to do with me LOL!

  • Fangorn

    Heavy hitter, respected by many but resented by a considerably number. A few loved me but I'm not one who typically inspires much love.

  • zagor

    My standing?!? nope, mate I've been mostly sitting. Finally, I had to stretch my legs, so I walked out.

  • FlyingHighNow

    The last one I was a deadbeat. In that one, most of us were deadbeats and so we formed the deadbeat club.

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