What Was Your Standing In The Congregation?

by minimus 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • chickpea

    was told by an elder's wife that i was an "asset" to the congregation (i feigned shock and asked her if she had just called me an @ss head... it was rich!).... aux pioneered occasionally, adamant about prep and meeting attendance, did awesome TMS parts, i did turn down an "interview" at a CA (sick mom in very distant state), but still.....

    i did have a rep as a hard @ss because i called out a lot of the stepfords on their pettiness and idiocy ..... they truly are socially inept in terms of genuine human interactions

  • JH
    What Was Your Standing In The Congregation?

    Directly proportional to my income....

  • minimus

    The truth is that many people who have been here have seen a rotation of questions over the years. I see that sometimes with MANY new ones here, the threads give different individuals the opportunity to respond---which some evidently enjoy. Stilla has been making it his goal to respond to my threads with negatives lately (again). And it's funny, he may point to a thread that was similarly addressed not long before, and many still continue to respond. But if it makes him feel good to watch for my threads, I hope he will contribute to them in a positive way.

  • DJK

    I had a special spot reserved for me on the front steps. I'd be standing there before the first song and after the final prayer.

    In between, I was in lala land.


  • BurnTheShips

    I was a pillar."Elder material"

    But I did not fit in. I liked to take time for recreation. They just looked at you bug eyed if you suggested doing anything other than preaching on a Sat. I felt unloved.
    Then I fell off the face of the earth. Disappeared. They don't know what happened. Still scratching their heads.


  • minimus

    Being raised "in the Truth", I came from a very well respected JW background. I was "groomed" for the Theocracy from babyhood. All my mom's family was in. I quickly shot up the "ranks" and was a MS at 20. At 24 I was an elder. A few years later I was PO of the Hall. As a "kid elder" I was either very much admired or not at all. Being young and cocky, I believed I was able to counsel and direct families with kids, while I had little or no experience. Or tell an elderly person what they should do, etc. So in my earlier years, I was considered a very "theocratic" example by the older generation of COs and longtime elders.

    After pissing off some very very prominent elders in a nearby congregation, I was of the opinion that I better leave my Hall before I officially get the boot. I did leave, wasn't appointed an elder in the new Hall, where I had many friends because the prominent elder wrote the Society negatively about me and I was made a MS first and then a couple of years later made an elder again. (They wanted to teach me humility)

    When I was an elder the 2nd time around, I was the elder that anybody that had a problem talked to. I was asked to marry couples, preside over their dear ones that passed away and was invited to all social events.

    When I left in 2003? I saddened everyone in the congregation, including the CO who was moved to tears by my resignation as an elder and my subsequent departure from the Witness community.

    So that was my abbreviated story of my standing over the years.

  • babygirl75

    We were always considered the "perfect" family, and so of course they thought of me and my sisters and brother as perfect angels.. If they would have only known...

  • JH

    Where did you go wrong Minimus?

  • rache31

    oooh, minimus I wish I had met you when you were "young and cocky"

  • minimus

    JH, I think Stilla led me down the wrong path. Hey, could he be that "prominent elder" I was talking about??

    Nah, I just remembered, he's dead now.

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