The Steps Between JWism and Atheism

by compound complex 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Friends,

    Allowing others to think for us (in this case, MOTHER), we unwittingly gave another what has amounted to ultimate control over every aspect of our lives. We surrender to those who are looking out for our welfare, who know what is best for us. I simply had no reason not to trust those dear old folks - Christ's brothers - who came to my door and invited me to become part of their life. They made the Bible come alive and spoke so convincingly of God's kingdom then at hand.

    Those people stole my heart ... is it any wonder that facts and logic take so long to kick into gear?



  • nvrgnbk

    I understand your broken heart, CoCo.

    I felt the same, though I came to the religion in a different way (birth).

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, good friend, Never ...


  • Dansk

    STEP 1: Full of doubts about the organisation I started to research on the internet. Found I'd been conned.

    STEP 2: Exited with wifey and two boys. Continued research via Franz's and Jonsson's books. Joined JWD.

    STEP 3: Joined an Ancient Bible History group to find out if the Bible was fact or fiction. Found out it was overwhelmingly fiction!

    STEP 4: Became an atheist and read the works of Dawkins, Hitchens and Harris. Confirmed my suspicions were right.


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    OOh I like Ian's format, so I will copy it!

    Step 1 As an 11yr old, I read the bible on my own and thought much of it wasn't fair or didn't make sense. Had it explained to me with Witness reasoning which I couldn't refute and even if I could I would have just gotten a beating for it!

    Step 2 Studying the All Scripture Inspired Book, in my 20's, I thought some of the reasoning on how we know the Bible is true was very circular. I didn't know what circular reasoning was, I just thought it was weak logic. But I waited on Jehovah for clarification. None was forthcoming for 15 years.

    Step 3 Went to university, studied some biology, learned some critical thinking skills, how to weigh credible source material, etc. Now, I had a hundred more questions that weren't even in the reasoning book or the watchtower and I was afraid to ask anyone but my husband. I knew the society had no answers in their literature. I thought the questions had never even been asked before.

    Step 4 Did some personal research on the internet, and found AJWRB. Found out many witnesss had asked the same questions as me and many more I hadn't even thought of. And, they had credible sources of information to back them up! Found a bunch more sites and a bunch more questions.

    Step 5 Lived with cognitive dissonace for a few years while I tried to figure out how I could reconcile my disbelief in society with some nice people, good freinds and good moral way of life (for some)

    Step 6 Became very ill, too ill too go out in service and attend meetings. While away from constant programming/brainwashing, realized I didn't miss it at all and nobody appeared to be missing me much either and I had no desire to go back because I didn't believe a word of it anymore. My only service consisted of studying with my son, who has never had fear of questioning any authority. Refusing to lie to and use guilt and fear as a teaching method, I subtly encouraged his disbelief and tried to deprogram him because I was going to be shunned by my own kid over my dead body! Yes, I counted time for apostate witnessing! I love the irony of that!

    Step 7 Once I admitted I had no reason to believe the society had any special knowledge from God, all those old questions came back and belief in the Bible fell about a week later and doubt about God a week after that. So I was agnostic for a few months. This was due just to my own logic/reasoning but nothing to really back it up.

    Step 8 Read every essay, thread and debate about atheism on this site, I could find. Non-belief became firmer and firmer. One essay in particular demonstrating no real difference between atheism and agnosticsm was the final push that made it OK for me to say I was an atheist. It doesn't mean I am saying God can't exist. Just that I don't believe he does because I see no evidence. I don't have to be able to prove it. It's OK to say I don't know exactly how we all got here. None of us do!

    There you go. How to become an atheist in 8 easy steps or your money back!

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    > How to become an atheist in 8 easy steps or your money back!
    love that! :)
    i have to add, that during all my steps i had the urge to discuss. i soon found out, that the JWs were not a good place for discussions or even questions. i also found out, that my family was no good place for discussion. i don't know what would have happened if it wasn't for the internet...

    >Throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
    there never was a baby

  • Dansk
    There you go. How to become an atheist in 8 easy steps or your money back!

    Beat ya! Did it in 4!!


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    That's because you're smarter than me Ian! I admit I am a slow learner.

    I also had the urge to discuss SA. I knew better to discuss with other witnesses. I didn't even try that. I did discuss with my husband a lot though. I started by asking him little questions, then he would give the standard JW answer I would ask him but what about this and what about that? He never had any answers that weren't right out of the watchtower. In the end, he always said well, even if the society has some things wrong then it is still the best way of life and we should wait on Jehovah. He was very tolerant of the questioning though.

    When I finally decided not to be a witness at all, then he was very upset. Then I started questioning the veracity of the Bible and the existence of God, he would get so angry he would just refuse to speak to me at all. We actually talk very little now, only about what's for dinner and how's the weather. He watches all these "documentaries" on the Bible, put on by Christian and Jewish archaeologists with obvious bias. He takes it all as "scientific". If I every point any flaw in the reasoning he get's very upset now. Tonight, for the first time in almost a year, he was watching another show about the search for Noah's ark and the size of it and how all the animals fit. When I pointed out some obvious problems with the scenario, we ended up in a big argument. He basically said he doesn't want to hear my views because I get them from all my "little apostate friends" on the internet.

    My reply. "How do you know they're little?"


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I'm not big, but neither am I little.

    Thank you for the further comments, Friends. You're so correct - there is no allowance of true and open discussion among our former colleagues. Teaching the "Truth" involves pressure, coercion and even lies.

    Why do many of us feel so good now?



  • nvrgnbk
    We actually talk very little now, only about what's for dinner and how's the weather. He watches all these "documentaries" on the Bible, put on by Christian and Jewish archaeologists with obvious bias. He takes it all as "scientific". If I every point any flaw in the reasoning he get's very upset now. Tonight, for the first time in almost a year, he was watching another show about the search for Noah's ark and the size of it and how all the animals fit. When I pointed out some obvious problems with the scenario, we ended up in a big argument. He basically said he doesn't want to hear my views because I get them from all my "little apostate friends" on the internet.

    Fun way to live, isn't it?

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