Does paradise still seem attractive to you?

by Hiddenwindow 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • nelly136

    would there be birth control?

    cos the thought of continually breeding like a brood mare for all eternity or till whenever the earths re-populated didnt apeal.

    the idea of dying before armageddon and coming back a neuter seemed pretty pointless too.

    sweeping dead babies/children/families into piles and waiting for birds to clear up the mess/stench of the bloated rotting dead..........mmmm great way to spend a weekend.

    just watching the carnage after the tsunami and katrina on telly seeing all the bodies and wanting to spend eternity with

    people who are gleefully waiting for something like that on a worldwide scale.....think i'll pass

  • LouBelle

    I like my ve jay jay thanks.

    And remember the thought that if you were married before, then you died, then resurrected in the paradise, you'd no longer be married and the person wouldn't necessarily look the same - the habits would tell you it was your hubby or whomever. And if they died long ago we'd have to re-educate the truth to them, espcially Moses and Abraham - ooooh my word - I still can't believe I believed it. WHAT was my mum thinking when she became of these....

  • eclipse
    Does paradise still seem attractive to you?

    Paradise is what you make of your life right here, right now.

    I know that is not realistically possible for someone lives in a third world country where there is no fresh water or food,

    or the for the ones that live in a refugee camp from a war torn country...

    but for the lucky ones of us who were priviledged to be born in civilized parts of the world....

    what we have is like paradise compared to many....

  • saywhat29

    The only appealing thing about paradise to me was "living forever" and seeing dead people come back to life. I was a kid who believed that living forever meant that I could leap off of cliffs like superman and get up without a scratch. When they shattered that I wondered what was the point when you could just slip off of a muntain and wind up dead again...

    Then i heard one person say how if anyone thought one bad thought that they would just disappear and that they would be forgotten about or in a perfect body we would be able to deal with their death without it destroying us...

    like, "Oh, My son is nonexistant. he must have thought something Jehovah did not like- Oh well! Julia, dear? I think we should have another kid 'cause Jehovah erased another one!!!!"

    No thanks. besides I don't own a dashiki and I do not feel like wearing one just so I can be some token colord person so folks can say 'See? Harmonee with de RACEZ, yays." Like seriously sister? i saw you clutch your basket off tomatoes, don't think I didn't see it. Like, why has Jehovah erased you yet?!

    but crazy unreadable rant aside- no it doesn't not appeal to me at all. and forever? I mean I think 'God' made people because I think he realized how much forever sucked.Fooooooooor


    veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer. I'd make people and abuse them from time to time to, no wonder why' he's so crazy.

  • nelly136

    and will they want to go back to the bible rules for menstruation and seminal discharges?

    is it back to rolling your own sheep or sitting in a field, and if a man accidently dips his wick on the wrong day of the month is he going to be dragged outside and killed?

    why hasnt the borg been running survival courses or printed instructions for post armageddon?

    they've been predicting it all this time, what if the big J doesnt lay on food and flushing toilets, if the populations 95% window cleaners whose going to do the farming?

  • Paralipomenon

    Never really appealed to me in the first place. What started out as paradise would quickly become a prison.

    That plus we'd be overrun with rabbits within the first 50 years.

  • inkling
    Bear in mind that there is no reference to science and that personal goals are non-existent.

    I'm sorry, but this statement is simply wrong and misleading, and I cannot let it stand unchallenged.

    Please note the following quote:

    Yes, just as we never tire of eating, so mankind will never get tired of learning new things, acquiring new skills. There will be time daily for such things. Mankind will have ample time to exercise both mind and body. With commercialized, competitive sports a thing of the past, no doubt there will be more healthful ways of expending energy, such as in community games, in hiking, in swimming. Lovers of music will learn to play expertly the grandest of music, that will then be composed, on all the variety of instruments that perfect men will no doubt invent.

    Many persons, no doubt, will want to use their spare time throughout the centuries to study the great variety of plant life, of which, we are told, there are at present more than 350,000 known species. They can also spend as many years as they want to in becoming fully acquainted with the many, many different kinds of mammals, reptiles, birds, fish and insects. Others may prefer directing their skills in the line of such arts as painting and sculpture or in the fields of science. Yes, humankind will be ever learning, ever coming up with new ideas. Bored? Never! Not for all eternity!

    -g76 2/8 p27,28


    This is NOT an anomalous quote. Among witnesses I know, this idea is repeated over and over again...
    "I can't wait to learn piano in the new system", or painting, or biology.... etc. This is very often the
    main reason a JW will PUT OFF doing somthing they really love doing, becuase they will "have forever" to do it.

    (not a risk, BTW, that I am willing to take)

    Anyway, I respect your right to criticize the JW notion of paradise, and there is plenty to criticize, but this
    type of clear misrepresentation of witness belief seriously damages the credibility of everyone in this community.


  • katiekitten

    I remember years ago when I was a young dub, the local congregation used to hire a swimming pool on Sunday evening for all the dubs to go to.

    I went once, and it struck me - this is what its going to be like in paradise, just loads of witlesses. It horrified me, even though I didnt leave for another 12 years.

  • changeling

    You know what: the JW view or paradise NEVER appealed to me!

    I'm a city girl. I like books and movies and theater and ballet and dancing and fashion and restaurants...

    Me in a long skirt with a hoe in my hand or picking apples and making applesauce is an oxymoron!

    I would kill myself in paradise!!!! LOL


  • nelly136

    "humankind will be ever learning, ever coming up with new ideas."

    so basically theyre going to spend all eternity rebuilding the world into what it is today?

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