Does paradise still seem attractive to you?

by Hiddenwindow 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • sacrebleu

    No, not the Watchtower version.

    But there are Scriptures in the Bible that talk about Paradise or Heaven.

    That sounds good to me.

    I doubt if there will be any JWs there though.


  • dogisgod

    If I could live forever without aging or sickness NOW I would jump on that horse in a nano second. First of all, the end of debt could be in sight. Added to that, I have traveled to many places on this planet and have just scratched the surface. So much to see, so much to do, unlimited as to what you can learn about anything. Just sign me up now.

    As for the WT pictures....cartoons on LSD.

  • WTWizard

    I would rather go to Hell than live forever with those Witlesses. First, they have already made clear that they only wanted me to meet other men. Having this forever would in fact be worse than Hell, and that's if that were the only fault.

    There are, however, other faults with this paradigm. First, who is going to make it possible to build? Anyone that takes time away from teaching others so they can make tools is going to be found unfaithful. Then, I find no consistency in the pictures. Most of the plants aren't even really what they are depicted to be.

    Science would also be done away with. Instead, one would accept the Dark Ages view of the "truth" and take the leaders' word for it. Experiments would be forbidden. No one would be allowed in that is going to test new sources of energy, physics, and biology (because it would only take a few to bust any illusion of God's being anything but a fxxxing Tyrant). People would only be allowed to know what they need in order to survive, and nothing more.

    Your time would be scheduled to the max. Every second would be full. I can see having only two or three hours a night to sleep, with all the rebuilding, teaching, and other maintenance work coupled with meetings and other theocraptic activities. All that time to practice hobbies would vanish. And, there would be so many rules that one could live forever and still not experience what they want even once. To me, this is not my idea of happiness.

    Finally, I would not want to spend forever with those scuzballs that studied with me. Why? They have taken it on themselves to do all they can to reclaim me at any opportunity. All it's going to take is for me to run into them at work or while shopping (and, if it happens after all the Christmas goodies are gone, I am up Sxxx Creek without a paddle), and there are enough of them, for me to get physically dragged to their homes. From there, missing a boasting session or field circus would be impossible. They have on occasion made reference to me as one of them (the family, not the cult). And, there are serious pioneers in that group. I simply want no part of living with people like that, let alone forever. And, I am sure that they would force their way into my life as leaders, forever.

    I think I will stick with dying at Armageddon (whenever it comes). At least that way, once it comes, that is it.

  • penny2

    Who wouldn't want to live in a paradise? The thing is, once you find out it's a lie.... that takes the shine off. I want to puke everytime I see those bland, unrealistic pictures.

    I'll settle for my backyard any day. Even though we have water restrictions and my lawn is not looking its best.

  • justhuman

    paradise with JW'S for INTERNETY...ARE YOU NUTS!!!!

  • LouBelle

    I was going to marry king David.

    No the idea doesn't attract me at all, simply because it just isn't true.

    I know a lot of christains believe that Jesus is really going to come and set up an earthly kingdom and will rule on earth for a 1000 years - so even they think something along the lines of what the witnesses hold dear.

    As for that red book - what was it called ""you can live forever in a paradise earth"" Man I placed a few of those - I wonder if I could get back my money for all the books I bought (we had to pay for them up until 2002)

  • M.J.

    LouBelle, that's funny. I've heard the same thing from some JWs. It's funny how the JWs ignore Mark 12:24-25 in favor of their own fantasies about paradise. I guess that sort of thing is promoted, even though the WTS official stance is that resurrected people will be sexless, "like the angels", as Jesus put it.

  • blondie

    If jws really thought of the conveniences that would have to give up, it would not seem like a paradise. Brothers who think there will still be hunting and meat being eaten, sisters who have no idea who or how the products they buy at the mall will come about, no NFL, no NHL, no Nascar would make a lot of jws sad. What about gasoline powered vehicles....except for a tractor, the WTS has never illustrated such things. Pictures showing meals never have meat, cheese, eggs, dairy products. Sounds like everyone will be vegans. And what about movies, tv, video they really want to toss the out? Why haven't they tossed them out now?


  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    Great thread.

    Living a more solitary life, space and land, a few 'pets' to throw on the barbeque, some quiet. Those things we want. Gopher made a truly good explanation that living under a theocracy really means submitting ourselves to those who claim to represent that theocracy.

    We will make this life for ourselves and without having to thank an unknown power for not killing us.

  • nvrgnbk

    I could never fully wrap my head around the idea, even when I was an active JW.

    Besides, we were taught that that shouldn't be our motivation for serving Jehovah anyway.

    But sometimes we were told that we should meditate on it and that would help us to be faithful.

    I found that contradiction to be confusing.

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