Did You Stay In Because of the Fear?

by serotonin_wraith 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • SickofLies

    I stayed in because I thought it was the truth, I had no information to prove otherwise and shuned any sources that would. However, I am very skeptical by nature and eventually that led me look else where for information on subject other than what the WTS was providing, the 'truth' quickly fell apart like a house of cards.

    If you want more details read my very first post to this fourm.

  • penny2

    myababes, welcome to JWD. I also stayed in for a while out of fear of disappointing my family.

  • delilah

    As a kid raised in it was all about the fear. Fear of parents wrath, elders wrath, Headquarters wrath, extended family wrath and in the end God and Jesus. (In that order)

    I learned to be afraid, very afraid.

    Bingo!! and I still hear the fear in my parents' voices, when they beg me to come back, because," whatever will I do when my children die at armageddon"??!!

    Fear.....it controls the masses.

    Even if it ends in death.... because there is that hope for the righteous ones, so i think dying while following Jehovahs laws is better than dying from aids or another sickness from a transfusion (which would mean i wasnt following Gods laws)... (does that make sense?)

    ummm...yeah...riiiight...**wonders what 1Mother will do when she sees her newborn laying in desperate need of a transfusion...will you waver then?? or will you let your child die, because, "it's better than dying from aids or another sickness from a transfusion"...

    Comments like this are easily made when one has healthy children...but faced with the dreadful decision, of choosing either life, or death for your child...it then becomes quite complicated, and different. Emotions run high, and so does fear. I would hope to God, you'd make the "right" decision, and allow your child his/her "right" to live.

  • momzcrazy

    I just wanted everyone to know I received a lovely appology from 1mother via PM. It was out of the blue, I had no idea what she was referring to.

    I explained that sometimes after years of getting fed the same stuff, and not having a personal relartionship with God, sometimes it comes down to basic fear of death that keeps you in. You're told if you leave you die, if you don't go to meetings enough, you die, not enough hours, you die, you save your life by taking blood, you die. And really being involved in any religion is in a way selfish. Everyone wants something from their religion.


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