Did You Stay In Because of the Fear?

by serotonin_wraith 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • darkuncle29

    **cough cough** TROLL **cough**

  • Carmel

    It was definately the fear that Jehovaclause would not leave the package of paradise under the tree of life for me. It took a few years away from the "source" to shed the fear. Cult programing is powerfully potent. carmel

  • Purza

    I left when I met my husband and felt safe leaving. The fear was strong initially, but not strong enough to pull me back in.

    Every now and then the fear comes up and I have to consciously fight it. There are times when I can detach and look at myself from the outside and understand the brainwashing or conditioning. That is kinda scary to know how far I was in.


  • 1mother

    Yay some1 replied 2 me

    oh 'jgnat' did i say i was leaving?? i did not :D i'll stay around here 4 a wee while... at least till i get bored :) don't worry, what i do on my computer is my business, only Jehovah knows what's truly in my heart aye. And I'm strong enough to stand my ground, so this 'associating' will not affect/effect(?) me in a bad way. Just making my faith stronger actually.

    And yes my fiance has known since the very start of our relationship that I would be going back to the JWs at some stage. So it was not a surprise when i told him I was wanting to study. I do not lie to him about anything. We have had a few personal things 2 sort through and no doubt there will be plenty more 2 come but I know i am going down the right path. Oh and this spirituality is not 'newly found' btw :) And yes i know i need2 to keep a balance at the moment, since he is not a JW and obviously he has a large say in what happens with our child. And what's wrong with following the 'no blood' thing anyway... since it's something Jehovah has told us to abstain from... everything is for our benefit. Even if it ends in death.... because there is that hope for the righteous ones, so i think dying while following Jehovahs laws is better than dying from aids or another sickness from a transfusion (which would mean i wasnt following Gods laws)... (does that make sense?)

    And i hav had brief peeks at other religions but they seemedto have no firm basis. And doctrines that were contradictory 2 the bible.

    If a family has true love and loyalty they will stick 2getha till the very end, right?

  • WTWizard

    I stayed in, not for fear, but so I could watch them make promises and blow them. They promised that if I stayed in, that Jehovah would solve my problems with meeting the opposite sex. He not only didn't, but He made them even worse while I was in, and set them up to persist even worse even after I blew them off.

    They kept tempting me, and then when I would draw close enough so anyone could do any real good, they would make rules and put wedges in so I would be unable to benefit. The only ones they wanted close to me were those who were dedicated to make sure I would never EVER meet the opposite sex and that wanted to make sure I would become a regular pioneer and submit to all the rules. About that time, they told me to just meet other men. At which point I had no reason to stay.

    As they continued pulling anything good out, they would expect me to stay active. Ultimately, it got down to just men and that one family that was trying to hold onto me at all cost (the lead hounder). From there, I deduced that I had nothing to gain by staying in and nothing to lose if I got disfellowshipped (probably why they haven't yet done so--I think they are planning to reclaim me so I can't do apostasy or celebrate holidays). Obviously, once it got so dying would be preferable to staying in that organization, I had no reason to attend any further boasting sessions or go out in field circus.

  • LouBelle

    I just thought it was the truth, but when I realised I wasn't, I couldn't be bothered about fadding, I just let everyone know that I thought it was all lies - 2months later Dfed.

    1mother just read your comment: not wanting your kids to die??? how could that be selfish?? hello am I missing something here. I reckon most of us here took a long hard look at the beliefs before we just decided we were going to leave - selfish pffffft.

  • dinah

    It was fear for me. That fear held me captive for about 15 years after I left--or rather was shown the door.

    As far as religions that contradict (or twist) the bible, I would put the JW very close to the top.

  • Cindi_67

    It was because of fear. I've always had Armageddon in my mind. Will go to meetings becauseof fear, will go out in service because of fear. But I sat down to think, "Do I love Jehovah with all my heart, mind and soul?" Not to JW's standards. To me wake up and go out in field service was a burden, to prepare for a 3 day convention a burden, to have to prepare for all 5 meetings, etc. If you don't do those things out of love for Jehovah, but for fear of him destroying you, then it is not love, but fear.

    Do I love God? In my own way, I do. I still like to hear about spiritual things. Do I love him, to the point of making every little sacrifice there is to make? According to what JW's will think, NO. I fear him more than I love him. And that's not a healthy relationship not in human standards and certainly not in religious standards either.

  • myababes

    Hi I am new on here finally plucked up the courage to actually join and write something. Can I just ask if the majorty of you are from the States, cos I am from England am wondering if there are others from here?

    About staying in because of fear, I was brought up as a Jw big family influence around me bro and sis both special pioneers etc mum really faithful till the end of her life. It wasn't fear of dying at armageddon that kept me in for so long it was the fear of letting the rest of the family down. I never ever believed it fro as far back as I can remember hated being different not having xmas, going out on FS I actually detested from a young age and always felt the same right down to the end when I left 8 years ago.

    This fear resulted in me bringing up my kids in a religion that I hated but couldnt leave for fear of upsetting my family. Fortunately my hubby led the way by resigning as an elder and then just stopping going after they tried to say we werent bringing up the kids in the right way. It suddenly dawned on him that they were our kids and noone was going to tell us what to do. I must amit that even though I hatd going I still gave him a hard time used to bravely soldier on playin the martyr, it caused so many arguments was the worst time of our lives. But eventually I saw it as my way out and when I finally went to that last meeting and subconciously made the decision to pack it all in I felt a huge wave of relief come over me.

    I can honestly say we have never been happier and that is the truth, my kids are well adjusted have a lovely grandaughter who we can treat in a normal family way.

    Can I just add that I am suprised when I read some of the posts of others who are defending them and are going to go back, surely if you really do want to give it a go doesn' t fear of being caught even looking at these sights worry you since if the elders knew you would get hauled over the coals.

    Enough for now

    thanks for listening to me gabble on

  • Fisherman

    One of the reasons why all of the jws worship and also stay in the cong is because of fear. God will punish umbelievers. The Cong will disfel, repro mark ostrazize or demote ones that do not keep in line.

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