Have you ever seen anything strange in the sky?

by JH 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    JH- On the way home from work in the morning, two times in the last 6 months I was driving down the 2 lane highway and about 500 to 800 ft . up in the sky I saw a tan, whitish colored what appeared to be a metallic disc kind of like the pictures you have seen of UFO's . It appeared up in the sky, the sun reflected off it and within 5 to 10 seconds of seeing it, it just disappeared . Didn't see it fly off, just vanished ! I don't know if the government is doing weird experiments or what, but Beale air force base in Northern California is about 25 to 30 miles from where this happened. So either a UFO or a "government secret project ". Just saw it twice, never again

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I can't say I've ever seen something that I thought was extra-terrestrial or experimental craft.

    But what was sort of nifty was this one time when I saw three seagulls, that at first, I didn't recognize as such. It was a clear blue sky and the way the sun was reflecting off of them made me think these were metallic objects. If you were seeing them from the same angle and position you'd swear they were metallic as well. The maneuvers were beautiful (to me at least) so I rode further ahead. At a certain point there no longer were the reflections and I could make out they were birds.

  • wings

    Years ago. Years and years ago, about 1979, I was with a few friends (we had been smoking a bit of pot) and were hanging out at City Park in Fort Collins, Colorado. We saw a very large lighted object move through the clouds, nothing that could be easily explained. We looked in the paper for what we were sure was a big story. Nothing, of course. Anyway, we all went on to live productive, non-alien affected lives.

  • justhuman

    the truth is out there...

  • candidlynuts

    i used to live in a rural area near an air force base about 20 years ago, i saw an aircraft shaped like what you see " flying saucers " looking like. it was full sized and was hovering silently above the tree line, scared the piss out of me then as it passed over me i saw underneath the letters " USAF".

    i thought at the time it was the then talked about secret " stealth bomber" but pics and video of it came out later that year and it wasnt what i saw! i've never seen anything that looked like it online and i've looked since i got the internet years ago.

  • freyd

    Saw something once over Dallas. Late afternoon. Appeared cone shaped and very high in the sky reflecting much sunlight. It appeared stationery, but at that altitude hard to say. Could have been a hot air balloon. Went inside for a couple minutes and when I came back out it was gone.

  • ninja

    I saw a big yellow thing in the sky once......the sky turned blue when it appeared.........it was beautiful........it was so different from the grey skies we usually get........someone said it was something called the sun....probably just a myth

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I thought I saw Jesus ascending into the heavens but a white cloud caught him from view....it may have been a Boeing 737 they look a little like him.

  • Dorktacular

    Last summer we were at a party at a friend's house and we were all sitting out on the deck at night. I saw a bright light in the sky that was really far off, maybe miles, but it wasn't a star. Me and another friend watched this object move to the right and then to the left using a couple of tall pine trees as a reference. It then moved up and down. We were all speculating on what it may have been, a satellite, a helicopter, etc., etc., and I went to get some binoculars. Before I could get them, it took off at a fast rate of speed straight up like a gun shot. Then it was gone. It was very strange.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I was at a gathering of A.A. on an east-coast beach over 20 years ago. It was an early night
    barbecue. Before we left, it got pretty dark. I saw a "shooting star." Then I saw dozens of
    them. I called for the attention of others, but they really didn't try to turn and look. So it
    worked out that I was the only one in the crowd to see the show. The others asked if I had
    been drinking secretly.

    The next day, the newspaper mentioned a meteor shower.

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