Life is Short...and you ain't gettin' any Younger!

by Magick 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Magick

    Now that you are FREE.

    Away from the long arm of the Society.

    What would you like to do that you couldn't do as a witness?

    What's keeping you from doing it?

  • sweetstuff

    Sleep with George Clooney. LOL

    Ok, seriously, travel, so many places I want to see, some many cultures to learn from. What's holding me back? Responsibilities and money. But I will do it, eventually, if not, I'll enjoy every day of freedom in the meantime and watch the travel channel more!

  • momzcrazy

    I'm going to go to Playa del Ray Mexico with my family instead of the convention. I've never done anything but conventions in the summer my whole life.

    Oh, and I may try a 3some some time, but I'm nervous.

    That's about all I can think of.


  • nvrgnbk

    What would you like to do that you couldn't do as a witness?

    Think for myself.

    What's keeping you from doing it?

    Nothing. I'm doing it right now. And I'm being "spanked" by a Hawaiian gentleman that goes by "Vinny" for doing it. Life sure is interesting.

  • Mincan

    Take away the last word in the title sentence and that ... yep ... that pretty much sums up my state.

  • Magick

    Take away the last word in the title sentence and that ... yep ... that pretty much sums up my state.

    I was wondering how long it would take til someone noticed that. LOL It didn't take long. I just love EXJWs.

  • misanthropic
    What would you like to do that you couldn't do as a witness?

    Travel to Foreign places.

    What's keeping you from doing it?

    Fear of tragically dying on land, sea or air trying to get there...
    Being eaten by sharks, the plane getting hijacked or crashing, several scenarios that run through my head.
    Once I get past that I'm sure nothing will be holding me back

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Free thought.

    Aside from that, I have taken great pleasure in immoral relationships [of a digital kind] with many evil apostates on this board and others. I have viewed pornography on occasion too. I swear sometimes. I even lit a cigarette for my daughter the other day - the first time I have had the vile 'backy to my lips since I was 15 years old and still not dipped. I watch Sunday football without a single guilt trip. I sometimes visit Satan's churches [though I think I am over THAT], and actually visited a 'spiritual shop' a week back and sat in a basement reading room listening to the conversation of a young man that I would have accosted as Satan's helper 4 years ago. I bought some of his wares to boot.

    I am registered to vote this time around. I have two proud American flags decorating my back yard. I even drive a TWO DOOR car now.

    I might travel someday if I live long enough. But when I do, I will not set foot inside a converted football stadium to hear stale discourse about how God is wishing to kill nearly everyone on the planet so that I might inherit a piece of the rock.

    I would like to meet my apostate brethren and hug them, not for what they now believe, but for having shared the experience of escape from mental bondage to a book club in Nueve York.

    Mostly - right now I'd like to kick this damned cold. [cough]


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hi, Magick:

    I had breakfast Sunday morning at a neighbor's home and watched football. I do not normally watch TV and NEVER sports.

    I enjoyed it and might just do it again!

    CoCo - living dangerously

  • Undecided

    What's keeping you from doing it?

    No Money$$$$$$.

    I didn't know it was so important when I was working and young.

    Ken P.

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