Court sentences rape victim

by Bumble Bee 39 Replies latest social current

  • Paralipomenon

    In Islam, the testimony of a woman is worth half that of a man.

    So it would take 3 women's testimony to overturn the testimony of a single man.

    As for sexual matters, the prophet's favorite wife was accused of adultery. Under his own law, his wife had no defense since she was just woman. But Allah is good and wise and sent a vision to the prophet. For the matter of sexual transgressions there must be no less than four male witnesses.

    Flashing forward in time, a woman could not accuse an attacker of rape in Islamic court unless she felt confident of having 4 male eyewitnesses to the crime. If she went to court, and did not provide the proper witnesses, then she was confessing to adultery and sentenced accordingly.

    Praise to be Allah. Praise be to the Prophet!

  • llbh

    Read Ed Hussain the Islamist. It explains a little of the attitude toward woman in the House of Saud. and the sexual repression therein


  • flipper

    I saw that in the news today and was totally Fing appalled by it ! Damn Saudi's need to ship all their women out of that country to a country that will take care of them with respect ! What is it with the middle east view of women !? Pisses the hell out of me! All the Saudi males who act this way towards women, need their private organs lopped off ! Peace out, Mr. FlipperAlso singed with a cigar ! Hard to say, Peace out right now! Mr. Flipper

  • barry

    The Pakistarnie law is exactly the same women their have to leave the country or put up with their tormentor. One women complained to police and the police beleived she was a loose women so they all raped her as well. Great laws arent they.

    Anyway I think Merry will eventually turn around and we will have her back.


    ..HS..Well said!.....Outrageous!...OUTLAW

  • nvrgnbk
    Islamic Sharia law

    Who says religion is a good thing?


    Thanks for this topic, BB.

  • nvrgnbk

    Here's another case of Sharia law at work...

    Village shuns India rape victim

    After the rape, the Humiliation.

    BBC News

    Amarnath Tewary, Muzaffarpur, Bihar

    At 21 years of age, Shabina Khatun has been married, allegedly raped by a relative, deserted by her husband and in-laws and ostracised by her community.

    The plight of the deaf and dumb girl in the northern Indian state of Bihar mirrors the treatment meted out to women by the state and society.

    Shabina - also known as Shabiya - has been ostracised by people of her Chandkiwari village in Muzaffarpur district for becoming "impure" following the birth of a child after the alleged rape by her uncle two years ago.

    Half of the over 3,000 people of remote Chandkiwari are Muslims.

    Assisted by a local NGO, Shabina lodged a case against her uncle with the local police station two years ago. The accused man has been absconding ever since.

    Her husband, Sharif, who works as a mason in the western Indian state of Gujarat, dumped her after hearing the news of her alleged rape.

    Then her entire village followed suit by ostracising the family.

    Shunned by society, Shabina lives with her ageing parents, four brothers, and two sons - one of them from her marriage - in a two-room thatched house.

    Her father, Shamsher Ali, is a daily wage worker who is lucky to earn 600 rupees ($13) a month. He suffers from tuberculosis.

    Federal government schemes to help the poorest or the poor haven't reached this ostracised family - they paid 1,500 rupees ($33) to the village headman to avail of such a scheme three years ago, but nothing happened.

    "What can we do? Where can we go? We have to slip out when it is dark to complete our ablutions to avoid the gaze of villagers. This is worse than hell," says Shamsher Ali.

    Shabina Khatun's father Shamsher Ali
    Shabina's father suffers from tuberculosis
    Life is difficult - a neighbour Noor Alam says even "getting food daily is a luxury for the family".

    But why was Shabina Khatun deserted and abandoned by her husband and community for no fault of hers?

    "We have our own law and it will decide the fate of the girl and the rapist," says village cleric Mohammed Faizur.

    "Shabina has become impure and she and her family will remain ostracised until her future is decided according to Sharia laws."

    He seems to have doubts over whether Shabina was actually raped.

    "How can a mute girl accuse someone of rape," he asks.

    Shabina's mother Agibulnes says that the relative had alleged raped her daughter in their absence.

    "We knew it through her body gestures and language," she says.

    Shabina's husband also does not care about his wife any longer.

    "He wrote to us once saying that he would not accept his 'impure' wife," says Shamsher Ali.

    Shabina's father was also beaten up by relatives of the alleged rapist after he lodged a report with the police.

    But finally there is some hope for this unfortunate girl and her hapless family.

    The police attached the properties of the alleged rapist late last month after a local NGO highlighted the plight of Shabina.

    "We will soon arrest the accused and see that justice is done to Shabina," says local police official Lallan Pandey.

    But the police say they can do nothing about the ostracism of the family, apart from trying to convince the villagers that this was wrong.

    The NGO has also adopted Shabina's second child and named him Azad, which means freedom.

    Shabina's family has lost all hope in the state and society.

    "It is good that Shabina is deaf and dumb. Otherwise she would have died hearing the painful comments of the villagers," says her mother.
  • Trevanian

    stillajwexelder, this comment of yours is horrifying:

    and put their women on an other island with all the male prison population of the USA/GB/Canada/Australia and f++k all the islam out of them

    This attitude disgusts me.

    This thread is really about respect for women. Your argument is that if Muslims don't respect women we should f*ck their women?

    Sick, man.

  • nvrgnbk

    Stilla was probably drunk when he wrote that.

  • sweetstuff

    I am utterly disgusted, hmm, perhaps she was showing too much ankle? That would be the mindset of many islamic men and some women. I found some interesting articles on muslim men raping women they deemed "were asking for it" in Denmark, yeah, religion of peace my a$$. A quick google of the matter, leads to very disturbing results, to say the least.

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