Court sentences rape victim

by Bumble Bee 39 Replies latest social current

  • eclipse

    It seems that whenever religion does it's dangest to repress the desire for sex,

    sexual attacks and molestations increase radically.

    Look at the catholic church and not allowing priests to marry, islamic zealots raping women, molestation of children in many religions...etc.

    but if you were to go to a nudist colony, have you ever heard of men raping the women because they are naked? I haven't.

  • hillary_step

    An outrage of Biblical proportions.


  • dinah

    Excellent point, eclipse.

  • Mary
  • LongHairGal


    I agree with you. Several years back I was having a conversation with a Pakistani muslim man who worked in my neighborhood. I was mentioning to him something that was in the news at the time about some horrible rape story which occurred in his country.

    Well, I couldn't even get an intelligent answer or opinion out of him. He took the verbal twists and turns that you mentioned. I realized it was hopeless and changed the subject.


  • avishai

    I wonder why so many liberals who've busted their asses for womens rights in this country (and they have, this is'nt so much a lib versus cons argument) are strangely silent when you bring up this subject?

  • Mary
    I wonder why so many liberals who've busted their asses for womens rights in this country (and they have, this is'nt so much a lib versus cons argument) are strangely silent when you bring up this subject?

    Two reasons:

    1. Ever since 9-11, it's 'politically incorrect' to point out that Islam is not a religion of peace, it's a religion and culture of violence who treat women like shit and hate anything that represents freedom.
    2. Since the WTS did not tolerate anything, some feel that we now have to tolerate everything----including Islam.
  • SnakesInTheTower

    please read the Princess autobiographical look at life in Saudi Arabia from the viewpoint of an royal insider.

    Also read Burned Alive

    I have been reading a lot lately...non fiction mostly....a lot of biographies, recently focusing on areas where women are being systemically abused, especially in the name of religion...and the fight these women have just to exist from day to day. It's heartbreaking as well as puts our freedoms in perspective in this country....

    ....freedom unless you are a woman in an abusive relationship/marriage....or a child being abused...then you are just as much a prisoner as the Saudi women, just a different part of hell.

    My heart goes out to such ones.

    Snakes ()

  • stillajwexelder

    Too bad we can't round up all the men who adhere to this insane religion and drop them off on an island.

    and put their women on an other island with all the male prison population of the USA/GB/Canada/Australia and f++k all the islam out of them

  • poppers
    It seems that whenever religion does it's dangest to repress the desire for sex, sexual attacks and molestations increase radically. Look at the catholic church and not allowing priests to marry, islamic zealots raping women, molestation of children in many religions...etc. but if you were to go to a nudist colony, have you ever heard of men raping the women because they are naked? I haven't.

    Well said, eclipse. Those were my thoughts as well.

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