Court sentences rape victim

by Bumble Bee 39 Replies latest social current

  • Kenneson

    200 lashes! My word! What are they trying to do to the poor woman? Kill her so she won't have to go to jail for 6 months? Incredible!

  • R.Crusoe

    Eclipse and Poppers! Very astute ladies!

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene
    Ah well, if we wait long enough, I'm sure Merry Magdalene will come up with a viable explanation as to why the Religion of Peace backs up crap like this.......

    No, I won't and it doesn't and, after my last few attempts at posting being lost in a system error, if anybody wants to know why I say that, here's a very comprehensive treatment of the subject:

    Her Honor: An Islamic Critique of the Rape Laws of Pakistan from a Woman-Sensitive Perspective Asifa Quraishi

    ~very tired Merry

    *with a nod and a smile to Barry*

  • nvrgnbk
    Eclipse and Poppers! Very astute ladies!


    Poppers is a dude.


  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    Just found this tonight, which helps express something else I had wanted to say, tried to say in some posts that were lost to "system error" or some such, and was too tired to do over again...

    Annette D'A mato's letter [in the Minnesota Daily] from Monday, Oct. 22, brings to light an important point about those who criticize Islam as an ideology, religion, or otherwise: Observed Muslim conduct does not necessarily constitute the teachings of Islam. Substituting the former for the latter in one's criticism is at its least blatantly unfair and at its worst lazy or malicious.

    As a Muslim, I don't think there is anything wrong with questioning the state of women "living under Islam," but at least I have a proper reference point for what "living under Islam" constitutes. For the record, Fascism is an authoritarian political ideology while Islam is a way of life that addresses the human soul's need for spiritual resolution with itself and surroundings; and the world as we know it does not contain a single nation which holistically applies Islamic rule of law.

    To abstractly ask about what's "wrong" with some aspect of life "under Islam" is a misdirected inquiry from the beginning, because in most cases used to support such criticism, there is almost never an Islamic rule of law in place.

    A much better question to ask is why many countries with Muslim majorities have high rates of mistreatment of women when the prophet explicitly stated in his final sermon, for example, that men should be the protectors of women and should not transgress the latter's God-given rights.

    Then the questioner, if fair, can understand what roles disenfranchisement, illiteracy, and political dictatorship play in the perpetration of human rights abuses, as opposed to inherent Islamic values. A much more fruitful discussion can occur from this line of questioning when the critic decides to make an honest examination of the object of her criticism.

    from Oversimplifying Islam by Taqee Khaled


  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    Horrifying, but not surprising for a country that has one of the worst human rights records around. Religion is the playtoy of abusive governments (and individuals), and always will be because its scriptures are always open for interpretation and reconfiguration, just like other so-called laws - Christian, Islamic or secular. Religious "Tradition" is simply an excuse for the usual abusive rituals used to maintain whatever the cultural status quo may be. The sexism and racism is deeply encrypted into culture, both religiously and secularly, with religion getting top billing for it. All religions have this inherent flaw, a flaw well-used by theocratic, autocratic governments.

  • Gill

    There is no such thing as 'Justice'!

    Don't fool yourselves that we live in 'democratic and free' countries!

    Even in the UK, though we don't punish the victims, only 1 in 20 men are convicted of rape.

    However, coming back to the wonderful Saudi system...a few years back a young woman was raped by her employer's son. Thing was, she was blind. Therefore she could not identify her attacker by sight.

    She had a similiar amount of lashes for being 'impure' I believe!

    I suspect that should 'Sharia Law' actually become law all over the world as the Muslims intend, all we women should commit suicide as an act of absolute revolt.

    Let's finish this damned human race off once and for all!

    There is NO WAY I would live under Sharia law or expect my daughers and grandaughters to suffer the abuses, violence and disrespect of the Islamic religion!

    The 'hand that rocks the cradle rules the world', so perhaps we can pull the shutters down on the world once and for all!

    Think that's extreme?!

    Well I'm sick of it! I'm sick of hearing about these lunatic cultic, mysogynistic arseholes who rule the planet trampeling on other more vulnerable men, the women, the children, the elderly and the disabled.

    The one thing they all seem to have in common is 1) Being Men ( in the vast majority of cases) and 2) Thinking they are 'special' or 'chosen' by God!

    I say to hell with the lot of them!

    Gill - Of the thoroughly pissed off class!!!

  • scotsman
    I wonder why so many liberals who've busted their asses for womens rights in this country (and they have, this is'nt so much a lib versus cons argument) are strangely silent when you bring up this subject?

    Amnesty International have been involved in this since the initial sentencing 6 months ago and were still speaking against it the weekend,,2212537,00.html and are now working on the appeal. Some liberal's continue to bust their asses for women's rights even in the most retrograde countries.
  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I'm not a bigot at all, but this kind of thing makes me really distrust Muslim men. People try to rationalize it down and say that Islam is not bad but peaceful. Bull sh!!

  • scotsman
    I'm not a bigot at all, but this kind of thing makes me really distrust Muslim men

    Because you think they all want to rape you or because they are bad judges? Having just spent a fortnight in a Muslim country I found the Muslim men I met to be remarkably similar to American men.

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