Do you still believe in God

by solidergirl 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • reneeisorym
    I was wondering why DA or DF Jw no longer believe in God when they make up their mind to no longer attend a meeting

    First off let's not say that all of us become athiest when leaving. Many on this board believe in God. But a large marjority of believers who were formerly JW do not post here and they go to a more Christian community.

  • avidbiblereader

    Absolutely, when I first left and was DF'd for the first two years, I was so angry and disillusioned I could not even pray or read, then it hit me.

    Why am I taking out on God and Christ what men did to me. I volunteered to join this man made religion, opted to stay in it for as long as I did. I realized then, it didnt matter what religion or what influence it took, just as long as I didnt search out the True God myself.

    Then, is when I started my own personal Bible reading with a Prayful attitude and appreciated, that the God of the Bible who got in contact with the mind of the writers was also able to get in contact with my mind.

    Do I understand everything, obviously NO, but I have come to appreciate my Creator and God and His Son in ways that 22 years as a witness never could or did.

    Yes I believe in God more and more, my head is now right and I came to appreciate, I never did serve God but rather men, my faith was not in God but rather men, my strenght was never in God but men.

    Men disappointed me, God hasn't but rather brought me through my trials and help me to see my major flaws with regard to my faith.


  • eclipse

    Usually those who come to the conclusion that there is no god

    do so either because

    A) They cannot reconcile all of the suffering and god not doing anything about it,


    B) They have done research and have found the Bible, to be seriously wanting in the accurate department.

    A book that is as riddled with as many contradictions, and scientifically inaccurate details, as the Bible is,

    it is hard for many to logically conclude that it was inspired by a much higher, intelligent being.

    It takes faith to believe in the Bible as God's word.

    I can see the possiblity that we were created, but as for god being around in our day?

    I see no reason to believe in a being that does not care enough to stop the suffering of it's creation

    God is either dead, or indifferent, or worse - malevolent.

  • solidergirl
    First off let's not say that all of us become athiest when leaving. Many on this board believe in God. But a large marjority of believers who were formerly JW do not post here and they go to a more Christian community.

    I fell out of my chair to laugh that what I call a serious GET WITH. Make me want to revise my statement.

  • snowbird

    Yes, I do.

    I have no problem reconciling a God of love with the suffering going on in the world.

    The whole theme of the Bible is that suffering is going to end; it just doesn't state when.

    I trust that He in His wisdom chose not to reveal that for a very specific and benevolent reason.

    Look at the chaos, disappointment, and ruin brought on by those who are trying figure it out. What do you think would happen if we knew exactly when suffering was going to end? We'd probably end up annihiliating ourselves before it happened.


  • avidbiblereader
    I trust that He in His wisdom chose not to reveal that for a very specific and benevolent reason.

    If we knew when, we wouldn't be able to function, His day in court will happen soon enough.

    Keep the faith, so many have lost it!

    Your brother in Christ,abr

  • snowbird

    Keep the faith, so many have lost it!

    Your brother in Christ,abr

    Thank you, I shall. The same to you. Your sister in Christ.


  • 5go

    Yes and No

  • blueviceroy

    ahhh ,,,,,,,,,,Ambiguity,, the sincerest form of honesty.

    I know something good that is not ambiguious

  • serotonin_wraith
    I was wondering why DA or DF Jw no longer believe in God when they make up their mind to no longer attend a meeting.

    I wasn't DA or DF, just stopped going to meetings as soon as I had the choice, but I don't believe in God because I see no reason to believe in him, and if someone says to me to just have faith it makes me wonder 'Okay, would you have faith in Thor then?' Their answer would be no, because they wouldn't think having faith in Thor would be a smart move. Even though we can't disprove Thor. It's exactly that kind of thinking that I apply to all gods, even the Biblical one. I can't give that one more credibility because of the society I'm in, or where I just happened to be born in history.

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