Do you still believe in God

by solidergirl 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 5go

    ahhh ,,,,,,,,,,Ambiguity,, the sincerest form of honesty.

    I know something good that is not ambiguious

    I say yes, and no; because I do not believe in the god of the bible period. Tough, I do hope for the existance of an extra deminsional being or beings that do care for humans; also that can, and will help human kind out of the coming darkness ( a new dark age ) I see on the horizon. So in other words, I do not believe in a god of the classical sence at all. I do have my own view of what gods are, and I hope they do exist.

  • changeling

    No. The concept of "god" and having to worship him makes no sense at all to me.

    I do, however, respect the right of others to believe as they please.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Oh yes.

    I'm not always sure that God believes in me though.

  • ex-nj-jw



  • White Dove
    White Dove

    6,000 years to make a point (THE issue)??? Rediculous.

    My son had seizures and the only seizures mentioned in the Bible are demonic ones called epilepsy. All epilepsy in the Bible is demonized. If one was to follow the Bible as closely as fundies say to, they would be trying to exercise the demon instead of taking the person to the doctor. Why no demon exercisms? WHY? It's in the Bible. Hippocrites. See? This is why I don't believe in the Bible. It doesn't agree with science in many different aspects. A world wide flood? May have been the experience of some from their perspective, but it's not scientific. Ok, question: Could all of the necessary rays from the sun for photosynthesis penetrate the giant water canopy and adequately nourish life on earth? Everything is shown to be thriving and green in all of the litter-ature. The Bible as scientifically accurate???

    Murderers were praised in the Bible when it came to Israelite warfare, but 2 kings kill a person on their birthdays and suddenly birthdays are evil. Logical falicy #(I lost count).

  • onacruse

    I believe in that which has impact on my life: what I can see see, feel, talk with, commune with.

    God has chosen, so far, to do none of those things with me...therefore, while I concede that God may exist, I must say that I don't believe in God.

    In the same way, I don't believe in black holes (of the astronomical variety).

  • FlyingHighNow
    Murderers were praised in the Bible when it came to Israelite warfare, but 2 kings kill a person on their birthdays and suddenly birthdays are evil. Logical falicy #(I lost count).

    Who says the Bible is the only authority on God? Big mistake to think it is or that God inspired the whole book. Just because some guys claim he did? C'mon, you're wiser than that.

  • Gopher

    My atheism came after a long journey, and not suddenly after leaving (being DF'd from) the JW's.

    At first I thought of myself as merely an ex-JW Christian, and then as I studied history and the Bible more, I came to doubt its believability. As time went on, I realized I couldn't assume that God either does or does not exist, so I became agnostic. That was where I was at for several years.

    Then after further discussions with free-thinking people, I realized that atheists really only weigh the evidence for or against a God who either exists or is involved in earth's affairs, and see for themselves that the evidence is not enough for belief. Atheism is not necessarily anti-God, any more than not believing in the tooth fairy makes you anti-tooth fairy. Rather, it's just looking at the evidence available and making a judgment.

    If there is any God, I surely would think he or it is not like the one described in the Old Testament, the one who says he causes both good and evil. The one who told the Israelites to commit genocide in Palestine and "dash children to pieces against the rocks, and let not your eye feel sorry". The one so jealous that he demands worship and belief or he'll run you through the winepress of his wrath. The one who says in his book the Bible that yes there is evil, and you just have to put up with it, and he'll explain it all later.

  • FlyingHighNow
    If there is any God, I surely would think he or it is not like the one described in the Old Testament, the one who says he causes both good and evil.

    Of course he isn't. That is the biggest bunch of bull anyone could fall for.

  • wanderlustguy
    But people, ex JW, that read and study the Bible daily for 5, 10, 15 or more years no longer believe in God. So I started thinking maybe the Bible is just like a car manual.

    If you want to find a car manual...there are as many for any given make and model as you could want. Different versions of how to fix this and that, but none of them are wrong...and none of them are completely right. So then what? Does it mean that you don't believe in the guy who made your particular manual? Or maybe you concede that it is several different takes on the same subject matter, and the people who built the car aren't really in the loop anymore as everyone else tries to explain how it works?

    It's not quite as simple for me as you phrase it here. The conclusion that I have reached is not something that was like a switch, nor was it like deciding I like dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate, it's the result of years of research and questioning and wondering.

    It doesn't mean I don't believe in God, but I do believe you can't look at the Bible and say "that is everything you need to know".

    The Bible has some good in it, and some bad. For every piece of good advice given, someone else can point to a flaw or something bad. It is remarkably like life, good and bad. It is what it is.


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