Told my Wife WTS tactics were evil

by zack 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • zack

    We both know a couple that have been inactive for almost a decade. This week they were disfellowshipped because someone had seen Christmas decorations

    on their home LAST YEAR! a decade they have been gone and the elders track them down and disfellowship them. Their reasoning? They are both prominent in the community

    and as such the congregation could not tolerate their "blatant" display of paganism.

    I told my wife that this was a tactic of power. That the WTS care nothing about sin or repentance. They are there to teach you who is boss and will do anything they can to

    destroy your familial relationships and friendhsips. It is not about recovering a sinner, but punishing any who dare to leave. They are not CHRISTIAN! I then went on to tell her

    about the sex abuse settlements. She said absolutely nothing. She had no answer, no rebuttle. I spoke facts. I did not argue doctrine.

    I hate these people. WTF going after a family who has been away for 10 years? These guys are evil. I truely am disgusted.

  • dawg

    Man, that was powerful to read.... how do you feel? Do you think they'll be any reporcussions with your wife?

  • llbh

    Hi Zack,

    Are we married to the same person? Sounds like the conversations i don't have with my wife!!

    regards llbh

  • zack

    I told my wife last July how I felt about the WTS, how it was a lie, etc.... Our relationship cooled a bit after that and we arrived at a don't ask/don't tell kind of

    policy. I just could not help keeping from commenting about this situation because, not only is it all fuc*** up, but an excellent example of everything that is fuc**** with

    the Borg. When i explained to her in human terms that the Borg, instead of giving these girls/now women a hug when they were the victims of repeated abuse, they

    disfellowshipped them and their supporters for speaking truth and sicked their lawyers on them, I saw her shudder. She didn't want to hear anymore. She could not

    repudiate what I had said because IT WAS THE TRUTH.

    Will there be any fallout? There might be. I'm ready for it at this point. I long ago removed the blood card from my person and appointed a worldy friend as my health care proxy.

  • llbh

    Hi Zack, I would not bet on any change in my experience they just roll over and plead the 5th

    regards llbh

  • dawg

    That's really intense you guys... damn, I bet that's hard as hell to live through... I can't imagine...a wife

  • sspo

    They are evil and when i told my wife about the lies of the watchtower she did not want to beleive it and brought me before the elders.

    Facts and truth don't mean a thing to a brainwashed JW. Continue to keep in mind we bahaved the same way at one time.

  • garybuss

    I don't want any relationships that some pulp paper book printer can destroy. I don't have the will or the energy to try to maintain anything that fragile.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Sometimes, the truth must be told.

    Power to ya.

  • steve2

    Rlax zack! By my reckoning, if you avoid putting up Christmas decorations and watch your mouth, I'd give you more than ten more years before your local body of elders decide to disfellowship you. They're not exactly fast movers where you live, are they?

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