JW killed building a KH in Germany

by GermanXJW 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus


    Yes, the bible has many contrdictions. People can choose which scripture suits their whim or the fashion of their time.


    Had those people been pursuing their own lives instead of the wts agenda,this tragedy would not have happened.So much for gods protection at the KING DUNG HOLE!OUTLAW

    The Golden Rule:The people with the gold, make the rule`s!

  • blondie

    That scripture merely meant accidents happen and aren't caused by God to punish wicked people. I do agree that if these people aren't advised up front that they are on their own when it comes to injury insurance, then the WTS is being legally and morally irresponsible. But there is no point in making fun of the people that died or were hurt. Aim the sarcasm toward the right target, the WTS.

  • Satanus


    I worked on many 2 kh constructions. I feel a bit sad for those on that german construction, because i can picture it all so easily. I am being sarcastic and making fun not of she who was killed or those hurt, but the wt and bible concepts of jehovahs protection and guidance of 'his people'.

    There are scriptures that show that accidents, even to 'gods people' are random. Then there are many that show they are gods punishment especially if it is his people involved, and at times if they are not his people. People choose which they think applies, depending on what they have been taught, how they feel, the fashion of the times in which they are living.


  • Dan B
    Dan B

    "But there is no point in making fun of the people that died or were hurt. Aim the sarcasm toward the right target, the WTS."

    I agree completely with this statement. I fail to see any humor in the death of people, whether JWs or not. This poor woman and the other injured people were victims of an unfortunate accident. It worries me to see these types of judgemental comments being posted here. For me, that was one of the things that sickened me about the JWs. Perhaps we are not as "free" of their mind control as we would like to think. I know that it took me years to free myself of this mindset.



  • nelly136

    . http://community.webshots.com/photo/10145796/10146337KnYNXtGPTi

    happy workers on a quick build, wonder how old the youngest child labourer there was and whether there was any insurance cover in case any of the children got injured/killed, and would building insurance cover anyone under age anyway?


  • Satanus

    Hey dan b, are you in que?? Just wondering.

  • TheOldHippie

    First of all, I don't see why one should try to make jokes about a person dying, no matter what organization he or she would or not be part of.
    As for insurance, nobody is allowed to enter the building sites without paying the daily insurance, which amounts to around 1$ a day. One then has full insurance - life - damage, and as said is not allowed to enter the site without it. So nobody is uninsured.

  • Angharad

    Hey Nelly

    Do you remember the quick build stew (slop) that they served up. Really disgusting stuff, they probably used the left overs to plaster the walls

  • nelly136

    am in uk hippie, dont know what the current rules on health and
    safety are over here, all I know there were a lot of us kids
    on a building site and we had to wear hard hats, we did our fair share of digging and lugging wheelbarrows and a good time was had by all, and it took a really long ladder to get to the bottom of foundation holes

    no slops that I remember just sandwhiches knocked up in the caravan

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