I would have liked to be a fly in that elders car!

by ButtLight 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • ButtLight

    So, the elder that DFed me, was driving by my house with a carload of sheep yesterday. As he was driving by, he pointed at my house. What he didnt know, was that my BF was also on the road, waiting for him to pass so he could pull in the driveway.

    When the elder looked up, and recognized my BF, he dropped his hand really fast, but knew he was caught.

    So, Now I sit and wonder, What the hell was he saying to the herd? (this is the same elder that got up and moved to a different table at the restaurant when he realized he was sitting to close to me!)

    I'll let you guys guess, any Ideas?

  • diamondblue1974
    What the hell was he saying to the herd?

    Which one of you has just soiled my backseat?

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    He probably said, "Don't go to that house while out in the ministry. Only us elders can follow up on the occupants there".

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • JH
    he was driving by, he pointed at my house

    He must have saw a ghost entering the house

  • Clam

    That would have really pissed me off Buttlight. It's hard to put any positive spin on it isn't it?

    eg " Over there is Buttlight's house. I had to DF her because I had little choice, but as a sincere and compassionate christian I pray almost daily that she'll come back to Jehovah's people."

    What did your BF think/say/do??


  • megsmomma

    "Don't go to that door....You know how the apostates like to pepper-spray us"

  • JH

    Isn't your address 666 ?

  • ButtLight

    Lmao @ all of you!

    What did your BF think/say/do??

    He didnt have time to react, but he walked in and said, "your buddy just drove by!" I was like, "what buddy?" "Your elder friend, with a bunch of people in the car, and was pointing at the house!" He doesnt like him either.

  • ninja

    maybe he wasn't saying anything.....just pointing a pretend pistol at the property

  • babygirl75

    That's where the ghost whisperer lives!! Avoid that house!!!

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