Borg similarities to Animal Farm? Absolutely!

by WingCommander 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • WingCommander

    I remember having to read George Orwell'S "Animal Farm" in 11th grade. It was a mandatory assignment and after our readings there were discussions. A few years later, my own mother whom had worked in a local psychiatric unit related to me that she felt the Borganization closely resembled Animal Farm and also 1984. This was truly striking to me, but now more than ever it makes sense on so many levels. Animal Farm was about a group of animals that had run off the farmer and his family, in order to have their own farm and live for themselves. This is a unique parallel to C.T. Russell (and related Adventists) running from the churches of his day to start what he felt was a new, closer way of worshipping and serving God. Nothing wrong with that, right? I believe he had good intentions, just as the animals in Animal Farm had good intentions. But good intentions left unchecked can lead to disaster, and that is what George Orwell's novels point to. Be careful, be on the watch.

    As in Animal Farm, we are now seeing the ruling Governing Body playing the shell game with the most sacred of JW doctrines, the generation of 1914 and the annointed. Does it get any simpler than those doctrines? In Animal Farm, there were originally 10 rules to live by, a code, and eventually the Pigs widdled them all away until there was just one rule: Work. Each time the Pigs did this, they did it very stealthily, usually at night, and would then tell the other animals that they "Misread", "didn't understand", or "there wasn't such a rule/law" to begin with. Following the orders of the Pigs became paramount. It left the animals puzzled, but they trusted their ruling class, and eventually the mind control and deceitful tactics caused many animals their lives and basic freedoms, until in the end it all came down to "Work." In the end, it was a depressing existance.

    How far off is this from the reality of todays way of life in the Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses? Not far at all, and that is really scary. No longer is Christ the Head, but the FDS who somehow mediate for everyone to Christ. Truly, whatever the Governing Body says is to be taken as God's word, period - no matter how right or wrong it seems to the society's followers. Do what we say, or die. Complete obedience or leave. Resistance is futile, and if you don't assimilate you will die. Forget what we taught, said, or preached years ago or even yesterday, you misheard us, misunderstood us, or we never said it at all you worthless lower "sheep". You'd better study more, preach more, give more, for we demand more. The message now is go forth and PREACH, there is no time for family or to live in which the way Jesus commanded us to, because you are all to be busy making 5 meetings a week and studying and preaching. What's the matter, you tired? Surely, attending the meetings for spiritual food and being more active in the field ministry will make you all better, and if it doesn't - there is something spiritually wrong with YOU.

    In the end, most JW's I know or see remind me of those mindless, exhausted animal workers of Animal Farm; slaving away while the higher-ups live the good life and while they themselves having nothing to show for it at the end of the day. Where is the Christ-like love they claim is everyone in the Org? I haven't seen anything remotely resembling love since about 1984 ironically. That's right around the time they squeezed the last remaining drop of joy out of all the congregations in my area with their announcement that no congregation picnics or get togethers should be held, for fear of drunkeness or apostacy slipping in. After that, the only joy or socialization you were supposed to have was meeting attendance and field service. Just slave away and put on a happy face. I was 5 years old in 1984, and it was all down hill from there in this religion. My own fully independant reseach did not start until 1999-2000, when I went looking for information about something my father used to off-handidly talk about; pyramids and 1914. Typing it into Yahoo! was like opening floodgates - and even after 9 years of the internet I am still discovering new things about the religion I grew up in - things that happened long before I or my parents were even born. How messed up is that?


    Wing Commander

  • emy the infidel
    emy the infidel

    Outstanding post WingCommander.

    From Wiki:

    Napoleon, a Berkshire boar, is the main villain of Animal Farm. Napoleon begins to gradually build up his power, using puppies he raised to be vicious dogs as his secret police. After driving Snowball off the farm, Napoleon usurps full power, using false propaganda from Squealer and threats and intimidation from the dogs to keep the other animals in line. Among other things he gradually changes the Commandments to allow himself privileges and justify his dictatorial rule. By the end of the book Napoleon and his fellow pigs have learned to walk upright and started to behave similar to humans. Orwell modeled him after Joseph Stalin, who set up a dictatorship whose repression and despotism was far worse than that of the Imperial Russian government he supplanted. (In the French version of Animal Farm, Napoleon is called César, the French spelling of Caesar.)

    Squealer, a small fat porker, serves as Napoleon's public speaker. Inspired by Vyacheslav Molotov and the Russian paper Pravda, Squealer twists and abuses the language to excuse, justify, and extol all of Napoleon's actions. He represents all the propaganda Stalin used to justify his actions. In all of his work, George Orwell made it a point to show how politicians used language. Squealer limits debate by complicating it, and he confuses and disorients, making claims that the pigs need the extra luxury they are taking in order to function properly, for example. However, when questions persist, he usually uses the threat of Mr. Jones's return as justification for the pigs' privileges. Squealer uses statistics to convince the animals that life is getting better and better. Most of the animals have only dim memories of life before the revolution; therefore they are convinced.

    I have a friend who grew up behind the iron curtain, and his accounts of life there were eerily similar to me of life in the borg. Making that jump would clearly have been thought-crime terrority, so I resisted it. Eventually, after the ruin of millions of lives, the Soviet system collapsed under the pressure of it's own weight, I wonder if the wt$ will follow a similar trajectory?

  • inkling

    This is so true. I re-read Animal Farm during my awakening, and it felt so fitting.

    "Do not imagine, comrades, that leadership is a pleasure. On the contrary, it is a deep and heavy responsibility. No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

    Oh, and the scapegoat Snowball is Satan and his Apostates.


  • inkling
  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    I re-read this book recently and it totally mirrors the organisation right now. I defy any witness to read it and not see the similarities.

    If they can read it with an open mind, that is. Unlikely.

  • inkling
  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    I picke up Animal Farm one day, not really knowing anything about it just that it was about talking animals. Oddly enough, this was very shortly after finishing Crisis of Concsious. I was amazed at what I was reading in Animal Farm! It was an exact parody of the WTS. I couldn't beleive it. What I found even more frightening is that there was a "sister" in the congregation who absolutely loved that book. I had heard her mention it on several occasions and she insisted that all of her children read it too, yet she never made any connection. That freaked me out.

  • emy the infidel
    emy the infidel

    Inkling--where'd the link go (?) that site is good.

  • inkling
    where'd the link go (?)

    It was deleted by the govenerning pigs!! Lol.

    Sorry, the link I posted first was to the google cache version, and that version was broken, so I posted the corect one up there ^

  • mrsjones5

    I read that book as a child because my parents kept a copy in the house...I really don't think they knew what that book was about.

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