Shower or bath?

by Quentin 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • katiekitten

    Bath. I cant stand having to stand up - it feels too much like exercise!

    I like to take a book in, some lavendar oil, maybe a drink, sometimes a plate of toast... always candles. Lovely.

  • Gill

    SHOWER! Full blast all spurters spurting!!!! Battle to shampoo and wash with full force hurricane taking place in the bath tub and beating the shower curtains!!

    Like to feel I've been through the washing machine and come out gasping for air!!!!

    Never could do anything the easy way!!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    shower, I prefer not to soak in my own sludge

  • Honesty

    Shower... Hot

    I don't put my head in the same place I put my butt.

    Been there done that with the Watchtower Society

    It's really stinkyfied and not a bit happified.

    June 1, 1954 Wacktower rag

    Page 399 paragraph 12

    This lack of accurate knowledge constituted a real trial of their faith, but those who endured under that test were greatly blessed, happified.

  • Quentin

    Seems showers rule...forgot to mention we have a shower I sit while showering...ah, hot and steamy...

  • eclipse

    A shower at night is sometimes necessary before and/or after a certain physical activity.

  • mrsjones5

    I take showers not because I would rather but because it's faster and I don't have to worry about my youngest coming in and trying to play in my bath water. A bath is a rare treat and something I do when the kids are otherwise occupied.


  • ex-nj-jw

    Shower at night usually right after work (gotta get the germs off me and I can't get into bed without a shower) then a shower in the morning (gotta do this just to get my butt in gear). I do like a nice relaxing bath with a glass of wine and candles occassionally.

    I know, I know sounds like OCD and I know they make medicine for that now. I've been told I should get some


  • Bobbi

    Bath to relax and read. I love the water as hot as I can stand and it server to keep the kids out.
    Plus in the bath I can avoid getting my hair wet.

    I shower to wash, I hate sitting in water I have just washed my hair in.

    I like showering cause you can share your shower with someone else and make sure you get very clean.


  • momzcrazy

    Showers. We just built a house and put in a HUGE shower, with 3 different shower heads. But I hate cleaning all the glass around it. I also have a jetted tub but my 2 yr old has taken over control of it.


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