Do you find the Jan 15-08 WT disturbing?

by cultswatter 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dansk

    WELCOME Inactive?

    the elders will not let me have ANY publications,

    Aren't you the lucky one! Normally they'd get you to read more of their garbage to "help" persuade you to go back.

    Why do you need help? Post what your situation is on a new thread and I daresay you'll receive wonderful supporting advice here.

    Best wishes,


  • NotaNess

    I heard a witness telling another how it was much better at the new small KH they recently switched to. They were complaing that the last one was so big that you didnt know every one and that it was like a revolving door. The membership would change over and over, so you didnt know who was who, etc. So nice that they could complain about Jehobers arrangement.

  • oompa

    Cultswatter...I don't understand why others don't understand why you would read this. Your profile does not state how you left JW 23 years ago, but if you faded....why not go and comment on the WT as I wish all faders here would. Why not point out how WT is basically encouraging others and praising those who quit their jobs to pioneer? I think if we could get called on on all three examples or state them one after the other and say that after each experience...."notice again how the faithful slave endorses quiting your job...." How many here actually comment at meetings to try and make people think? I used to, and was told by friends that the conductor was really squirming and wincing a I guess it is noticed.........oompa

  • LongHairGal


    Not being active I have not seen it. I have not read anything of theirs in years - can't stomach it. I have seen magazines lying around in public and I have read a heading or two but that's it. When I was 'active', I sometimes had problems getting a copy of the KM. After a while, I didn't care whether I got it or not. I never equated my difficulty in getting a copy of this with being disapproved or shunned. But, who knows? Imagine being shunned and not being aware of it. Now, that's funny!


    I agree with your post that certain of them are heading right into dire straits financially. They don't realize they have committed financial suicide but they don't care. They have Jehovah's spirit (and maybe a few handouts on the side).

    In all seriousness, I don't want to be anywhere near these people when reality hits them.


  • Mary
    The WTS does not give a rat's ass if you quit your job and end up first in line at the food bank on wednesday

    No they don't. As long as you go Wednesday AFTER Field Service.

  • BizzyBee

    They want you to give up your education!

    They want you to give up your job!

    They want you, if necessary, to die for lack of blood!

    Good points, Gill.

    They also want you to give up your mother, father, spouse, children if necessary.

  • Finally-Free

    I can understand why some continue to read the publications if they have family in. It's part of 'knowing your enemy' and hopefully finding something that can be used to help your family eventually escape watchtower influence.

    I stopped reading most of the watchtower publications a few years after I joined the JWs because a lot of what I read angered me. What angered me the most was the "experiences" and "life stories" because they were bullshit. The real life JWs were nothing like the fictional characters found in these articles. The JWs I knew were the most gossiping, backbiting, slanderous, hateful people I ever knew. I lived a rough life before I was a JW, and even the most vicious criminal associates I had would never turn against a friend or loved one as quickly as a JW would. Within a few years I had decided that, even though I still believed in the doctrines, should I be unlucky enough to survive armageddon I would take my own life rather than live forever in a world filled by the JWs. I remained a JW only because I was married to one.

    I'm glad I no longer have any family in the JWs, so I don't feel the need to read most of their stuff. I don't think my blood pressure could handle it.


  • reneeisorym

    I'm glad someone reads it so they can share the crazy stuff they find in it! :)


    I find the Jan. 15, 2008 Watchtower very, very, very disturbing the moment I downloaded it and got throught the "Amy-wasnt-happy-because-she-chose-to-use the world to the full" article.

    I Do Have stomach to read everything the WTS puts out and now enjoy picking out the fallacies.

    A pile of crap that I personally know some JW's in my hall WILL FALL FOR when this issue comes out.

    ... and yes, the JWs that disregard this advice in the magazine are the ones who came in from the "world" with some inner strength left.

  • cultswatter

    Excellent replys

    I think it is the JWs that are on the broad road leading to destruction as they follow the WTS pied piper

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