Do you find the Jan 15-08 WT disturbing?

by cultswatter 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Don't you find the whole organization disturbing, why be selective ?

    This a Publishing house for one, this is it's business profile to it's core and always has been

    The GB members/ managers duty is to draw public interest and decisively control it's members with acts of coercion.

    When you take a broad scope of things you can see the WTS. has become a kingdom with the GB as it's rulers, ruling over it with a powerful hand

    Essentially they are sitting on a throne and they have all the intentions to stay on that throne, ruling with the power of god.

    The reality is folks power in the hands of old ignorant men is not a good thing and never will be, but isn't this what organized religion is all about anyways

    power and the ensuing corruption to maintain it .

    Lament on this for awhile it will do you some good.......take care

  • AuldSoul
    I didn't read any of the publications to begin with and wouldn't waste my time reading it just because a family member is in.

    R6 we have had this discussion before. You were NOT as invested in the religion as MANY here were. For instance, you didn't read the publications while in. For instance, you weren't RAISED in, with all the appertaining imposed indoctrination sessions during the formative years from age -6 months up to age 17. You weren't a multiple generation JW with the weighty expectations that brings (shame on the famliy name, and all that).

    It isn't the same, dude. You often express a lack of comprehension about why WE do things the way we do them, but your eyes are gouged out and your ears are stuffed with silicon in order to avoid comprehension.

    We have explained, you don't TRY to understand from anyone's standpoint but your own. You superimpose YOUR experience on others instead of absorbing and trying to grasp THEIR experience. Therefore, please read carefully the next statement: It is pointless and hurtful for you to keep hurling such stupid and ignorant remarks at people based on your conjectured assumption they should be able to react exactly as you have reacted.

  • steve2
    I have now read the Jan 15-08 about 3 times. Every time that I do, I get madder and madder.

    Umm, why would you keep doing something that negatively stirs you up? You have chosen to get the magazine, to open it up and to read it not once - a commendable feat in itself - but to read the article 3 times. You're not fragile. Begin to take responsibility for your purposeful choices to espose yourself to a loathsome message.

    BTW, despite breathless comments from others that the article is a new low, there ain't nothin' new in it. Who can forget the urgent, hard-hitting Watchtower study articles from the early to mid-70s that stressed the need for loyal witnesses to sell everything and devote their lives to the door-to-door ministry? Real head-ache inducing stuff from waaayyyyyy back. Try reading any of those long-winded, pompous articles 3 times!! You'll deserve a medal if you do choose to access these ancient editions, but you'll also need to start building up some personal responsibility for your choice if you do so. Hard but grounded fact of life.

  • moshe

    The GB dosen't have to go door to door and they assign talks and writing WT articles to others, nor do they have to work a secular job. They are not a good example for JW's, either.

  • VoidEater

    Hmm...this message doesn't seem any different to my ears - it's precisely the same message I've heard since a babe in my mom's arms. 47 years of "quit your job, get out and pioneer, it's the last days, 1975 is coming, 1977 is coming, the gap of time leading to Eve's creation is almost up, there aren't any new Annointed, the generation is almost died out, it's gonna happen Real Soon!

    I imagine they forgot to mention that the Other Sheep are in no way commanded (even from the JW point of view) to preach at all...

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    What if you just want to quit your job but not pioneer? Sometimes I feel like just staying home and sleeping in late!!!

  • Dorktacular

    There's always, always, ALWAYS the theme of "quit your job, sell your house, go pioneering..." but my question was always "and then what?" What does it get you? What happens afterward? Are you ever done? Who takes care of you after years of faithful service and you have no home or money to survive on in your old age? It is so stupid! It always pissed me off. I last went out if field service over 10 years ago. It was just as pointless then as it is now. In fact, it's probably even MORE pointless now! Who give a flying fornication about listening to religious nuts banging on your door on a Saturday morning? Don't the JWs get it? They are thought of as nothing more than a Saturday morning annoyance to the rest of the whole damn world? They are on the level of ants at a picnic or flies in your kitchen. Nobody views their "work" as important! People who spend their lives working for the watchtower bible and tract society are pissing their lives away to be recognized as nothing more than an annoyance and a joke for the whole world to laugh at. They contribute nothing. Useless. I couldn't live my life that way.

    Here's a clue to all witnesses...... Quit going to meetings, quit pioneering and get two jobs! That way you'll have lots of money to take care of yourself so I won't have to by paying taxes for your welfare and food stamps. And the extra money you have can be used to really help people in need! It's a win-win. Just stop banging on working people's doors on Saturday morning to disturb the one good morning of sleep a week that the average working person gets.

    Whew! Did I rant long enough? Did I mention that the Watchtower pisses me off? OK.... Good. :)

  • justhuman

    yes I do

  • R6Laser

    Auldsoul, I was raised in the Witness since I was 3 years old. My mother is still in it. I wasn't invested? I don't know how you know about me and how I was raised. You have no idea what your talking about. I was a ministerial servant, I was serving as the accounting person for our kingdom hall and even for some assemblies. I would give public talks in our congregation and I would visit other congregations to give the public talk. I just decided to one day get up and stop going, got tired of it. Nobody from my family stopped talking to me, noone of my old jw friends stopped talking to me. So that's the only difference from most here, almost everyone here has to deal with being shunned by family or friends I didn't. What I don't get on a lot of posts is the attitude that once you stop going everyone is against you. Most here are obssesed with the JWs even while they are out. For example this thread, I find it unbelievable that some still read the publications they despise so much. I am busy with work and studying that I just can't find time to read dumb publications. That's the same reason why I don't care about my family still in, they are in because they decided that's what they want to do. Why am I going to try and bend their wishes? My mother and family still in are perfectly happy with their choice, just like I'm happy with mine.

  • AuldSoul
    My mother and family still in are perfectly happy with their choice, just like I'm happy with mine.

    Maybe that's a key difference, R6. My family isn't perfectly happy with their choice. They are perfectly miserable, incredibly tired, extremely disappointed, and doggedly loyal to the organization.

    My wife isn't perfectly happy with her choice.

    Since that is the case and since I care about their happiness, I try to stay abreast of current changes in hopes of helping them break free: maybe they will see there is no reason for loyalty to that organization. Once they see that, they will leave.

    So that's the only difference from most here, almost everyone here has to deal with being shunned by family or friends I didn't.

    That's definitely a key difference. If you haven't lost anything, no wonder you don't seek to get anything back.


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