
by B_Deserter 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • emy the infidel
    emy the infidel
    why are you sorry?
    I thought I'd once again drawn your ire.

    Don't get snippy, I was agreeing with you.

  • hillary_step

    BA and Emy,

    What does being twenty-five have to do with anything?

    After all, your Jesus was not much older when he fed thousands of people with a breadcrust and a few old fish, got himself nailed to a lump of wood and then saved the world. ;)


  • Kudra

    Well. I don't know about you, BUT:

    I'd rather be a 25-year old who understands that all the converging evidence from the fields of genetics, biology, biogeography, ecology, archeology and paleontology point to a common ancestor and descent with modification as the simplest and most elegant explanation for the array of life on earth than to be a 45-year old who believes a collection of stories that a group of bronze age men put together based on superstition and ancient legends.

  • B_Deserter


    It's because he doesn't have a leg to stand on and he knows it. All he feels he needs to do is insult me because I'm young because his argument from authority (a logical fallacy that basically states "smart people believe/disbelieve it, so it must be right/wrong") comforts him. I'm pointing this out because creationists often like to move the goalpost when taking about evolution. They demand a scientific explanation that science can't explain (yet, or something they don't think science has already explained), and when they get the explanation, it isn't enough. The goalpost is moved, and now they demand another piece of evidence. Consider this thread an elaborate rant. I don't expect serious debate, although I welcome it. I just might learn something.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Bottom line is:

    Believe the "Fairy Tale" of your choosing.

    In time, all hidden things will be revealed.

    Science is god,


    Almighty God is God.

    BA- Betting with the latter.

    PS- Rant away.

  • hillary_step


    Bottom line is:

    Believe the "Fairy Tale" of your choosing.

    In time, all hidden things will be revealed.

    Science is god,


    Almighty God is God.

    That may be your bottom line, but that does not give your statement one iota of validity. In fact, it reads like a complete nonsense.

    Why not ask the twenty-five year old poster whose thread you disparaged to teach you at thing or two, he is obviously much better informed than you are.


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Dearest Hillary,

    Please remove your butt-plug, eat some colon blow, and return to your dungeon to let it out.



    PS- the next time you have a thought, realize that it probably isn't worth posting.


  • LtCmd.Lore

    What you fail to realize is that others who are much more mature, educated, intelligent and experienced (who have seen mudskippers way before their 25th year on this planet, lolz) don't believe in the fairy tale of evolution.

    Logical fallacy. Appeal to Anonymous Authority.

    A little number to make you feel better: 
    Who's the greatest mudskipper of them all? 
    Who can skip thru the mud with the greatest of ease?
    What kind of wonderful guy?
    Who can crawl like a dog without scraping his knees?
    Who's got seg-ment-ed eyes?
    It's Muddy Mud-Skipper!
    It's Muddy!
    It's the Muddy!
    Mm-ud Ski-pper show!!!

    Does this represent the mental condition of these unnamed "more mature, educated, intelligent and experienced" people?


    Science is god,


    Almighty God is God.

    Definition of God: 1: The supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe; the object of worship in monotheistic religions

    2: Any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force.

    3: A material effigy that is worshipped.

    4: Used to express surprise.

    To say that science is a god is similar to saying that traffic laws are cows... ?

    Science is a process, not a being.

    I don't expect you to respond in a logical manner, in fact I would be exremely surprised if you did. But at least use a dictionary if you're not certain about the definitions of difficult words, like "god" or "cat".

    Lore - W.W.S.D?

  • hillary_step


    Please remove your butt-plug, eat some colon blow, and return to your dungeon to let it out.

    Charming! I presume that your bi-weekly meeting with the psychotherapist did not go as planned. ;)

    PS- the next time you have a thought, realize that it probably isn't worth posting.

    lol....Perhaps this deranged, utter crap is more in line with your idea of something worth posting:

    Bottom line is:

    Believe the "Fairy Tale" of your choosing.

    In time, all hidden things will be revealed.

    Science is god,


    Almighty God is God.

    Almighty God, is God....yes.....ummmm....very insightful BA. I guess, in time all hidden things will be revealed....lol.

    What a plonker.


  • hillary_step


    It's because he doesn't have a leg to stand on and he knows it. All he feels he needs to do is insult me because I'm young because his argument from authority (a logical fallacy that basically states "smart people believe/disbelieve it, so it must be right/wrong") comforts him. I'm pointing this out because creationists often like to move the goalpost when taking about evolution. They demand a scientific explanation that science can't explain (yet, or something they don't think science has already explained), and when they get the explanation, it isn't enough. The goalpost is moved, and now they demand another piece of evidence. Consider this thread an elaborate rant. I don't expect serious debate, although I welcome it. I just might learn something.

    Yes, I understand. You are quite new to the Board but if you check these debates much water has passed under the bridge with many posters on this subject, including BA.

    You will discover that BA is a poster with mouth the size of Manhattan and a brain the size of a diminished goblin and when focused on scientific issues, this is an embarrassing combination, but then I guess that you have already realized this. Not bad for a twenty-five year old. ;)


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